Done The game can't be run

Discussion in 'Continuum' started by Kron0X, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. Kron0X

    Kron0X Active Member

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    Local Time:
    8:31 AM
    I have to precise I'm French, so excuse me for the mistakes.
    I recently installed Ubuntu (Linux) on my computer, I installed OpenJVK (it replaces Java) and I downloaded MyM's launcher. I login in, I downloaded Continuum and I launched the game. This is where I have a problem. I don't know why, but at the 3/7 step (of Forge loading), my computer begins to be slow and then the loading stops. The screen is "frozen" and it's difficult to move the mouse... Even after having waited 10mn, the loading is still stopped so I have to try to quit the launcher, which is impossible because of the lags: I end by switching off my computer thanks to the button.
    I hope my explications are clear enough, and I also hope you'll answer me soon! (I can't wait for playing!! ;-) )
    Thank you for reading and helping me :)
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    3:31 AM
    Did you ensure to assign enough RAM to the laucher?
  3. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    2:31 AM
    If it has creeperhost in it try deleting the creeperhost.jar file
  4. Kron0X

    Kron0X Active Member

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    8:31 AM
    I don't know how much RAM I have to assign to the launcher, but actually the minimum is 1024MB and the maximum is at 2048MB. I don't know what is "PermGen" but it's on 256 (I didn't touch the settings).
    I also installed the "original" Java (Oracle Java 8 Runtime), and I still can't run FTB Continuum. However I tried to launch Agrarian Skies 2 and it works: after a looong wait, I am on the "game interface", where I can go to Multiplayers. But that's where I have a problem (again): when I try to connect to the server (the Lobby to try not to load the mods blocks or items), the game becomes really slow and end by being frozen. I can't even quit the window or turn off the computer: I have to switch it off manually...
    In fact the real problem is that the game slows my computer... Altough I have a 3.3GHz processor, I have an included into the motherboard (I think) graphic card, AMD Rs780, but I think the processor can do the trick... Maybe I have to modify some settings to make working the CPU instead of the graphic card on Java? Also, the memory is only to 1,7Gio but I created a swap partition of 10Go.
    I hope I gave enough informations, and I hope you'll find solutions to my issue... I think I just have to configure some settings but I ignore what.
    Where is this .jar supposed to be?

    Bless you for your help! :)
  5. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    2:31 AM
    It should be in the mods file, right click the pack on the launcher and open the folder for the pack.
  6. Kron0X

    Kron0X Active Member

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    8:31 AM
    Well there's not this file in the mods folder :(
    Altough do you have some advices to make my game running faster?
  7. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    2:31 AM
    Dedicating some more ram will help alot, it seems java is allowed to use a max of 2 gb of ram so i suggest bumping it up to 4gb.
  8. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    8:31 AM
    A swap partition of 10GB doesn't really help if you only have 2GB of actual RAM. Swap can be used to store RAM data that is not used much, but modern minecraft requires at least 4GB of dedicated RAM, and your system can't provide that.
  9. Kron0X

    Kron0X Active Member

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    8:31 AM
    Yeah I know that swap isn't really helpful (it's part of the CPU so it's still slow...) but I only have 1,7Go of RAM :( I wanted to add some RAM modules but they're not compatibles and I can't really pay for new ones.
    In fact I'd like to have some advices of settings to perform my system.
    Thank you very much for answering by the way :)
  10. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    2:31 AM
    Have you tried to find used ram, may not be ideal but its usually cheaper.
  11. Kron0X

    Kron0X Active Member

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    8:31 AM
    "used RAM"? Do you mean RAM which have been used by someone? I didn't make search on it and it's a pretty old computer so... I only want to configure my system now, "virtually" and not manually, by adding RAM modules or whatever ;)
  12. ViesSPR

    ViesSPR Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:31 AM
    He meant this. [Shady virusy website with malware]
    On a serious note, he meant to go on some used computer apart website(local in your area, or something like ebay) and buy RAM, shouldnt be too expensive.

    Edit from staff: Removed the link just in case nobody downloads anything from it. We do not want anyone to recieve malicious software through our website.

    Edit from Viesuliss: When you press the download button it just plays Rick Astley - Never Gonna give you up, haha.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2018
    ContinuedAsh likes this.
  13. Kron0X

    Kron0X Active Member

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    8:31 AM
    I asked for anything which doesn't cost me anything ;)
  14. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    2:31 AM
    Unfortunately thats the only way you would be able to play.
  15. hihello0773

    hihello0773 Well-Known Member

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    3:31 AM
    Hey there,

    Since it has been determined that you need more RAM to play, there is nothing that we can do for you until you get more. If you still have problems whenever you get more ram, please let us know and we will do our best to help you.

    Best of luck.
  16. Kron0X

    Kron0X Active Member

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    8:31 AM
    Thank you all for your responses

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