Decided Against VeinMiner removal/Disabled (Divine Journey)

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by amice101, Sep 12, 2018.

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  1. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    I personally think its very op for a mod having the ability to pretty much reverse xray removing all the stone only leaving ores with the only bad side is durability but with a magic wood pickaxe you get 11+ modifiers allowing you to have an unbreakable pickaxe very very early into the game with minimal effort which just shoots your game ahead far too fast and makes Tinkers Hammers utterly pointless...
    I personally don't really use Tinkers hammers but the fact they're made utterly pointless due to this mod is just ridiculous and alot of end game pickaxes which this pack revolves around adding a pretty end game feeling item/ability to the start of the game.

    The ability to do this is very overpowered and I think it should be disabled completely this could be done through configs or removing the mod from the server allowing people to still connect as normal but will disable server-client support for the mod and stop it from working.
    If you play the modpack you will know how broken the ability is.
  2. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    I have a few things to say on this matter.
    1. you can always unbind the key to stop yourself from using it.
    2. the ability to vein mine is also limited by the server so u cannot just go and vein mine tons of is also limited by your hunger as well.
    3. if you think vein miner is OP then you wont like magical crops...they also negate the point of mining :D
    Cynnimon likes this.
  3. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    1. I think its Op in general not just for myself I wont stop using it if everyone else can no point putting myself behind massively
    2. There is god mode on the server completely stopping hunter for your second point plus hunger is nothing for all that loot
    3 All the Magical crops in this pack are very annoying to make with small results and rather end game which is why they're in place
    I think you should take a perspective into the subject from a overall point not your personal use I know how good it is on the server very very strong of a mod for progress which is exactly why I don't like it being on the server feels like cheating.
  4. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    for your point 2, as a tier 5 legacy, i use god all the time, and my hunger does still deplete even when using vein miner.
    and im not using my personal opinion, just stating some facts.

    Since the pack has come out on mym this is the first time seeing a post on vein miner.
  5. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    Do you see a point in making a hammer with this mod?
    Is there really anything really pulling you to get an end game pickaxe?

    for me they're both made redundant by this mod
    [doublepost=1536749176][/doublepost]They're is currently a server upgrade and I know personally as I use it due to that that hunger does go down when using it but goes instantly back up so it doesn't really in the end of the day as it doesn't effect your mining what so ever. (I can provide video evidence of this statement)
  6. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    it doesn't matter if hunger goes back up or not, it still depletes meaning you cannot vein mine till your hunger goes back up.

    and yeah, have you tried using a hammer while vein mining, the effects are awesome.
    and yeah id like a endgame pickaxe... have you seen the recipes... endgame pickaxe = draconic pickaxe/staff of power. those are awesome and insane to get to.

    Tho the issue you probably arent seeing yet, is that you are going to require hundreds if not thousands of each resource.... me and _Cilo_ have been based together since we started this pack. and we still are only around 50% complete.

    Like i said and ill say it again. You do not have to use vein miner, and stating u dont see the point if everyone else is using it. is kinda against this post too

  7. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    It goes down and before you can even notice it go back up again its back up xD I'll screen record if you wanna pretend its a thing hahaha
    yea Draconic staff is stronger than the mod but not by much for what it takes to make one its kinda pointless
    how long is this over for getting to 50% plus I've seen your base I wouldnt say thats anywhere near 50% far past it
    Tried using the hammer with the vein miner does nothing unique same exact thing as the pickaxe

    I'll be providing a link to a video to prove the claims made by dragon87tamer false
    Hunger is a problem yea but thats pretty much nothing such an easy fix Plus teleporting fixes hunger problems with god mode
    [doublepost=1536750888,1536750057][/doublepost]bandicam 2018 09 12 12 08 29 439 - Sendvid

    Proof the hammer has 0 effect on vein miner and from what I've seen actually seems to mine less
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We do not change a pack unless there is a compelling reason to, ie it causes crashes or performance related issues that cannot otherwise be resolved. Because of the expense of the quarries in the pack I'm assuming the mod author added vein mining as a way to compensate for an already grindy experience mining. If you don't want to use it, we're not forcing you to use it, it is an option, if you want to pretend it isn't there go right ahead!

    God mode is a legacy tier perk, again we aren't going to drive to your house, break in, and force you to activate it, if you think it is too much /god will shut it off for you.

    Magical crops are a requirement to move on to the pack, and if done properly the gains far outweighs the mining it replaces. This is in part thanks to Agricraft which is also gated until around this time for that reason. A simple ender-io farming station (the agricraft upgrade edition) makes gathering your resources hands off and rather rapid when you use the tools available.

    Divine Journey is just that a journey. If you get caught up in the minutia of how to manual mine then you are going to be sorely disappointed as you progress finding it is less about resource gathering and more about planning on how best to utilize the tools you have.
    Cynnimon and GreyWolf11 like this.
  9. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Personally, I really do not think this is OP. I actually think it is pretty balanced for the pack. Considering the astronomical amount of resources you need to make the late game items.
    Decided against.
    Cynnimon and GreyWolf11 like this.
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