Done External Storage from Refined Storage

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 3' started by Docpo, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. Docpo

    Docpo Well-Known Member

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    7:48 PM

    Recently I found that a External Storage block from the mod Refined Storage seemed to cause a crash. I only know for certain as it was replaced by a chest with a warning by your crash handler. Prior to the crash, everything seemed fine, no issues for a little while but wasn't until I started a couple auto-crafts with fairly decent size.

    This block was connected to a Slave Controller from Storage Drawers for context, which holds all of my resources I have automated i.e. sifting loot, ores to ingots and some general block creation stuff like cobble, gravel, sand and dust.

    What would you guys advice to me to do? I sort of still want access to these resources via the refined storage to avoid having a million items in there.
  2. deathguardfrank

    deathguardfrank Well-Known Member

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    6:48 PM
    You might of just had an issue with a random event on the server that once so maybe just try to continue to use the refined storage, If the problem persists then you can be worried about it and possibly decide to make a ticket as well
  3. AngelicGod

    AngelicGod Well-Known Member

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    4:48 PM
    Hello TheDocpo,
    We have had multiple crashes or server lags due to auto-crafting a large amount of items, and with the implementation of the new nodes, the auto-crafting quantity that the server could withstand seems to be lower as well, for now we suggest that you and others to try to keep the auto-crafting quantity lower than what had caused the crash, and try not to loop cables.

    As you know the staff are very busy and the Skyfactory3 servers are experimental, we will be working on improving the servers to handle more stress in the future, so please me patient while we handle this. Thank You

    Note to staff: Assisted by AttendantWillow
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    On a side note I woudln't recommend using the external storage block from refined storage as it occasionally has a bad interaction with forge causing the loss of items.
  5. Docpo

    Docpo Well-Known Member

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    7:48 PM
    Thanks for the info, I mostly want to use drawers for overflow protection and a loss of items from them does not concern me too much. When I'm online they are running nonstop generating new resources. I'll give it another go and see if it happens consistently when I'm online next. If it does happen a lot I'll try to get some sort of reproduction steps for you to maybe help pin point a issue if there is one.
    [doublepost=1531796484,1531766100][/doublepost]Just crashed server twice in a row, caused by my auto craft of 2 speed upgrades for refined storage machines, seemed to be able to handle one at a time. Not sure if I want to try to crash the server a third time at this current moment. For now I will not use the external storage until I can think up of something else.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  6. AngelicGod

    AngelicGod Well-Known Member

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    4:48 PM
    Thank you for your concern, for now if haven’t already done so, create a ticket so we could bump it up to our respective higher ups for them to take a look at it. We appreciate it.
  7. Docpo

    Docpo Well-Known Member

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    7:48 PM
    Unfortunately I appear to be having difficulty doing so, says after using the /ticket create command I get a message error stating that I require a pre-login which I do not see what I should do.

    Attached Files:

  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    12:48 AM
    Your name is outdated which most likely causes this error. You can update it by clicking this:

    You don't need to create a ticket for this, this thread is fine.

    If more players cause this issue we can try to disable the interaction between storage drawers and refined storage to prevent this issue.
    Docpo likes this.

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