Decided Against [DONE]Chunk Loading Limit is Violating the EULA

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by TomboyEnthusiast, Sep 24, 2018.

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  1. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    7:59 AM
    As the title states, the fact patrons get more offline/online chunks that they can load is violating the EULA outlined by Mojang. Here you can read the EULA and if you look around, you can find the more in depth guidelines on the website. Specifically, this is from the Commercial Usage Guidelines:
    Therefore, if you comply with and follow the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines and Naming Guidelines above YOU MAY:

    • charge for access to your server, including a server which hosts your Mods, BUT only if:
      • you make a single charge per person that is the same for everyone;
      • you give everyone you charge, access to all the Mods that you choose to have on your server (except only in respect of genuine admin tools / admin Mods which should be reserved to administrators);
      • you only give access to your server to users who have a genuine paid for version of Minecraft;
      • you own or control the server and continue to do so for the whole time that you charge for access to it - so, if you sell the actual servers or server space with Mods pre-installed on them, you must ensure that the person buying the server is aware that she must follow these rules. Essentially you can’t get round the rules above by setting up servers with Mods on and then selling those set-ups; and
      • overall your access charges should be targeted to cover your operational costs of running the server.
    • ask for donations (as opposed to direct charges) IF you do not offer the individual donor something in exchange that only he or she can use. You may offer server wide rewards if donation goals are achieved though.
    • sell cosmetic items, except for “Capes”, IF the item sold does not give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server - i.e there can be no “pay to win”.
    • sell positive effects or enhancements (other than “Capes”) IF everyone on the server is positively affected in exactly the same way.
    • provide in-game advertising opportunities, sponsorships, or product placement for 3rd parties IF they don’t degrade or interfere with gameplay or give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server.
    • use in-game currencies IF (i) they are “soft currencies” i.e. a currency earned or expended only through gameplay that has no real world value and that cannot be cashed out, used or transferred across free or paid servers, or converted into “credits”; and (ii) you don’t give the impression that it comes from or is associated with Mojang.

    The bolded item is what I am talking about. Because MyM Limits chunk working speeds to 10% when there is not a player in the chunk, this is a handicap for people who are limited by how many chunks they can load. If you want to keep the chunk loader limit, it needs to be removed from the Patron perks, and added as a Server Upgrade so that everyone is positively affected by the perk. This is not me suggesting it should, this is the only way that we can use chunk loading limits (other than A] Removing the limit altogether or B] Limiting EVERYONE to the same amount and not selling the ability to load more). This probably sounds like I'm upset that I am not able to load more than 3 chunks offline (To be honest, I am a little salty about it, but I plan on purchasing patron for next month so it won't be an issue if this doesn't get changed), but the only reason I am bringing this up, is because I care about MyM and a less caring person would go straight to Mojang. Instead I came here first to give the staff a chance to see the issue.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:59 PM
    The shop has been deemed fit by Mojang.
  3. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    7:59 AM
    To be fair, that doesn't change the fact it still violates the EULA. I will accept that as a valid response, but if they come to you about it in the future, we don't have an excuse for why we never changed it to fit. To clarify: NO I am not going to go to Mojang. This is a valid response. They approved it, then it's OK. Just trying to make sure we have our bases covered.
    Fireforce and Slind like this.
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