Custom Modpack Update and New World (no reset)

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by SirWill, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:58 AM
    Horizons Update

    As it seems that there will be no update for Horizons despite multiple promises we have decided to update it our self.

    New Mods:
    • Chisel
    • Open Blocks
    • Forestry
    • Binnie's Mods
    • BiblioCraft
    • Botania
    • Thaumic Tinkerer
    • Reliquary
    • Thaumic Reliquary
    • Big Reactors
    Removed Mods (because of the instability and performance issue):
    • ReactorCraft
    • Translocators
    • DynamicTanks
    Un-Banned Items:
    • Drum (Translocators Mod removed)
    • Dynamic Tank (DynamicTank mod removed)
    • Spike Traps (Couldn't reproduce it. (Needs testing))
    • Machinists Workbench (Needs testing)
    • Ender Backpack (Couldn't reproduce it. (Needs testing))
    • Hopper (Needs testing)
    • Drawbridges (Update adds content blacklist)
    • Essence Nexus (Big AM2 Update)

    Many players were annoyed about the many inactive claims in the main world and also requested a farm world reset: Horizons, Farm World (Reset) Poll | MineYourMind Community So we decided to merge it all together so we get the new world generation additions from the new/updated mods.

    To play on the updated server you need our MyM-Launcher and run Horizons+. You can download the launcher on our main page if you click on play now.

    IMPORTANT NEW main world:
    In order to clean up the main world we created a new one that looks exactly the same. You need to move to this new world. For people that have build a lot of great structure we offer to copy and paste the entire region, as this includes cleaning up the rest of the region we are glad about everyone who does the move for him self.
    To request it just create a thread in here: General Questions and Support | MineYourMind Community Write in the title Region Transfer and don't forget the coordinates in the post. No longer possible!

    WARNING Don't put any ME Storage Drive in any entity with inventory like Strongbox, Backpack, this will corrupt your player file and everything is lost.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2014
    Nymaura, Mijikai and chaosblad3 like this.
  2. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    So can we put ME Drives in a golden bag of holding? Also so any idea when we will have time to move our stuff? just so i know can when to be on
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:58 AM
    Bag of Holding is also a entity. Any item is an entity. Just move them with your inventory or enderchest/tesseract.
    It is now open, just start the Horizons+ pack and connect to the listed server. Unfortunately it took longer then I thought as my internet connection got very slow and after a while it was completly gone :/
  4. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    For somereason i cant log in

    Attached Files:

  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:58 AM
    Yes, I fixed it few minutes ago. Just restart your modpack.
  6. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    i keep getting kicked when i join i get sent to the lobby with the error message "The server you were previously on went down,you have been connected to the lobby and sometimes Internal Connection reset
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:58 AM
    I'm aware of that but can't fix it atm as im not sure what it is and I really need to go off now. Sorry, you need to wait.
  8. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
  9. Zimbalza

    Zimbalza Well-Known Member

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    11:58 PM
    I did see the intent to perhaps remove Reactorcraft but hoped it was more in passing. Is this mod really causing server issues that severe? I was looking forward to an update due to the number of changes made to both rotary and Reactorcraft and finally getting neutron reflectors. I used the MyM launcher and built a few reactors in single player while waiting for the server to come online and they seem to be working better than ever, the stationary tropics water bug is finally gone as well. This issue may have led to problems with steam emissions which appear to be cleared up by a finally working pressurizer.

    If the new performance hasn’t been checked it may be worth doing so to see if yanking Reactorcraft is needed.

    If we are indeed now in control of adding and removing mods, I would like to suggest looking into Advanced Thaumaturgy ( ) in keeping with the Thaumcraft love just given. Also, as a companion to Rotarycraft, Elecricraft, a mod that provides new ‘pipes’ for the transport of Rotary power ( ).

    I figure if these are to ever be considered, before the server comes up is the time to suggest them.
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:58 AM
    I downgraded RotaryCraft and the issue is now fixed.

    We have/had many issues with ReactorCraft on Monster, so I thought it is better to remove the mod and replace it with BigReactors. I also mentioned it in the Horizons+ thread and not any player said something against it.
    However, we could try the mod again with the latest version but we would need the fix the proxy + rotarycraft connection issue first. Does ReactorCraft have any world gen?

    Advanced Thaumaturgy looks good, I think we can add this with the next update.
  11. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    12:58 AM
    I never used reactorcraft, and though the idea to replace it with big reactors was a good idea, :D

    I wish the server had had a complete world reset though, and no region transfer, it would be nice to have a real fresh start
  12. Zimbalza

    Zimbalza Well-Known Member

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    11:58 PM
    Reactorcraft does indeed have world gen in the form of fluorite, calcite, pitchblend, ammonium chloride (nether), silver, cadmium, indium and of course magnetite ore. I have already took a look into monster due to the server being down and noticed they not only have reactorcraft but a more up-to-date version, yet it causes problems? They are large setups and rather amusing due to their modular nature and so any working reactor is likely to make a place rather busy so far as load. It is well known that the steam vented by a reactor can cause problems if allowed to escape and have trouble despawning as they are not tile entities. Making them such entities would allow them to be handled easier but would put an extreme load on the server due to constant 'checks' by each one, so Reika says anyway. The condenser included in the mod will catch steam 1-3 blocks from the time they spawn and remove them from the world and should be used whenever possible. If the problems are from open venting reactors the issue is less with the reactor than the one who built it. The steam vanishes when it hits the world ceiling, and so if one does wish to simply vent steam, building the reactor high up will reduce the distance the steam would have to travel to vanish.

    I did see the comment and alluded to it in my last post actually. I did not respond as it did seem something said in passing as an idea rather than an actual plan.
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    6:58 AM
    The radiation potion effects kick you and don't let you reconnect until someone removes them by hand.
    When a reactor explodes or is bad setup and produces radiation entities it spawns so many that it kills the server (1-2 tps) until an admin gets on and removes them.
    The overall performance of the mod is between bad and ok. The fusion (is it part of reactor craft or a specific mod) does cause a lot of issues with performance. On monster we replace them through creative energy production...
  14. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    What about Twilight forest its a magical based mod
  15. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:58 AM
    Hm, monster has the same version of Rotary- and ReactorCraft
  16. Zimbalza

    Zimbalza Well-Known Member

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    11:58 PM
    What I meant was more modern than the one the Horizon server was using until recently.[DOUBLEPOST=1410395864,1410394413][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I would imagine that the fission and fusion reactors could cause radiation issues if not constructed properly, but what about the High-Temperature Gas Reactor?
  17. ScavArmyGen

    ScavArmyGen New Member

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    1:58 AM
    did you get the updated versions of the Gany's nether end and surface? I like what they added vary useful blocks and items.
  18. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:58 AM
    No, I can only find the downloads for 1.7.
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    6:58 AM
    We had to downgrade RotaryCraft as Reika did implement his own packets ids (bad coding practice) which is incompatible with bungeecord. I'm not sure if that also forces us to stay with the "old" ReactorCraft version or if he did implement them in ReactorCraft, too.
  20. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:58 AM
    ElectricCraft is a bad idea, one of the monster server is currently on 3 TPS because of the mod:

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