Decided Against Swear Filter Too Strict?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ohlookitsnate, Sep 9, 2018.

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  1. ohlookitsnate

    ohlookitsnate Member

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    12:15 PM
    I was talking about how large of a quantity of an ingot I needed on MyM Network's Divine Journey server. I said "crap" and shortly after I was warned by a manager (_Cilo_) that "crap" is a swear word and not to say it again. I said that crap was not a swear word and that I had heard 6 year olds say it. Cilo said "shut up" to me after that and then I checked the rules. The rules clearly state that you are to speak only English in public chats. I can not name a single primarily English-speaking country that refers to the word "crap" as a swear or vulgar word. I looked into different rating systems of movies and songs, and they state that "crap" is only in line with "hell" and "damn." These words turn a song or movie from G to rated PG. In the rules, it clearly says "Keep chat PG." Therefore, the rules contradict themselves and the use of it would keep public chats a PG rated chat environment.

    I propose that the staff of MyM edit their swearing filter. I'm not saying take off the "f-bomb" or anything like that, but make it a little less strict.

    Thanks, and let me know what you think,

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  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The swear filter is pulled from a dictionary of naughty words. We haven't gone through to verify the level of naughty of each word. When I was younger that c word wouldn't raise an eyebrow, but society moves on and he's decided that too is a bad word. I remember my elder son coming home from school a few years ago with a letter that suddenly this word was taboo, after In stopped laughing and checked for hidden cameras to see if I was being punk'd I facepalmed and accepted it. If you can get enough support for removing it we can certainly all look at it as adults and decide if it will harm children. Excuse me now I need to go to a therapy appointment, I'm emotionally scarred from hearing a slang word..
    Sandstroem and The_Icy_One like this.
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    This is actually incorrect, there was a thread nearly 1-2 years ago that made the swear filter because enough people complained about it, IMHO in some ways the swear filter got better but also got WORSE due to this.
    Honestly most people never even use it where I'm from and just directly swear with the more evocative version of the word.
    Nice one, you almost pulled a fast one on me. >:]
  4. CatArcher

    CatArcher Well-Known Member

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    12:15 PM
    invalid poll, needs potato
  5. _Cilo_

    _Cilo_ Patron Tier 1

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    5:15 PM
    So it's not very often that I feel I need to post on something like this but as you have so publicly and inaccurately called me out on telling you to "shut up" and that I said for you not to say this word I feel I would like to clear up a few points.

    1. Your curse word was censored due to our swear filter, I believe you will find I verbally warned you not about the word used but that you purposefully by passed the swear filter by putting spaces between the letters and this was after the word was already censored once.

    2. My telling you to "shut up". Yes I did tell you to shut up but there was more to my message than just those two words. You also failed to high light why I said this and instead tried to use this to back up this whole post. I'd like to clarify that this was said because you were spamming the chat with the word "Communism" after anyone wrote anything. I was also well within the network guidelines of issuing further actions against you but instead I choose to warn you verbally.

    Anyways back to the topic, I am from the UK and we use the F word as a full stop, I may have agreed with you if you had done this post in the first place instead of causing issues on a server. As it currently stands the filter is there for a reason. This network has people of all ages and what might be acceptable to you, may not be acceptable to other people. Like I told you on the server this network has people from all around the world on it some of us may see these words as trivial and used daily but in some places these words are not acceptable and not a daily occurrence.

    Also if you want to complain about a member of staff we have a forum for that HERE
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018
  6. ohlookitsnate

    ohlookitsnate Member

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    12:15 PM
    Yes, I did inaccurately call you out and I apologize. I should've been more specific.

    1. I know that in accordance to the rules, saying that word violates it. I also apologize for bypassing the swear filter instead of instantly coming here to make this post.

    2. I do not think any mature and professional staff member would tell a player to "shut up," no matter the circumstances. I'm not insulting you personally but I do believe you should be reviewed for your maturity and your ability to handle situations with players.

    3. The entire point of this post is, yes, in some places of the world the "f-word" is not tolerated and isn't used on a daily basis. "Crap" is not one of those words. Due to what people have said before, I believe that the rules are due for an update.

    I do apologize if I did offend you in any way, but I had no intention of doing so.

    tractoid likes this.
  7. Manowarra

    Manowarra Well-Known Member

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    I personally don't really care if that, or a whole lot of other words are on the filter or not, it was selected by the people who indirectly and directly run the server, which you have been allowed to be a guest on, it really isn't a bigger discussion then that.

    Where I am slightly confused is your completely contradictory statements.
    Your stating that you have no intention of offending _Cilo_ while your stating that he is incapable of being a member of staff, and should be 'reviewed' for his maturity and ability? - what?
    The fact that he sent you a message, telling you to shut up after you've appearntly been spamming the public chat, was pretty just, wasn't it?
    Moderators are people too, and they deal with asshats on a daily basis, and what's more is that they do it on a voluntary basis, in their spare time.

    So file a complaint if you think there is one to be made, otherwise quit passive-aggressively bashing on staff members just because you disagreed with them.
    _Cilo_ likes this.
  8. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    11:15 AM
    Locking this thread. All this seems to be doing is start arguments. We have had issues with this in the past where people think certain words are OK and not actually swear words. This specific word (from what I have seen) has been to put down players. Attacking their gameplay, the type of player they are, ect...
    GreyWolf11 and Sandstroem like this.
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