Hey, I'm playing on A2 and just built my high oven. If i turn the oven on, it keeps resetting and does not heat up (goes to 24°c or 26°c and then resets to 20°c). The setup should be correct and i am using charcoal. I also tried to rebuild it, but this didn't work.
Chunks are the green squares after pressing F9 twice, right? If yes, then i moved it already to another chunk.
I'm sure it works, you just need to rebuild it few times like the smeltery or me cpu. Multi blocks are somehow buggy in the Agrarian modpack.
Oh man .... finally. It's a bit bad, that it does not work sometimes ... . So after a few times of rebuilding my oven, it finally works. Thanks, thread can be closed.
It does work, Im guessing that you have filled up the slots for iron and oxidizers, deoxidizers etc? The one on my island works fine, so I dont really see why your one shouldnt
Try to put ducks on different levels and sides of a High Oven. It took mi a while to realise, after like 10th rebuild that stacking ducts next to each other was causing it to reset same way u described.