Hi, I noticed while progressing on continuum that the end game stuff requires a ton of opinium cores. Those opinium cores are made with elytras, that you can get just by putting in a crafting table 1 elytra and 1 dragon scale, so you'll end up with 2 elytras. To get those dragon scales you need to kill the ender dragon, every dragon drops 1 scale. So at this point I'm trying to think at a way to kill the dragon fast enough or just automate it. There's no way of killing it fast enough, as the strongest weapon is the red katar (24 dmg) and you need around 30-40 hits to kill a dragon. I tried automating it, it should be possible to damage it either with bees (not tested) or with the atomic reconstructor. The issue is that you have to place the block near the ender portal and when the dragon goes down to it, your block gets destroyed. So that's why I'm here, making a poll to ask if player's blocks should be protected from the ender dragon.
You should try out the Flux-Infused bow with a Multishot enchant combined with the Flux-Infused Quiver. This bow will kill the ender dragon in around 5-10 hits when you use it in the "empowered" mode.