Feedback Endgame items list (Divine Journey)

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by weirdonz, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    2:23 AM
    now that the market on Divine Journey server is disabled and an endgame item list is posted could we get some clarification regarding the inclusion of loot chest contents for chests that generate naturally in overworld and farmworld.

    since these chests are generated naturally their contents are also generated naturally and can be considered to be part of the exclusion to the endgame item list.

    If this is ok to have the contents also excluded then could the forum post be updated to reflect this.
    forum post ref: Divine Journey | MineYourMind Community

    much thanks
  2. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    I don't think doungen loot can be treadet sinces its rare
  3. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    As mentioned above by Fireforce, there are no exceptions for dungeon loot. As a progression based back, it is normal for EVERYTHING to be considered Endgame, since you are meant to EARN your way through the pack by doing it yourself, not by trading for things. I'd suggest playing a kitchen-sink pack if being able to trade is what you are looking for.
    SparedPumpkins and Fireforce like this.
  4. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    So I'm not sure that rarity in overworld or farmworld necessarily needs to be a factor. Titanium is rare. Emeralds are rarer.
    Given the text defining what is excluded is naturally generated in these dimensions and that loot chests are naturally generated it seems to fit the description that the content of loot chests is also part of the exclusion.
    I presume Emeralds are also part of the exclusion despite the rarity.

    My suggestion is for clarification of the posted exclusions. Any inference taken by others that I want to trade is purely their own narrative:
    " ... could we get some clarification regarding the inclusion of loot chest contents for chests that generate naturally in overworld and farmworld."

  5. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    What's written in the endgame items is what that's declared as endgame items then any loot optained though doungen loot is endgame items
  6. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    what is written in the post is:

    Almost Everything!


    • Overworld & Farmworld naturally generated items ...

    Loot chests are naturally generated in the Overworld and Farmworld.

    This is why I am asking for clarification.

    Wool spawns naturally in the overworld in villages ... included or excluded?
    Glowstone spawns naturally in the overworld in villages (Thaumcraft towers) ... included or exlcuded?
    Pistons spawn naturally ... etc.

    Which are included and which are excluded?
  7. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Any loot uptained though a doungen where mobs spawn or a village is for the player only and is not tradeable

    Sinces the glow stone is naturally generated in the overworld it normaly generates in the nether wool comes from sheep wool can be treadet glow can aswell but loot from chests is a big no
  8. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    so from what is written in the post, items generated in the nether are considered endgame. The Nether is not part of the exlusion (no trading netherrack). What spawns in the nether is not relevant based on the posted endgame definition.

    Could you point me to where it is defined that "loot ... is for the player only and is not tradeable"

    If i mine iron ore with an auto-smelt tool i can trade the ingot. If i find iron ingot in a chest in a blacksmith structure i cannot.

    I find inconsistency in this.
    [doublepost=1535658409][/doublepost]Also, Wool is a mob drop.

    Are mob drops included as endgame or excluded?

    Thaumium is a mob drop from mobs in overworld and farmworld. Is thaumium included or excluded?
  9. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Adhear to the list if a mod says otherwise your in deep poop

    On galactic science only dirt and saplings are tradeable in global but.... Sinces private chat between players arnt monitored if you want to ruin your experience of said pc trade in private and not in public
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2018
  10. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    maybe ease back on the judgements :)

    Since the listed definition can be interpreted quite widely I posted this asking for clarification to help determine what is and is not acceptable.

    FYI: I have stated in public chat on the server that for me i consider getting these items from others as cheating. Please check the logs if you are authorised to do so.

    I am not asking for myself but on behalf of all the other players who have a different opinion than mine and that would like to trade because that is how they enjoy playing. It is strange, but others enjoy different styles and don't hold the same values or opinions as I do.
  11. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    I just adhear to the rules meaning loot from a chest sinces it comes from a loot tabel is excluded tho some items like iron gold dimonds you could trade sinces they generate naturally
  12. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    Where is this defined please?
  13. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    Mob drops and loot from a chest are not naturally generated. They are only created after you interact with an entity( the chest or mob).

    It's pretty simple mate. Only if the item itself occurs naturally in the Farmworld or Overworld is it included in the exclusion, which thanks to Fireforce's mention above pointing it out, is in fact much more lenient than other servers, like Galactic Science or Regrowth.

    So dirt, cobblestone, even ores are ok. Ingots, wool or other mobdrops, are not. Of course, I am sure we can ask the Staff to remove the exception and impose the same limitations that are on other servers....

    BTW - I am an Ex-Admin so have a pretty good handle on how these things work. :D
    Jitrid and Fireforce like this.
  14. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    on first read that appears to be a veiled threat, which doesn't seem friendly much.

    ok, so the clarification you suggest is only naturally generated and without any interaction, i.e. killing a mob or opening achest, though presumably mining and smelting an ore is ok.

    black wool is ok, part of a village
    any other colour wool is not ok since you need to interact with a mob to get it

    As mentioned several times now, I am asking for the forum post to be updated to clarify such thing.

  15. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    3:23 AM
    Tread lightly mate

    Aslong as you adhear to the words of broklyn you shud not get whacked whit the hammer

    There's really no need to clearify sinces mobdrops even black wool are non tradeable

    Chest loot besides certen ingots and gems are tradable the rest no
  16. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    Another threat .. for reals?

    So can you link where the permitted items are defined please?
  17. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    its not a treath its a suggestion

    besides treading lightly at the list will make you understand why the endgame item lists exists
    theres no link to the defined items its just common sense
  18. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    ah, so there is no actual list you are referring to.

    and common sense happens to be different according to the different viewpoints.
    so it could also be described as making it up as you go along then?
    just another perspective on that approach.

    again, this is why i asked for clarification, such as a further refined definition or perhaps a published list.
    [doublepost=1535659860][/doublepost]"Aslong as you adhear to the words of broklyn you shud not get whacked whit the hammer"

    to interpret ...

    do what this forum member says or you will be punished

    that is a threat.
    i would respect the honsty and courage to admit it
  19. Darkstardragon

    Darkstardragon Active Member

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    so a non staff member is threatening another? surly threatening another player isnt allowed right? the guys just asking for some clarification as its all a little grey, almost everything is a bit vague....
  20. Jitrid

    Jitrid Well-Known Member

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    3:23 AM
    Hello everybody,

    We appreciate your feedback! This will certainly be looked into and the suggestion will be taken very seriously.
    @Broklyn_Datroll Explains our process and reasoning very well, thank you.

    As for now, please keep the unnecessary conversations out of this thread, as this is for suggestions and we wouldn't want those to get missed.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    Kind wishes,
    Fireforce likes this.

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