Done Fix trust for fake players

Discussion in 'Divine Journey' started by weirdonz, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    6:13 AM
    There is a page on the wiki (ref: GriefPrevention (protect your land) — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation that lists fake player names intended to be used to add trust so that these machines operate correctly inside a claim.

    Unfortunately I have never managed to get the trust command to work for the EnderIO Killer Joe.

    I have tried every combination I can think of, including case sensitive as per the wiki page, case insensitive, all upper, all lower, quoted, back quoted, square brackets, no square brackets, backslash the brackets, etc.

    I've dug through the code for the version in use to find the actual UUID used and tried that.

    None of these worked.

    The console returns a message that the player has not been online recently.

    Could you please validate and confirm the commands and player names work correctly and advise of the exact syntax to copy and paste, or confirm that they don't work.

    I have an area of my base unclaimed to enable killer joe to work on all mobs, and have also had this part of my base griefed. If i claim it, killer joe stop working. If i leave it unclaimed, it is vulnerable to griefing.

    I've also logged a ticket just in case that gets more traction.

    thank you
  2. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    The wiki might be a but outdated or something might have gone a bit wrong on the server side config for the fake players. They might be able to help a little better if you tell them which server you're having the issue on. ;) Hopefully the issue can be sorted quickly.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
  3. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    It's on Divine Journey and absolutely it is a problem.

    First example i stumbled across was the Blood Magic Fire Elemental ... no worky if in a claim
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Please check if the killer joe works now. You don't need to run any command.
  5. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    I've been using sheep to test.
    tried it with another killer joe that has the kill area in a claim.
    still does not kill sheep
    if i remove the claim, joe kills the sheep
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Test it myself now. There seems to be a bug in the plugin where the ignored players are not ignored for attack on animals.
    A workaround is to also add the fakeplayer to the claim with /trust [EioKillera]
  7. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    So the whole problem is that the trust command does not work
    I had a ticket in for this but it was closed because, for coverage, I also posted this forum thread and you are looking at the forum thread.

    So the problem is that the trust command does not work.
    It responds with a message along the lines of player not online recently

    for reference: ticket Minecraft Ticket System - by MineYourMind

  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I'm aware of that. We have a whitelist of fakeplayers which can be used in /trust where I added this fakeplayer to.
  9. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    Amazing! Joe now kills sheep, and i presume all the other mobs that were a problem.

    It works.

    So the problem was that it was not in the list ... good to have it added now
    I got the information originally from the MyM wiki and was surprised it did not work

    Thank you
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Well we have two lists, one with fakeplayers which ignore all claims and another one with fakeplayers which need to be manually trusted (for protection reasons (computercraft, buildcraft..)). If a fakeplayer is already in the ignore list then it doesn't need to be added to the trust list.

    In this Killer Joe case there seems to be a bug in the plugin where the ignore list is not being checked for the animal damage event. While the trusting of the fakeplayer works just like for any other player.
    We could look into fixing this bug but as this is only an issue with the Killer Joe and not many players use it there is no need for it at this time.
  11. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    Would it be possible to have a written list of most (If not all) Fake players? even if they are already "Ignored" in claims A list for the general public would be great, I spent a few hours one day looking for such a list and found nothing.

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