Decided Against New Modded Server: Venture Elite

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by bebo092, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. bebo092

    bebo092 New Member

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    Local Time:
    10:38 PM
    I found this new modpack, called Venture Elite. It's really fun and has all the old magic mods that people forgot about, and mixes a couple modpacks and adds some new mods. It's super light to run, but adds a lot of content. It's really fun and I think it would fit in great with this community, since you don't have a server like this yet.
    Feel free to check it out before giving feedback, I've been playing SP and I find it really fun. It just started up recently, and we could jump on it before it gets popular and swarmed. I feel like it's going to explode soon.

    Venture Elite - Technic Platform
  2. BobOfTibia

    BobOfTibia Patron Tier 3

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    3:38 AM
    You had me at Ars Magica 2.

    I approve of this pack.

    That being said..

    It is another server that would have costs.
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    10:38 PM
    With a total of thirteen downloads.. and having been run a meager seventeen times... I'm not quite making a leap into testing this one yet.
  4. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    8:38 PM
    Unfortunately, I don't see this being a server at this moment. Sorry.
  5. RuhRoo

    RuhRoo Well-Known Member

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    Just tried to join SevTech to find out its Patron Only yet zero users online playing at 2pm mountain standard time 8/26/2018
    Maybe all the staff is busy at this time - lol.
    Interesting thought process on whats a viable server and whats not.
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    10:38 PM
    We've discussed this before, but for those of you with your bingo cards out.

    Sevtech is an expert pack, it attracts a certain type of player, or teams. Most who were interested came on, cleared the pack and moved on, after that you have rhe sporadic casual players so the population is lower. Like Divine Journey it maybe time to open sevtech to the masses that has yet to be decided.

    What makes a viable server is player interest, the required maintenance of the server from a technical and community perspective. So a mod pack that doesn't need to be changed drastically and is likely to draw players is viable. A pack that is unstable or untested is not. It's a fine line to walk as there are innumerable mod packs that are great standalone packs, but that doesn't mean it will work well on a server. Generally speaking if a pack is highly requested then we'll look at it and if feasible we'll host it. Some packs sadly won't make the cut because of their single player nature, think Invasion. Some packs don't feel innovative enough to survive long enough like stoneblock. We have to balance the time it takes to put up a new server against the potential life and draw of that server. Setting a server up is more complicated then just downloading a pack and hitting run, it takes on average dozens of man hours to do so being human and responsiblities outside of the network we have to really commit to it. Did that answer the question? Did it cover enough of the buzz word bingo squares?
  7. RuhRoo

    RuhRoo Well-Known Member

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    8:38 PM
    Tier 5 and at one time Patron keeping all bingo money in pocket now.
    Does NO good to push potential financial support away, but its your server so whatever floats your boat.
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    10:38 PM
    No one is pushing support away, the pack suggested hadn't even been run a couple dozen times. So it simply doesn't fit criteria for a potentially successful pack. Adding dead ends takes away from potentially successful ones. If you're asking about new packs patron and non patron just keep watching the forums.
  9. RuhRoo

    RuhRoo Well-Known Member

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    8:38 PM
    It's fine all modpacks @ launcher uninstalled off to play bingo - Later MYM

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