Decided Against pixelmon reforged ?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by sp33draft, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. sp33draft

    sp33draft Member

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    9:05 PM
    i remember when there was pixelmon server and then there was all the servers close but there is the pixelmon reforged. is it possible to add pixelmon reforged server
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
  2. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    adding another pixelmon server might cause more issues with the people who took it down in the first place (nintendo)
  3. sp33draft

    sp33draft Member

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    9:05 PM
    that why i said "is it possible to add pixelmon reforged server"
  4. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    The MYM Pixelmon servers were shut down in advance of the Nintendo issues, mostly do to a lack of interest from the community. Any server that routinely fails to maintain a high enough player base comes under consideration for being shut down.
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Pixelmon servers suffer from to consistent issues. Nintendo hates them, which isn't a surprise. Secondly the interest in a pixelmon server wanes rather quickly. The last version we launched was popular as it was likely tied to the explosion of Pokemon go. A few months later it was a ghost town. Thirdly there is the issue with the packs themselves, they require almost dedicated staff to play and understand who they packs work. Pokemon packs have such unique features and methods that until you've sat with the pack it makes it difficult to moderate.
  6. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    It doesn't help that pixelmon tends to be a part of very lightweight, vanilla+ packs, if indeed it isn't just run alone. I've personally never seen a vanilla-style server run here for more than a few months, I assume mainly because of the largely modded playerbase here.
  7. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    Indeed. Ive played on some pixelmon servers for a while now since its a easy focus pack that I can play at work without worrying about distractions and the like. From what ive seen Pixelmon servers are pretty popular and runs pretty good, they have made ALLOT of advancements since the last time MYM ran it. But what I have not seen much of (and by much ive found 2) is more heavy modded pixelmon servers. I am not talking like all out with mekanism, reactorcraft ect. But with more building mods like chisel, chisel & bits, decocraft ect. Could also add mods like iron chests, backpacks and maybe even tinkers. If MYM were to make their own server like that it could attract more mature players of pixelmon who enjoys the concept but wants a little extra from the mod. Ofc, releasing it vanilla style with no modifications are gonna fail as we cant rlly compete with the major specialized servers out there.
    As far as another possible advantage of such a server goes, is donations. Ill be honnest, I havent stayed on top of MYMs current status on this, but a common thing to do on pixelmon is to have loot crates for random legendaries and/or shinies, where keys to open them can be sold in donation store, and since legends and shinies are 100% obtainable in game then afaik it does not go against Mojangs EULA to impliment it, thus if server is successful generates a extra source of donations.

    This is just my opinion on the matter, think it would be interesting to see tho especially as I remember back when we last had pixelmon here people were requesting exactly this type of modpack rather then pure vanilla style.
  8. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    Pixelmon takes a long time to implement, maintain, and struggles to attract new players. When we built the pixelmon server a couple years ago(The 1.7 server) we spent nearly a week building gyms, spawn, and other necessities to make it seem interesting. The staff responsible for maintaining it fell away from mym, pixelmon, or just were no longer staff. This left the server in an unplayable state. Things like gyms that relied on NPC trainers to function no longer worked, and the safari zone teleporter stop working entirely. Funny enough, you could fly to the zone from spawn pretty quickly, and avoid paying the 500 myms to go. My third point, attracting new players, is especially difficult when Pokemon isn't as popular as it used to be. You'll have trouble finding any kids playing the game, and even adults are falling out of it. It doesn't help Minecraft is also losing ground from kids to games like Fortnite.

    One of my biggest regrets from the 1.7 server is asking for a 1.10 server. This killed pokemon for me. The large mansion me and my buddies lived in, completing the pokedex. my team of pokemon went *poof*. Idk if any of you ever had your cart die on you, but this was a similar feeling, Ground zero. A month worth of progress(actual time amount) gone to the wind. This really killed it for me.

    Pixelmon is dead for a reason. It just wasn't fun. There was no automation, the fastest way to get pokeballs was to just buy em from the shop, and the waning player base meant that there was no community. I see no need of a server that will die in the time it takes to set it up. All in all, just not worth it.
    Shizucc and ContinuedAsh like this.
  9. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    I wouldnt say its dead. The original pixelmon was killed by a C&D, but in its place 2 new versions, Reforged and Generations have sprung up, and they have quite allot of players and several big servers. Complex, a large pixelmon network (but not the largest) have had over 400 players on at the same time and run 4 reforged and 1 generation servers.
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    The issue we always had with pixelmon was that we had no one in the admin team which either knew enough about pokemon or had enough interest in pixelmon. Which did lead to a unfinished or abandoned server.
  11. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    The last Pixelmon server did have Staff that were knowledgeable and had interest, just look at the custom Gyms and Spawn that were built by a team of Staffers. It was interference from higher up, and eventually the low playerbase that signed it's death warrant.
  12. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    1:05 PM
    At this moment, This isn't going to become a thing. Sorry.
    ZzConradzZ likes this.

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