Done Claim reset

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by Toxmancz, Aug 2, 2018.

  1. Toxmancz

    Toxmancz Member

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    2:24 PM
    So I havent been playing for a while, and my claim get resseted.. is there any way.. to get my things back to normal? I was pretty into the game.. but then some things happened in my family.. and I needed some time to sort it out.. dont wanna start all new..
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    It looks like your last login was on June first, as /absence would only provide you with twenty-eight days protection even this would not have been enough to save your base. Unfortunately once a base is regenerated after the claim owner is gone for fourteen days, or twenty-eight if on absence. We do not maintain saves of these areas for any extended period of time. So unfortunately we cannot restore your area for you.
  3. Toxmancz

    Toxmancz Member

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    2:24 PM
    so why would I ever claim my base? if I leave it, it stays that way.. thats stupid..
    thank you anyway
  4. Shizucc

    Shizucc CEO of "Shizo+ Inc." Patron Tier 3

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    Claiming is mainly to keep other people from stealing your items/griefing your base. You are not required to claim your base but i highly recommend doing so to save yourself from potential headaches. If something like this happens again, do /absence and if you need more time after the 28 day mark all you need to do is log onto the server for a bit to reset the countdown to zero.

    This sucks man, sadly i don't play direwolf, otherwise i'd have helped you get some of your stuff back. Hope you're doing better now too =)
  5. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    I have had this happen to me a couple of times... Its not fun when it happens but each time we rebuilt better than it was the first time. It sucks but don't let it discourage you.
  6. ArWik

    ArWik New Member

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    2:24 PM
    I just saw this tree. and also se why my bases two times disappered (farmworld). So how do i join the overworld?
  7. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    2:24 PM
    Hey ArWik,

    First of all, commenting on other older threads about new issues, that are different from the original thread starter, is not the best way to ask for support. We strongly encourage the use of the ticket system instead. Just type «/ticket create» in-game and you can start making tickets :)

    Secondly, in order to get to the overworld, well, you’ve already been there. All non-skyblock packs have the server spawn in the overworld. So start building in it, simply type «/rt» while in spawn or search for a pressure plate that says «Overworld random teleport» or something along those lines. Step on it, and you are in the overworld. Hopefully this answered your question :)
  8. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    9:24 AM
    and if you are stuck in the farm world without a set home in the overworld type/spawn to get back to the overworld.

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