Returning to MC Modded

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by got_bacon, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. got_bacon

    got_bacon Member

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    Local Time:
    1:54 AM
    Just stopped by to see how the MC modding scene is going and I found that this network is still up and running (although the server I played on, TPPI, is gone). I'm thinking of getting back on to a server and I was wondering which modpack to pick. I prefer tech and magic (thaumic tinkerer is a bonus). Thanks in advance!
  2. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    6:54 AM
    Divine journey has a healthy mix of both tech and magic, as well as the fact that thaumic tinkerer is in the pack. You are guided by a questbook with over 800 different quests throughout the whole pack, with the goal being to create infinite infinity ingots! The only problem with Divine journey is that it is extremely grindy and has been purposefully made both ridiculously time-consuming and difficult. So getting to Thaumcraft itself will take a lot of time, for me it took a little over 200 hours (Granted I’m not very effective at modded minecraft though). Other magic mods like Blood magic and Botania is available a lot earlier though. With that being said, if you are into time-consuming packs, then Divine journey is a great pack ;)
  3. got_bacon

    got_bacon Member

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    1:54 AM
    Thanks for the reply. I'll try it out when I get any substantial amount of time
  4. MrR20

    MrR20 Well-Known Member

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    6:54 AM
    I do recommend revelation. Good balance and updated mods.
  5. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    6:54 AM
    I am enjoying both Revelation and divine Journey at the moment, both execelent packs. Just depends if you wanna reach endgame in 3 days, or 3 months.

    Btw, Revelation is on the new thaumcraft 6, so not everything is implemented yet
  6. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

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    10:54 PM
    Another to try is Infinity. We have both normal and hard mode
  7. BobOfTibia

    BobOfTibia Patron Tier 3

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    6:54 AM
    If you like building, tons of technical mods, a good handful of magic mods (Including Roots and Psi where you get to create your own spells, Psi being where you get to go super indepth) then Sky Factory is a pretty good one as well.

    No Thaumcraft at all though sadly. Removed since 2.5

    Hopefully it will be back for 4 since that is being worked on now.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018

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