Forum Tied Rewards/Events

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by BobOfTibia, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. BobOfTibia

    BobOfTibia Patron Tier 3

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    12:17 PM
    The forums seem to be pretty iffy on life. Some sections seem to be pretty alive and well, others don't get so much as a view unless it's to complain or miss-post about a problem.

    I thought it was pretty neat to see how the forums tied into the game with the occasional updates of newest posts and such.

    And it'sa shame that it isn't completely utilized. I see a lot of people come and go, but never really post or share in thier journey through MyM. We are a community devided and fragmented, and this is one of the ways we can interact together without leaving our worlds.

    Perhaps there are ways we can encourage coming together here.

    Perhaps we can take a bit of that to revup the forums?

    Maybe building events that only utilize blocks that are found on two different mod packs that reference the other pack? The results of course will be posted here alongside the entrys.

    Perhaps a system that allows staff/mods to give "points" to certain posts that they find creative, enjoyable, promote server good will, or the like and cam be exchanged for things on their respective servers.

    Maybe even a player of the month award that would allow users to see who has been the most helpful?

    Any other ideas can also be good. Just someway to bring the servers a little bit more together, here on the forums.
    Cynnimon likes this.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Forum posts are tracked, you can see who is the contributor of the month, see who is the most active and even likes received.
  3. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Used to have a lobby where all the servers/modpacks congregated, in that lobby there were secret rooms to find, puzzles and platform type challenges, if you were able to 'beat' all of them you gained access to the 'staff lounge' where there was some amazing builds and ideas created by some random staff members including staff of the month for each pack (back when staff was more-so pack specific). It pretty much did what you are talking about Bob but on a lobby-forum scale. I agree, it would have been sweet to tie all that into the forums as well.
  4. BobOfTibia

    BobOfTibia Patron Tier 3

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    12:17 PM
    Displaying the opposite like that is also a neat idea. Putting your in-game accomplishments on view on the forum, perhaps like badges and such.

    The lobby idea would be a great treat and be a cool way to meet back up with others from different packs.

    As for the tracking of forum stats, I should of explained ot better.

    There is no real reason to post on the forums at the moment, replies are normally only from staff and there is usually always a quicker answer in-game for questions.

    Posting constructive things and gaining points in a controlled manner, not likes per say or posts or anythin that can cause spam or abuse, but staff give "points" if you will, that promote good behavior and creativity etc, that are also worth something in-game.

    Some smaller ways to connect all the social aspects of the game worlds together.
    cbrozak likes this.
  5. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

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    I do like the idea of bringing more life to the forums that isn't only seeking support or to complain, but it's a difficult thing to do. Perhaps having a MYM hosted short story contest? One where the actual notice about the contest pops up in game periodically (like the one for Divine journey opening up has been popping up since may).

    We did have a building contest hosted by @SkylerNight a few weeks ago, but sadly I think only two people joined. I'm not sure if it was a lack of awareness or not. Maybe having a specific flat-world with sections setup for 'fun' builds would bring community together. Just an idea, not sure how well it could be implemented, but a kitchen-sink type of pack (think Beyond or Revelation) but a node made for building only. Players can go through the town and see what other players can build. There would be no need for finding materials, since the server would be only for displaying builds, etc, and therefore creative mode.

    I described it poorly I think, but I'm reaching back to an idea from the very first minecraft server I ever joined. You got a 100x100 plot, right next to other plots, and the only rules were you could not build inappropriately and you had to stay within your area. It was quite a fun place to be, and something like this could bring together people on the community here to talk about and vote for favorites every 2 or so weeks. Maybe the best build of the bi-weekly or monthly could get a free month of patron, or MYM points!

    Personally sounds fun! :)
    [doublepost=1534399676][/doublepost]Just to expand on my idea, since I know a lot of people do not enjoy building, there could be special contests using a blank server like that, for instance, one month could be, Who can make the best redstone door setup?

    Or, Who can do the best minimalist build?

    Who can do the best build with only vanilla materials?

    Who can do the best realistic home?

    Who can do the most effective but fun to look at ore processing plant?

    Lots of ideas :)

    And as a note: I dont personally know if this is a possible thing to even implement. I'm only making suggestions <3

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