Watch this guy everyone he joined my island then died of thirst 2 minutes after joining me. Reseting my island. I showed him where the food and water were. He chose not to drink I am under the impression he is trying to join people just to die and reset them.
Could you provide screenshots and a name please? + I suggest you don't invite strangers to your island
no i ont have screenshots an his name was Funnyclown with some numbers an unfortunately everyones a stranger to begin with
Not everyone is a stranger, if you get to know them first. - Because of the lack of proof, I don't know if there's anything that can be done @Administrator Maybe an Admin can solve the issue for you
O I idnt expect anything to be done was posting to warn others and there were numerous people on at the time that saw him do it . This wasnt intended as an I want my stuff back it was intended to keep some asshat from island jumping and resetting peoples islands maliciously
Thank you for the report, I'll leave this here for reference. We'll keep watch and if it becomes a serious concern then we will take action, however remember that anyone can cause you an island reset just from dying. So don't trust everyone with your island!