Done Abyssalcraft for progression

Discussion in 'SevTech: Ages' started by Manowarra, Aug 2, 2018.

  1. Manowarra

    Manowarra Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:11 AM
    I joined this relative new server recently, and noticed some rather "overly" annoying aspects with the mod Abyssalcraft, that is hard to avoid since it's a part of the progression.

    1. Darklands, hard to find since the compass doesn't work in farmland. Once found there simply isn't enough creatures to gain the resources required to progress. Can't a custom recipe be added so we can simply craft those mob drops?

    2. Shaggoths... Generally just super anoying, luckily the statue(s) can be crafted to avoid certain aspects of them.
    They are immune to ranged attacks, they eat graves, acid thru most blocks, have super high hp pool, and just to top it all off, come in large packs.
    They are like withers on crack, in packs of 6+, a silly challange for dudes in bronze armor and stone tools.
    Again, a custom craft recipe for the flesh and monolith stone, would certainly help headache that is those silly creatures.

    I personally can't help but think that this is definetly a part of why the server population is so low.
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    There's a darklands not all that far from spawn, and despite every attempt to coax more of those mobs out of hiding we've never succeeded. Custom recipes are no longer possible (in the same way they used to be) due to the changes in crafttweaker/minetweaker. There are spawners in the world that generate the little beasties so ask around if you have an issue with them.

    Shaggoths are not changed by us in anyway, they are intended to be ridiculously difficult to handle. If you find them too difficult you can always find a villager to trade with for their flesh, I believe fisherman normally offer the trade.

    The population is low as it is a patron server, and those patrons who first jumped at it burned through the content at an amazing rate as they mostly were teams who were accustomed to working together. Like Foreverstranded the pack wasn't tuned with teams in mind so through combined efforts the speed in which players can go through it is increased significantly.
  3. Manowarra

    Manowarra Well-Known Member

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    11:11 AM
    Ah, I was unaware of the change in regards to custom recipes. I just remember wonders like Sirwillis lavatank etc, hence why I saw that as a perfect solution.

    I am fully aware that shaggoths are a plague by the creator, hence why the github has alot of those issues listed already. I had simply hoped for a more quick fix then the modpack author to re-balance the progression around the abyssalcraft's authors "tweaks", but as stated before, seems that isn't viable :/

    I have been asking around, and the 3 people I have seen on the server so far, seems to be having the same issues, sadly.

    Anyhows was probably more a suggestion then anything else, back to darklands killing a few mobs per night :/
    [doublepost=1533227123,1533225541][/doublepost]I'll go ahead and mark this as solved/closed, guess there isn't much more to do.
  4. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    10:11 AM
    On your point 2, I had success with luring shogs into water, and then attacking them from beneath where they cant attack you back (I was shown this strategy myself)

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