Chunk Load limit Problems and Suggesitons

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Sasuke987206, Oct 10, 2018.

  1. Sasuke987206

    Sasuke987206 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:08 AM
    Greeting everyone i have a problem about mym chunk loading system. About a year ago you added chunk load limits (i understand the reasons btw)its 9 for default players. Thats why i toke a break from playing mc and mym. I think this system has some problems let me list them:
    (1-forcing a player to work every mod in 3x3 chunk casues HUGE fps loss in that area)
    (2-Forcing a player work in a tower shaped building is less fun and less creative.)
    (3-Players like me loves creating city like bases and we love creating new buildings for new mods like a dock for water mills; a reactor shaped building for reactors (lul) etc. even patron tier 3 -32 chunk loads limit is too low for me)
    (4-with only 3x3 loadable chunks claim blocks and chunk loader tickets are completely useless this also reduces your daily vote income.
    (5-To solve fps problem we have to build our power generations , farms , ae system etc. to another world and that causes lots of problems to us)
    (6- for 9x9 chunk loader we already pay so much loader tickets but with new system, even with tier 3 patron we cant use 9x9 loader so its clearly unreachable)
    I want to say this i truly understand your goals and i show lots of respect but i think this is a big problem for our community. And ofc i have some solutions here:
    1-Bringing back the old system (i know you wont like this one)
    2-Adding more chunk load limits to patrons.
    3-My personal solution is adding 25-50-100 chunk loader limits to shop (like god mode or kits) it also means more income to the community.
    I love mym community soo much im open for other ideas. İ will be waiting for your return Sincerely Sasuke987206
    Fireforce likes this.
  2. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    8:08 AM
    I do like that idea by increasing the chunkloader amounts though server upgrades but still to power a 9x9 golden loader ouch meny tokens a ton of tokens to just get a full 24h load whit lots of machines and such
    Sasuke987206 likes this.
  3. havoc64

    havoc64 Well-Known Member

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    1:08 AM
    Wouldn't 100 be pushing it? Infinity already lags like hell with chunk loaders as they are now.
    Sasuke987206 likes this.
  4. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    2:08 AM
    Yeah the reason we have a custom chunkloader is the ones added by mods take too many server resources to keep running, It would be fine to use them if the server got a max of 20 players but we get more
    Sasuke987206 likes this.
  5. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    8:08 AM
    The reson we have the custom plugin is to better control the quality of the serves ie certen loaders are always on for no cost and takes lots of server ressurses

    100 might be to much but even a patron level 3 can do a 5x5 not even a 9x9 i wouldn't mind be able to load 9x9 atleast just whit a offline loader and still have acces to a 5x5 golden loader
    Sasuke987206 likes this.
  6. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    8:08 AM
    Another idea I had, is to limit the resources usages instead of chunk (i am not sure of the feasibility of this).

    Let me give you an example (Numbers are arbitrarily given)

    Free player has a limit of 1000 server resources unit instead of having 9 chunks. Everything has a cost depending on the number of entities or server resources needed. Chunk has a cost themselves as well.

    Player A :
    One chunk base which contains (One crop farm, one ME, one void miner and sorting + processing system)
    One chunk = 50 resources
    One ME running = 50 resources
    One crop farm = 100 resources
    Void miner = 50 resources
    Sorting + processing = 200 resources

    Total 450 Server resources Unit

    Player B :
    6 chunk base which contains the ME + void miner and the sorting/processing system

    6 chunk = 50 * 6 (300)
    ME = 50 resources
    Void miner = 50 resources
    Sorting = 200 resources

    Total 600 Server Resources Unit

    So, player can choose if they want a bigger base or more automation. It's also a good way to know if you have a laggy base and to monitor it (But that's more personal, cuz I really like being efficicent)
    Sasuke987206 likes this.
  7. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Local Time:
    11:08 PM
    I'm gonna throw a couple wrenches, and say that, being a free player, I've been able to run well designed bases, with the 3x3 chunk loading, with minimal FPS and Server lag. Simply put, I have my main setup in a 3x3 chunk space that I predetermine; Then, I build my nice base around and within that. And then I put my AE2 skills to use, and build an efficient and relatively lag-free ME System (Seriously, the only time my systems show up on the lag-o-meter is if I'm doing a super complex craft) And then have different mod specializations in different spaces within that 3x3 chunk zone. It's a thing you should know, as I have made plenty of bases that weren't laggy enough to catch the attention of moderators. And the bases tended to look great, and have loads of functionality.
    [doublepost=1539968086][/doublepost]Fun fact: If there's something you don't want seen, put it underground.

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