Implemented Twilight Crafting recipes for DJ

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by jal9631, Jul 26, 2018.

  1. jal9631

    jal9631 Well-Known Member

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    12:23 PM
    If it would break the system to make it to where players can sell stuff to make myms then i recomend that u make crafting recipes for the twilight forest stuff on dj because some people are trying to actually follow the quest book and i am stuck in botain because i cant get the twilight section done so making recipes for the stuff would be a faster way to go about doing it
  2. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    6:23 PM
    i think there were recipes implemented ... you should suggest the ones missing :)
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    5:23 PM
    There are already a lot of twilight forest recipes.
  4. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    12:23 PM
    Yes, but the important ones for the quest book are missing are missing like "Magic Beans", "Alpha Yeti Fur", "Giant's Pickaxe", and most importantly "Lamp of Cinders" which is required for progression.

    Between those and the trophies one must pay a few thousand MYMs on the twilight shop to complete DJ. Is there a reason the other twilight recipes were added but not the ones required for progression/book?
  5. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

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    9:23 AM
    KeiranHalcyon89, the twilight forest recipes you see added in game were added due to suggestions here on the forums :) If you want the possibility to craft the items rather than having to buy them, suggesting the recipes that you would like to be implemented is a good first step. For instance, if you want .. err a Hydra head, maybe have 3 different skulls in a row over some pork or something? Just an idea, but what way the admins can see and consider adding in the recipe, rather than just a vague request to fix it :)
  6. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    12:23 PM
    Thanks for the suggestions Cynnimon! I'll post something in a bit
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    12:23 PM
    We keep tossing this idea around to make the recipes craftable for the items as opposed to buying them and run into two brick walls. One, everyone before has paid the full price for them, and secondly no one ever has a suggestion on what to make them look like so it is largely brushed aside as something we should look at, but we never get around to it.

    Well with the market finally removed from DJ, and the ability to resell those quest items to other players in need, I'm open to a recipe suggestion for the required items. If we receive some good ones myself or another member of the admin staff can apply them.
  8. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    12:23 PM
    Cool, could you please take at look at my proposal below? I included the minetweaker code and tested it out in single player.

    I think the trophies would fit better as runic altar recipes, but also included the crafting table recipes for them just in case (just comment out whichever version you dont want :))

    These recipes I believe fit especially well with DJ's theme and progression around the time of TF quests (post nether star/botania, pre-thaumcraft)


    # Author: KeiranHalcyon89
    print("STARTING TwilightForest.zs");
    # Runic Altar Trophy Recipes
    mods.botania.RuneAltar.addRecipe(<TwilightForest:item.trophy:1>, [<TwilightForest:tile.TFNagastone:1>, <TwilightForest:tile.TFNagastone:13>, <TwilightForest:tile.TFNagastone:13>, <TwilightForest:tile.TFNagastone:13>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>], 20000);
    mods.botania.RuneAltar.addRecipe(<TwilightForest:item.trophy:2>, [<minecraft:golden_helmet>, <minecraft:skull>, <Botania:cosmetic:29>, <TwilightForest:item.scepterTwilight>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>], 20000);
    mods.botania.RuneAltar.addRecipe(<TwilightForest:item.trophy>, [<Botania:brewVial>.withTag({brewKey: "regen"}), <EnderIO:blockEndermanSkull>, <EnderIO:blockEndermanSkull>, <EnderIO:blockEndermanSkull>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>], 20000);
    mods.botania.RuneAltar.addRecipe(<TwilightForest:item.trophy:3>, [<divinerpg:ghastPumpkin>, <TwilightForest:item.carminite>, <TwilightForest:item.carminite>, <TwilightForest:item.carminite>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>], 20000);
    mods.botania.RuneAltar.addRecipe(<TwilightForest:item.trophy:4>, [<minecraft:golden_helmet>, <minecraft:skull>, <Botania:icePendant>, <divinerpg:snowflake>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>, <TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>], 20000);
    # Trophy Crafting Recipes
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:item.trophy:1>, [[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<TwilightForest:item.torchberries>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>],[<TwilightForest:tile.TFNagastone:13>,<TwilightForest:tile.TFNagastone:13>,<TwilightForest:tile.TFNagastone:1>],[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<TwilightForest:item.torchberries>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>]]);
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:item.trophy:2>, [[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<minecraft:golden_helmet>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>],[<Botania:cosmetic:29>,<minecraft:skull>,<TwilightForest:item.scepterTwilight>],[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<TwilightForest:item.torchberries>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>]]);
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:item.trophy>, [[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<EnderIO:blockEndermanSkull>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>],[<EnderIO:blockEndermanSkull>,<Botania:brewVial>.withTag({brewKey: "regen"}),<EnderIO:blockEndermanSkull>],[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<TwilightForest:item.torchberries>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>]]);
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:item.trophy:3>, [[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<TwilightForest:item.torchberries>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>],[<TwilightForest:item.carminite>,<divinerpg:ghastPumpkin>,<TwilightForest:item.carminite>],[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<TwilightForest:item.carminite>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>]]);
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:item.trophy:4>, [[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<minecraft:golden_helmet>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>],[<divinerpg:snowflake>,<minecraft:skull>,<divinerpg:snowflake>],[<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>,<Botania:icePendant>,<TwilightForest:item.fieryIngot>]]);
    # Item Shaped Recipes
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:item.lampOfCinders>, [[<divinerpg:furyFire>,null,null],[<magicalcrops:essence_storage:2>,<Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "thermalily"}),<magicalcrops:essence_storage:2>],[null,<magicalcrops:essence_storage:2>,<magicalcrops:essence_storage:2>]]);
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:item.alphaFur>, [[<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>],[<minecraft:wool:3>],[<minecraft:leather>]]);
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:item.magicBeans> * 2, [[<Thaumcraft:ItemManaBean>,<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>,<Thaumcraft:ItemManaBean>],[<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>,<Thaumcraft:ItemManaBean>,<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>],[<Thaumcraft:ItemManaBean>,<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>,<Thaumcraft:ItemManaBean>]]);
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:tile.GiantCobble>, [[<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>,<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:3>,<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>],[<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:3>,<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:3>,<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:3>],[<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>,<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:3>,<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>]]);
    recipes.addShaped(<TwilightForest:tile.GiantLog>, [[<TwilightForest:tile.TFSapling>,<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:11>,<TwilightForest:tile.TFSapling>],[<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:11>,<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:11>,<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:11>],[<TwilightForest:tile.TFSapling>,<ExtraUtilities:cobblestone_compressed:11>,<TwilightForest:tile.TFSapling>]]);
    recipes.addShapeless(<TwilightForest:item.meefStroganoff>, [<TwilightForest:item.meefSteak>, <TwilightForest:tile.TFPlant:9>, <minecraft:bowl>]);

  9. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    12:23 PM
    Disclaimer: I already went ahead and purchased all of the required materials with MYMs so this would gain me nothing personally. However, I still believe this would give the other players a better experience. Thank you!
  10. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    10:23 AM
    SO, here is the thing. This was a tough decision for me. Why? I tried to give MyMs more of a use in this pack. I have had complaints that MyMs don't really do anything and they are meaningless. On the other hand, it is weird for MyM to gate questing progress behind them.

    @Administrator If any of you have time to check this out and possibly implement?

    Edit: It might be possible to instead of making a crafting recipe make a sign at spawn exchanging the items as a 1 time purchase. Just gather the materials and exchange it at spawn. This way to limit the amount.
  11. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    5:23 PM
    Thanks for not only suggesting recipes but also for creating them. I have added the recipes to the server, let me know if there are any issues with them.
    Cynnimon and KeiranHalcyon89 like this.
  12. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    12:23 PM
    Much appreciated, thanks SirWill and Aidoneus!

    I checked them out and the only potential issue I see is that both the runic altar recipes and the crafting recipes were added in for the trophies (it was my intention for admin to comment out one two first paragraphs depending on the desired crafting mode for trophies). Other than that looks great! :)
  13. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    5:23 PM
    Oh, do both recipes show up in NEI?
  14. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    12:23 PM
    Yes, havent tested them on the server yet though (only in single player)
  15. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    5:23 PM
    Ok, removed the normal trophy recipes.
    KeiranHalcyon89 likes this.
  16. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    12:23 PM
    Looks awesome, thanks!

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