Story Time

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by chaseB2, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, i sorta wanted multiple people to contribute to the story, annnd then i got carried away
    [doublepost=1529706892][/doublepost]also, yeah unlike my other stories it sorta had an ending stead of a cliffhanger
    [doublepost=1529757768,1529706640][/doublepost]I don't know if you can tell, but i like birds :p
  2. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Neat concept
    Punane and SanndyTheManndy like this.
  3. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    No..its not obvious, the birds part... :D

    great ending to a great beginning :D

    well.. of course we want to hear more about this :D please contue <3
  4. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    I apologize for not having another story to post here. I've been going through some things and have also been crazy busy with everything. I'm hopping to have one or two stories done by near the end of the week, fingers crossed.
  5. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    I'm still tired from all the typing i did on the other story :p
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  6. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    can't wait. and dont worry chase.. you dont owe us stories.. you share them pieces of you with us..
    take your time, and post when ready and when you have the time for it :* >:D<
    hope the things are done, and you feel better now .
    that was a lot of typing indeed. but was a great result.
    also... dont mind me.. im a sugar addict and a stories adict :D
    Fireforce and chaseB2 like this.
  7. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Take another one of these stories (Interesting fact most of the stories i haven't posted yet were written in the middle of English where we were given a picture or scene or to write about describing something)(Note sorry for bad grammar and punctuation)
    [03] The Golden Feather
    The time was twilight, the hill i trudged up was slightly damp and wet from the rain beforehand. As i saw from my dream a singular golden feather stood atop the peak of the hill.
    The feather itself was mysteriously dry. I gasped and thought to myself, "This cannot be true, this cannot be real." As i slowly edged to the shimmering, golden feather, the wind stood still, everything was silent, as if something was waiting. All i could hear was the distant chirping of crickets in the grass. The closer i got to the feather the more i could hear the faint hum of it. I picked up the feather, it felt that even life had stood still itself. Following my dream, I lifted my arms, and as if to my command every bird in the area lifted it's wings and took flight. I could see it now, this feather was the source of a great ancient avian power.
    Little did i know, that this would change my life forever.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2018
    SanndyTheManndy and Anne_Marry like this.
  8. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    At long last, after an extremely long delay, I've got new story for you guys. I'm going to preface this for you though so it makes a little more sense. All of the stories I've written, will write for the time being, all take place in the same universe. However, the timeline of the stories are broken up and out of place. The more that come out, the more everything will make sense as the pieces fall into place. At any rate, here y'all go. (sorry for it being so long, wanted to make up for lost time).

    The wood floor creaked as he stepped through the threshold into the building. The still atmosphere enveloped him. The glass door slowly shut behind him with a soft metal clang. He slowly walked down the stairs to the ground floor. He was in no rush to get anywhere, where was there to go. The doors down the corridor were all left open. A rusted cart, full of cleaning supplies, sat along the wall, untouched for many years.

    He strode along the hallway, stopping to investigate each room. Some of the rooms were empty, while others had furniture strun about as if someone had thrown them in a fit of rage, or perhaps something else. He walked into a large room that had been converted into a kitchen and dining area for a reasonably sized group. New equipment had been left, untouched and unused. It was as if someone started to unpack and then forgot what they were doing and left it. His sad eyes wandered the room, a sewing area was located at the rear. Clothes lay in piles, some half sewn others waiting to be worked on.

    He departed and found the entrance to the basement. He flipped the lights on and proceeded down the old wooden steps. A painting lined the walls of the basement. Children running with sticks around the walls, leaving a painted trail behind them. Other children, playing various sports. Old terminals dotted the room. They had long since cerroted beyond repair. He found some desks along a wall, presumably where the adults caring for the children here used to work. Old pictures of children covered the desks. Were these the faces of those who once called this place home? He moved about the room, finding cut out pieces of newspaper articles and pictures pinned to the wall. He read one of the articles with a faded picture of what appeared to be a vegetable basket.

    On this day, January 7, of the year 1959, the Council has deemed the -----. At this time, there is no word on what can be done under these extreme circumstances. The Council has reassured us that there will be no -----. The Council had this to say, “Do to the nature of these attacks, and the extensive amount of years they have been continuing, we have begun plans to put an end to this plague once and for all. Zero human casualties are to be expected as a result of this.” ------

    Another article was pinned next to the first. It had been worn and stained from years of neglect, but some of the text remained intact.

    On this day, April 16, of the year 1959, the Council has concluded the testing phase and is prepared to ----- in the coming weeks. The Council made a few statements for the people, “We thank you for your patience during this dire time, and understand the struggles you have all been going through. We hope that with the success of this counter agent, you will all be able to return to your homes again and no longer remain in -----. We ask that you continue to remain patient and calm until this is over. With any luck, this will all be over in a few short weeks and we can all go back to our normal lives again.” The Council has made it clear that they are confident this solution will work and have assured us there is a zero percent risk of failure. ----

    A final article was pinned beside the rest.

    On this day, April 28, of the year 1959, the Council is prepared to launch -----. Despite some opposition that this may not work, or could catastrophically fail, has not deterred their efforts. In just a few days, the ----- will take place. Where will we be at the end of all this I wonder. Will we finally be free of this ----- menace that has been terrorizing us for centuries? How will this affect the future? We will find out in two days time, at exactly 8:00.

    He turned and looked back at the pictures on the desks. Did they ever grow up and smell the fresh air outside. Faces of long dead and forgotten people. A moment in time, captured for the rest of eternity. He stepped into a connecting room. A large mural was painted on the wall, green grass, a blue sky, with a sun hanging above. The youngest children must have once called this their home. An old door sit at the back of the room, rusted over the many years. He ran his finger along the bubbled paint, before walking away.

    He left the basement and walked out into an open junction between sections of the building. Everywhere was boarded up and locked tight with warnings all over the doors. A small room leading to a staircase down to a secluded area, sat at the center of the junction. He made his way to the steps and flipped on the light. The eerie hum of the bulbs filled the air. He stepped down the stairs and along a narrow passageway into a dark room. He activated his torch and stepped in. His bootsteps echoed through the room while the soft hum of the distant bulbs remained a constant reminder. Far off, in other parts of the building, pipes occasionally clanged quietly. He made his way to the rear of the room to find an old storage room that had since been converted into a large shower capable of holding at least four people at time. A makeshift light cover, made from an old glass jar, had been placed over the dead bulb to keep it from getting wet. The lines had all dried out, water had not run through them in many years. He left the shower and made his way back to the passageway. The light from his torch caught something, he turned to find a clock hanging on the wall. It had stopped functioning some time ago, stuck at 9:05. He gazed at the clock as if waiting for it to miraculously start working again. It did not. He walk back to the passageway and up the stairs. He deactivated his torch, looked back down the stairs into the darkness for a minute before walking away.

    He left the building and into the open. He made his way down the path to another side of the building where an entrance to a large cavernous room was. He stepped inside and let the door shut slowly behind him, echoing throughout the room. Folding chairs dotted the room, random belongings lay on the ground beside chairs and about the room. He made his way across to the other side and through another set of doors. He found himself in a short hallway with a door at the end. Shoving some equipment aside, he cracked the solid metal door open to find an open outside area in the middle of the building. What was once a sprawling paradise where trees and plants once grew. Now, just an abandoned and empty lot with a crumbling foundation. He walked around looking up at the tall building that surrounded him. Air vents lined the walls that once provided air circulation for the residents inside.

    He walked back inside and let the door shut behind him. He made his way back outside and back to where he had first entered the building. He pulled keys out of his pocket and locked the door before walking away. He walked away, leaving the building, and all the souls who perished in it to rest once more. There was nothing left for him here, in this now dead land. There was nothing but the mistakes of the past….

    Also, I came up with the brilliant idea of putting the stories in spoilers so that their isn't so much outright to work with. We don't have to do it this way if we don't want to but, if you're interested in doing that, feel free to.:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2018
  9. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    The spoiler idea is great for long stories as you don't have to scroll through ones you have already read
    chaseB2, Punane and FuzzyHarpyBug like this.
  10. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    i kinda like the mismatch timeline for some stories... its making you think, imagine, try to understand <3
    Punane and chaseB2 like this.
  11. Punane

    Punane Well-Known Member

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    I went ahead and edited all stories so now they are all inside the spoilers. I also named them all to make it easier to find the right one you want to read. :)
    chaseB2 likes this.
  12. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Iam good at story makeing but putting it all on papirer or this thread i simply can't iam bad at wroteing and such buuut i soooooo wana make stories i have millions of ideas some warhammer 40k some starwars some siefi others fantasy this is the best thread on the internet
  13. Punane

    Punane Well-Known Member

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    I am glad you like this thread. Have you tried looking for someone to proof read your stories for you? I am sure they could help to guide you in the right direction when you do write something.
    I messed up. Badly. Oh, why did I have to believe her? I really brought this on to myself. She was so sweet-tempered and kind when she told me I could leave that night. That she will be able to handle it. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Just a small mishap, clearly a misunderstanding. I swat away a fly that circles around my bagel.

    There is no one else here anymore to help me; this anguish will probably not fade for a long time. My head aches so I take a big gulp of water and immediately choke on it as my throat refuses the delightfully cool and fizzy beverage. This makes my eyes water as I cough and gasp for air.

    The other few people who could assist me left hours ago, leaving me no way to contact them. I cannot wait five more hours for this! This is urgent and it should have been solved last night. I cough again after taking a smaller sip, feeling it go down painfully slow.

    Goosebumps cover my whole body as I suddenly remember Him. He can help me; it would only take him a few minutes the most, especially since he can… Yes, I should contact him. We need this fixed now and, at the moment, he is the only one who could. My worry is now replaced with my mind throwing hundreds, if not thousands, of mental images at my, each worse than the previous.

    I do not know him, never even met him, nor have I seen him. I doubt he even knows about me working here. However, I know about him and that is enough. It might not seem like it, but I am a good listener and can put one and one together.

    He is a ten meter tall giant with his large hands often placed on his hips. He towers over you, leaning a bit forward to actually see you, and there is always sun shining behind his head so you never see what he actually looks like. You might not see his face but you know that he wears a big disapproving glare as he looks down upon you.

    I swallow painfully, brushing a stray tear away and shut my eyes closed. Breath in, breath out. In, and out…

    I do not want any trouble, just to solve this teeny-tiny small issue. Perhaps I should wait for others to return instead. I push that thought away and write a few short sentences asking for his help. I make sure to add as many pleasantries as possible, including “if it is convenient for you”, “please” and “thank you”.

    Half an hour later, I have still not sent a message to him. I glare at the screen, willing the others to return. I know they will not but I need the miracle! My hands feel cold and clammy despite the heat wave, and my breaths come out in short gasps. You can do it, I encourage myself, what is the worst that can happen? From the screen’s reflection I can see my weary grin. Nothing can help me now. I press the send button.

    Ten minutes have gone by and I am now hiding under a blanket I found. Someone must have left it at work after a night shift. My full-body trembling is only getting worse as my eyes dart everywhere across the room, waiting for him to come and deal with the issue, that being me.

    The ground shakes slightly with each step he takes. I would not normally notice this but hiding under the desk with an ear pressed flat to the ground felt like a good position to be in while I wait for my boss. The door opens and closes, creaking ominously. I let out a whimper and slap my hand over my mouth. Oh no, he heard me. His massive feet stop at my desk and I scream in pure horror as my desk starts to rise.

    * * *​

    I am floating, it feels so right. With a sigh, I cuddle closer to the soft heating pad. My head is still spinning but it is fading away quickly. My bed rocks more than usual so I open my eyes to see what is wrong.

    Sun shines so brightly that I am temporarily blinded, but I remember everything now. He came to my desk and is now placing me down just outside the work place. Did he carry me here so I could recover faster thanks to the fresh air? My legs cannot carry my weight so I fall down on the dry grass.

    The rumours were right about him after all. I try to speak but he shakes his head disapprovingly, making my eyes water and my fingers intertwine with the grass. The song birds fade into the distance, the blood pumping through my veins is the only thing I can hear now.

    Then he slowly raises his hand and brings it above me, almost as if he is going to crush me as an annoying insect. I bow my head and tense my body. No, he only pats my head gently and chuckles. "There, there, there, little writer, you are doing well. It is all done now."

    He then picks me up again, holds me in his large hand and inspects me a bit, and then he puts me down in a sandbox full of the softest sand I have ever seen. After that, he just leaves me there to play, away from all the sharp writing tools.

    I watch him walk away with a dumb expression on my face. Once I no longer see him I burst into a hysterical laughter which lasts for far longer than I would like to admit. I need a raise.
    brandonlk likes this.
  14. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    did i max out the spoiler thingy, Whoops lol But thanks for editing everyones stories into one, i myself am not sure how to make spoiler tags
    [doublepost=1531066768,1531066267][/doublepost]Here have another one of my archives stories, another one written during English class, quite a bit less time on this one as i only had about half an hour so it's not quite perfected, as always love the feedback from you guys. This is the best thread :D
    It was a dark, damp evening, the sun had just passed over the horizon giving way to the inky blackness of night. The smell of petrichor was
    filling the air as the rain, which had been there all day, drifted away towards the lingering remains of the sunset that had just passed.
    The children that had been waiting all day inside their houses for the rain to stop could now finally come out to play. Even though there was
    only a few hours till their bedtime they started to play games, as soon as the all managed to get to the central field in the middle of all of
    their houses they all decided to play their favourite game “Stick Tossers”. In this game all you had to do was find a rather big stick and see
    how far across the field you can toss it you were awarded bonus points if you could manage to hit the tree on the far side of the field, but this
    had hardly ever happened.
    One by one the children tossed their sticks as far as possible until the last child stepped up to the plate. This child did not usually partake in
    the pleasantries of this game as he usually just sat on a log watching the game. The other children were stunned as the mysterious kid stepped up to the throwing line with his cloak that he always wore with a hood that mostly obscured his face so that no one could see it.
    The mysterious kid then bent down to pick up a stick, the other children still stunned by the fact that he actually wanted to play for once, he toyed with it in his hand for a bit seemingly inspecting it. And with one almighty throw the child threw the stick directly into the tree on the other side of the field, the other children cheered, and under the hood of his cloak you could see a faint smile on his face.

    All of the children’s cheers and smiles faded when they suddenly heard a booming “Caw” came from the tree, a singular massive what seemed to be a gigantic crow took flight from the tree on the other side of the field its glistening eyes homing on the children ready to seal their fate, its talons were poised ready to snatch up its pray beneath him. The feathers on the giant raven were huge pitch black feathers, almost blending into the evening’s sky above if not for the lingering remains of the sunset, the children could see that the feathers almost appeared shiny in the evenings’s sky as the first rays of moonlight struck off them. The children started to run for their houses except for the cloaked child that was nowhere to be found, as the raven gracefully dived towards one of the children a gust of wind struck it and the raven missed its target.

    Even though the raven missed the child laid on the floor unconscious, one of the children decided to try to help the downed child but just before she could get their the raven had already circled back around for another attempt at catching its prey. As it started to dive, the girl decided she only had one choice, she picked up the closest stick she could find and chucked it towards the raven, the raven not expecting the wooden projectile had no time to dodge and got struck on the left wing and started to plummet towards the ground, the raven hit the ground with an almighty “thud”.
    However, what she did not see was that she was hit by the raven’s sharp talons. The children that were running in panic stopped and ran over to help the wounded girl. The girl was now led on the floor. The gigantic raven next to her as started to disperse with a small glow
    and all that was left was a giant tail feather the size of an arm.

    The wounded girl was in a bad way, she had a cut all the way up her left arm from where the raven managed to cut him. The hooded child ran back over and asked the other children to make way, he knelt down beside the wounded child and took off his hood.
    The other children gasped and now understood why he never took it off, his head instead of where his hair should be, there was a head full of feathers, on his face was a sharp yellow beak, and his eyes were a deep blue.
    He held the wounded child’s arm in his hand and whispered some mysterious ancient words that nobody else could hear or understand, and with a bright glow the girls arm was mysteriously healed and the cloaked boy stood up pulled his hood back over his feathered head and spoke 6 words “do not tell anyone of this”. The children nodded in agreement, and as the hooded boy walked off in the distance the other children wondered how the cloak managed to hide his bright yellow beak, but they decided it is best to leave some questions unanswered.

    The first of my stories were written in notepad, so formatting and spelling will be off a bit, i try to do as much as i can with the mym text tool
    Punane and chaseB2 like this.
  15. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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  16. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Would there be any interest in a truthful telling of my recent journey in complete wilderness? If so please let me know and I’ll start working on it.
    For anyone wondering what classifys as complete wilderness, I personally mean Quetico/Boundary waters found here.
    The potential story would cover a group of nine’s journey of nearly 150 miles via foot and canoe. Let me know if there is interest, or PM me if you just wanna hear about the experience.
  17. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Any story is a good story :D Keep this thread alive and diverse, and hopefully we will manage to get loads more like minded people posting stories here!
    chaseB2 and Punane like this.
  18. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    Hot off the press, part four of my epic tale.

    This story is purely a work of fiction and as such, the characters involved, while loosely based off their actual counterparts, are in no way meant to represent them in actuality.


    In the decades following the Year of the Doggo and the formation of the Doggo Council, the world prospered. The doggo family was stronger and prouder than ever before. It was all too good. Demons still lurked in the shadows. The actions of the Eldest doggo and his faithful companions still ripple through the land. The real war still loomed in the distance, growing ever closer by the day. It was only a matter of time now. Time that was growing shorter.


    The carriage creaked and bounced along the cobblestone road. He looked out the window at the rolling hills and cottages thinking to himself. What would you do if you were here Elder Willow, what would you do. Just then the carriage driver spoke up. “Mr. Gamin, sir. We’re nearing the city. I thought you’d like to know.” Amped leaned out the window to see the great castle towers imposing over the capital. His mind drifted back deep into the past...

    Young Amped. How long has it been now. Four years? You have learned well over the time. You’ve made the doggo family proud. If only Master Kaymax were here to see you now. Alas, when I lost my way all those years ago, it left scars. But here you are now. Returned from the great lands beyond with news I hear? Come let’s speak inside. The memory faded and he found himself entering the walls of the capital.

    It was midday and the streets were bustling. They approached the large stone walls of the castle. Doggo insignia hung along the face of the wall. The carriage slowed to a halt and Amped stepped out onto the street. He tipped paid the driver, thanked him for the trip and tipped his hat to him before walking away. The carriage rode away behind him as he stared up at the large wooden doors. He rang the bell beside the doors and waited. The castle attendant came to the door, “Good day sir, you must be Mr. Gamin.”

    Amped noded, “That’d be me. May I come in?”

    The attendant fully opened the door to allow Amped through, “They’ve been expecting you sir Gamin, right this way, sir.” The attendant led Amped across the courtyard and to the castle. He opened the door and motioned for Amped to step inside. The door slammed shut behind them The attendant reached out to Amped, “May I take your coat and hat sir?”

    Amped turned as he took off his hat, handing it to the attendant, “Much obliged.” He then took off his coat and drooped it over the attendants arms. “Now, where may I find the council, it’s been some years since I’ve been here.”

    The attendant directed him to the council chambers. He entered the room to find the council of doggos sitting at a large semi circular table. The head of the council stood, “Mr Amped Gamin I presume. We’ve been expecting your return with great interest. Please, have a seat.” The elder doggo outstretched his arm open handedly to point at a lone chair at the middle of the room.

    Amped and the doggo took their seats. The doggo cleared his throat, “Now then, Mr Gamin, what have you brought for us today?”

    Amped looked around at the council, “Sir, I’ll be blunt, The Eldest Doggo has passed on.” Murmur rose around the room, “The plague took him. Yes, I’m going to bring that to the table.” The murmur grew louder.

    One of the council members blurted out at Amped, “Blasphemy! The plague was wiped out during the time of Eldest Doggo Kaymax! You’re lying!”

    The head of the council piped up, “That will be enough from you master. Let the boy speak.” He gestured to Amped to continue.

    “The doggo family was sworn to secrecy until the death of Eldest Willow. It was his final wish that the truth come out.” He stood from his chair, “My fellow doggos, the plague was never extinguished. My predecessors failed in their attempts to snuff it out. This force was far stronger than we could have imagined. We settled on a truce treaty one hundred years ago. It has stayed strong until now. Eldest Willow was assassinated.”

    The council erupted in voices. Council members rose to their feet shouting inaudibly at one another. The head of the council called for them to stop to no avail. Then he slammed the table with his iron fist, “Council members! That is quite enough! Sit down!” The room grew silent as the members slowly took their seats again. “Now, if you are all finished acting like a bunch of puppers, I don’t believe Amped was quite finished.” He sat back down, “You may continue Mr Gamin.”

    “Thank you Elder. My friends, we must being an initiative to put a stop to this plague. It’ll take a few hundred years at least. That is why we must act now. The future of this world is at stake. Doggo kind for that matter, is in grave danger. Willlow, rest his soul, began plans for the initiative but they came for him, silent in the night.” He unveiled a small glass jar from his pocket. He shook the bottle about in front of the members. “These corn kernels were all that were left behind!” He stashed the jar back inside his pocket. “You see gentledogs, they returned. After one hundred years of silence, they return. I’ve come to take the throne and instate this initiative. This must be kept with the utmost confidentiality. Any one who lets any information out of this room will be charged with high treason against the doggo family.” He sat back down.

    The council head sat silent as the other members conversed amongst themselves. He remained silent for a long time before rising from his seat. This council is dismissed. I suggest you heed Mr Gamin’s words wisely. We will reconvene tomorrow.” The council left the room, leaving only the council head and Amped. “Mr Gamin, do you understand the consequences of what you’ve just done. Do you comprehend what you’ve started here today? You just walked in to this meeting and already you’ve started a war. A war that we cannot hope to fight! I know Eldest Willow was important and meant a lot to you.” He sighed, “Gamin, you have to see the bigger picture here. As far as the world out there will be concerned, Eldest Willow passed on from age, not from this, this plague. You will need to accept that. I don’t care what Eldest Willow may have told you. He was an old doggo who was delusional. Don’t let him cloud your judgement.”

    Amped looked at the council member, “You have your interests at stake, and so do I. This goes beyond you, me, this council. This is a mistake we made over one hundred years ago. One Eldest Willow wanted to fix. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to let this go. You and your council can do what they wish, the doggo family is still in power and we will right the wrongs of the past.” He removed the jar from his pocket once more and tossed it at the council head. “Don’t forget what we once stood for.” He turned and walked out of the room leaving the council head alone.

    He looked down at the jar in his hand and smiled, “You were always like your master, Amped. You never knew when to stop, always skirting the line between right and wrong in an effort to better this world. Except you always took it just a little too far.” He laughed, “Oh, where will we end up two hundred years from now I wonder. Will we finally eradicate this menace, or will it eradicate us.” He shook the thought away and walked out of the room.

    The grand plot thickens more, what could this plague be? What has haunted the doggo's for all these years? What other secrets remain untold? The mystery continues to unravel and raise yet more questions. Only four more stories remain in this tale. How will the end come to pass, what will become of our beloved doggo family? Stay tuned and we'll see.
  19. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    9:22 PM
    Nice :D I cant help but imagine the doggos as dogs :p
    [doublepost=1531561236,1531518475][/doublepost]You know what, here i go :p
    most of my stories (if not all) are linked somehow in an overarching story-line whether future, past or whatever. Be advised the number on the title is not the "cannon" order that is merely the order i wrote them in.
    I decided this because i thought it would be cool, plus all of my stories have similar characters (Except [02] But since thats not finished yet so you dont need to worry about that)
    Once again, i love this forum post for me being able to share these random stories i have written :D Have a nice day you peeps :D
    Punane and chaseB2 like this.
  20. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    do tell tell :D :D

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