I highly recommend this pack.

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by dragon87tamer, Jun 30, 2018.


Would you play this

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  1. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:50 PM
    I think Craft of the Titans: Craft to the future, would be an amazing addition to the mym packs.

    The game itself has many unique qualities. Tho admittedly, during my 10 mins of play, i did die quite a lot XD, the pack is a quest based pack. it has all sorts , tech, farming, decoration and alot more. Id check it out even to play in single player this is fun.

    here is part of the Overview of the mod.

    "You wake up from a deep slumber, only to find out you have been hibernating for countless years... decades... maybe more. You soon find out that your prior actions (the events of Craft Of The Titans) had devastating results. The world as you knew it has perished. All fruitful life is gone. Tyrion, a neutral Time Warden will guide you on journey back through multiple timelines to prevent the war between the Old Gods and the Dragonflight that lead to your prior adventures. You must go back in time, and then Craft To The Future.

    Annnnd, *end role play monologue*. Craft To the Future is a loose continuation of the concepts introduced in the previous Craft Of The Titans modpack of 1.10. The combat is still challenging. The dungeons, mob drops, and progression are all heavily modified to create a smooth progression. The quest book is deep and well thought out. Careful detail went into selecting mods that were fresh and yet still incorporated some familiar names. This pack will guide you through building spacecraft to explore the galaxy, build a fusion reactor to power your vast production, and even automating your resource collection through some pretty unconventional means. All of this presented in a user friendly and rewarding manner. While the original Craft Of The Titans was a piece of art in it's own right... Craft To The Future is better in nearly every way.

    The economy is now more immersive and rewarding... not just some runes you find and turn in. If you are looking for a highly customized and well thought out modpack that challenges you "Craft To The Future: COTT II" is for you. The combat will keep you on the edge of your seat, the quests will provide a story you actually want to know about, and the mod selection will keep you engaged for countless hours of gameplay."

    Now i played the pack for an hour. and i had tons of fun. And if this sounds good to you, Vote yes.
    I highly recommend this.
    Fireforce and Monkey_Banana1 like this.
  2. DiamondKnight19

    DiamondKnight19 Well-Known Member

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    9:50 AM
    Might you share where you played? I'd be interested in checking it out, in an MMO environment.
  3. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    4:50 PM
    On twitch launcher single player XD
  4. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    5:50 PM
    I think I would play it. Could you please provide mod list for other players?
  5. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    4:50 PM
    sure goto this link to view them :D or u could just goto twitch launcher and check out the modlist.
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    12:50 PM
    Doesn't this have the progressive difficulty slider in it? If that's the case it's not going to really work as a multiplayer pack as it slides the difficulty for everyone not that individual player.
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  7. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    4:50 PM
    Hmm, i dont know what that is... XD
  8. Thurrunn

    Thurrunn Well-Known Member

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    5:50 PM
    Thats the scaling difficulty bar that might show up once in a while in game, mobs health/damage/resistances scale over time, so the game gets more difficult then :(
  9. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    4:50 PM
    i mean, isnt that the fun of a game anyway. even if its hard to begin with, i play it XD
  10. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    4:50 PM
    sounds interesting, the scaling difficulty is just dumb though as you could be standing doing base stuff and then its suddenly difficulty 100 and you cant do anything and i hope its not betterquesting because it sucks
  11. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    4:50 PM
    scaling would mean its a gradual thing
  12. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    i have used it before on crash landing 2 and it was awfal because i had a sharpness 10 diamond sword and it would take 2 solid minutes to kill a pigman
  13. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    9:50 AM
    This is a major kitchen sink pack... It looks like it has a lot of various mods added... The difficulty slider that any player could use to change the difficulty sounds very non-multiplayer... For a multi-player server to work with this pack, that mod would need to be disabled and or highly restricted, because otherwise those many drunk or immature players would keep messing with the server difficulty, just because they think it's funny or want to grief folks... Or perhaps players would find it, mess with it, and not even realize they are modifying it for all...

    Progressive difficulty specific to individual players based on progression sounds interesting, but not random and varying degrees of difficulty that may just drive folks away if they get unlucky out the gate over and over again...

    There are quite of few misc mods added that I'm not familiar with but look like they were just thrown into the pack for the purpose of humor more then for actual fun progression...

    I don't mind giving this pack a go, but it would need some serious tweaking and careful consideration as to what should be banned and not-banned for general usage... And as many large mods that are in it, how has the public responded as to it's stability in a multi-player environment? Any reports of mod conflicts that are either still in the works or still need testing?

    Just based off the mod list, it feels like someone just threw together a modpack with as many mods as they could, tweaked it a bunch, made a quest system, and are advertising it as well put together and thoroughly thought out... How much of that is true and how much is just hype by the pack creators?

    There is also a mod for an in-game economy, that sounds very multi-player... But is it an actual economy, or just a system for buying and selling with NPC's with no actual player to player eco nomy? And if it is player to player, would it interfere with the MyM shop/market system?

    I think this pack would need some multiplayer testing first, just to see how involved and viable it would be...

    Let me know if you need play testers...
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2018
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  14. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    4:50 PM
    well considering this is the 2nd one in the series, and ive not played the first one, i watched alot of youtube vids about both mod packs, they seem fun and interesting. i love playing the pack, the only downside to playing it in single player is that i dont have anyone to talk too. i find the concept and the story line very interesting, and i think it would take a while for me to complete it, even if i had god and fly at my disposal. I do recommend it to anyone, go try it on the twitch launcher. It really is a fun pack
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    12:50 PM
    The first one was a hot mess, it had a reverse difficulty curve, it started ridiculously hard and as you progressed the challenge vanished as the mobs became paper tigers.
  16. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    9:50 AM
    Well, lemme know if you set it up for multiplayer at all and I'll help you test it out... But I don't play Minecraft as single player, unless testing some build concept or seeing how something works real quick... Even then I don't do that very often... Reason I play Minecraft is for the multi-player interactions and teaming up... Same with any MMORPG I play... If I end up soloing for too long, I get bored and move on to something else...
    Anne_Marry likes this.
  17. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    Local Time:
    11:50 AM
    *sees 6 gig recomendation* welp curse you ram limitations lol
  18. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    6:50 PM
    What modpacks you play? I got only 8 ram
  19. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    5:50 PM
    Install Optifine, set everything to minimum and use good java arguments and you should be able to push it down to 3 GB. Make sure to keep Smooth FPS off otherwise your game will lag.
  20. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    6:50 PM
    why say u smooth fps of?

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