New Let’s get techy!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MineYourMind, Sep 17, 2018.

  1. MineYourMind

    MineYourMind Official MYM Bot

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    Local Time:
    12:52 AM
    Automation Rules
    • No looping automation
    • No destructive setups
    • No breaking the server (Setups that do will be removed and will not count towards your score)
    • Judging will be based off the complexity of your setups and the difficulty associated with making them
    • No usage of creative power sources

    Greetings MYM!

    We are very excited to announce that the newest event is
    here and ready!

    The Events!

    Each month a new special event will be held for a two week period. Builds will be judged on originality and adherence to that month's theme, and prizes and points will be awarded! Points will go on a leader-board that will lead to the ultimate GRAND PRIZE at the end of the event!

    Let's Get Techy!

    This contest will run from Oct. 27-Oct. 31 To help with the confusion of time zones, a countdown to the start of the event can be found here, and a countdown to the end of the event can be found here!

    How Does It Get Judged and What Do We Win!?

    A panel of pre-determined judges (comprised of Players, Patrons, and Staff) will vote upon the placements of each build, which will be entered into our Seasonal leader board. Each month's event will have a monthly reward including an addition of points to the Seasonal leader board. At the end of the year of events, a grand prize will be given to the top of the leader board!
    The Prizes!

    1st place:
    5 pts, 1 large kit of their choice, 700 MYM Tokens
    • 2nd place: 4 pts, 1 medium kit of their choice, 500 MYM Tokens​
    • 3rd place: 3 pts, 1 small kit of their choice, 300 MYM Tokens​
    • Top 25: 1 pt, 100 MYM Tokens​
    The GRAND Prize!

    Grand Prize: The grand prize's details are forthcoming and will depend on community involvement and how many events we hold other than the monthlies!​

    How Do I Get On?

    You can get on by launching Infinity Evolved from the MyM launcher(For those of you using other launchers, that'll be version , and connect to the IP listed on the contestant google form you must fill out below!​
    The Rules

    • All Rules are subject to change without consent and/or notice
    • Cannot be a judge and a contestant in the same month
    • All MyM Rules apply
    • No Draconic Reactors, IC2 Reactors, any block destroying build or block destroying entities
    • Schematics are not allowed, and if caught using a pre-made build, you will be disqualified from that month’s event and docked 10 points.
    • Stick to your pre-assigned plot. Do not build outside of it’s dimensions. Some events will grant larger areas to work with.
    • Digging or building on your plot only is allowed. Do not deface land that is outside of your plot.
    • No building is allowed after the end date.
    • Any building caught after the cutoff date disqualifies that players build for the month
    • Submissions should be created in the designated area in the server.
    • If there are no more plots available at the warp, ask an Admin to add some more!
    • If you build your creation outside of the Stone border, ask an Admin to copy/paste it into the appropriate area.
    • Be sure to put signs in the front of your creation telling who helped you, etc. The more information we have, the better!
    • In order for your entry to count, it MUST be completed before the end date.
    • Winners will be announced 11/2 at around 5 PM EST!
    Interested in joining in?! Sign up here!

    Want to be a potential judge? Sign up here!

    *Note: You MUST sign up with the form above in order to be considered running for the prizes. Judges will be random out of the pool that has signed up. Judges are not expected to build the month that they are judging.

    We hope to see you all on the event server soon!

    ~Grey & The Event Team
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  2. PotatoWithHat

    PotatoWithHat Lord of Giraffes

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    12:52 AM
    Me never did that .-.
    Bans event team
  3. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    12:52 AM
    automate what exactly though ... and what kind of area are we talking about, or no boundry limits ? So many questions :p
  4. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    7:52 PM
    Seems @GreyWolf11 missed a few details lol. The plot will be a 3x3 chunk area. As for what we are automating, that part I dont actually know off the top of my head. Will have to get back with the event team and get the post updated more clearly when I get off work if he doesn't get to it first.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2018
  5. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    7:52 PM
    Yes. You can automate anything you can with your mind and creative mode (Given it doesn’t break the server, as listed in the post)
  6. MrR20

    MrR20 Well-Known Member

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    12:52 AM
    What mod pack will it be?
  7. Monkey_Banana1

    Monkey_Banana1 Well-Known Member

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    12:52 PM
    ooo! Automation of banana bread maybe?
    Punane likes this.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    7:52 PM
    I would totally do this if it wasn't for the fact that I haven't played in forever. Too bad I don't remember half the stuff, I should remember most things though!
  9. Lauralou444

    Lauralou444 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:52 AM
    Woot! Automation I have no idea on - but given that my shift changed and I can now enter - lets the games begin :)
  10. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    11:52 PM
    Automation :D shame i cant run infinity lol
  11. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    12:52 AM
    When i try to sign up, the google form only have "building contest" as an option, or did i miss something?

  12. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    7:52 PM
    Slip up in documentation, it still sends it to the proper place, just hasn’t been updated.
    Unless I’m mistaken in all this, @Peace7904 can answer definitively as he’s our spreadsheet samurai.
  13. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    7:52 PM
    The form is setup that way because we were discussing a different kind of building idea but scrapped it for the time being. Had the option like that as a just in case we did add the idea back in. Seeing as we haven't discussed it in a while, will go ahead and remove it.
  14. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    7:52 PM
    "Building Contest" is a generic term I am using for the events, btw :D
  15. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    7:52 PM
  16. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    12:52 AM
    Great, makes sense.
  17. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    12:52 AM
    will there be marks towards making the automation prettah or whatever, as long as it works ? Still think it's pretty vague though ... :p

    What do you consider automation?
    - AE2 network that can autocraft a ton of stuff (ore processing and what not).
    - Continiously crafting processes like botania livingrock production for example
    - Autosorting of essentia from thaumcraft
    - ...​
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    7:52 PM
    I'm fairly certain that making things such as octuple compressed, etc. counts, so long as it's fast.

    Continuous crafting is probably an O.K.

    Autosorting... maybe, if it's not golems it probably counts depending on factors.
  19. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    7:52 PM
    it says no using of creative power sources. But how do you power your power-hungry set up’s? can you use big reactors and feed it fuel from a creative strongbox?
  20. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    7:52 PM
    Yep, all that means is that there’s no taking the easy way out and just slapping down a creative steam tank & a turbine or a creative energy cell

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