Opinions Needed Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by warangel46, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. warangel46

    warangel46 Patron Tier 3

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    12:36 AM
    you might want look in to resetting the Runic dungeon weekly or even monthly for feed the best Infinity yes Infinity evolved yes infinity normal don't have hardcore recipes but Infinity Expert mode dose tope that when player start doing this to the to the Runic dungeon it might be a good Idea to reset it monthly or even weekly so player don't die why i'm posting it here as well bc some one told me Suggestion box respective servers but i can't find Suggestion box so i'm make this here i hope the staff read this

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  2. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    There's a suggestions and feedback forum on the page insted of a box :)
  3. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    I am going to be honest with you, I am not quite sure what you wish to suggest here. If it is regarding the Runic dungeons and having it reset periodically, I recommend posting the thread in the suggestions & feedback section of the forums. The runic dungeons do not have a scheduled reset on Infinity because it is not used for any progression. Take Divine Journey for example, the dungeon is used for a few quests therefore it resets every month.
  4. warangel46

    warangel46 Patron Tier 3

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    12:36 AM
    tonalom the Runic dungeon it reset periodically only for Divine Journey not Feed the Beast Infinity evolved and it need to be it reset periodically Feed the Beast Infinity evolved and you say it not have progression have you played Infinity expert mode some recipes require some mob drops like gunpowder and Blaze Rod and best way get spawner is in Runic dungeon
  5. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    I would argue the best way would be to go to the nether. Runic Dungeons requires 2 Chalk to even enter the dimension which you can only get from Loot Chests. Blaze spawners are very common in the Nether and Gunpowder can be easily obtained VIA a simple cursed earth mob farm.
    I get what you are saying though, the Runic Dungeon gets destroyed players without the ability to fly or insta warp risk falling out into the void.
  6. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    What does everyone think about this? Only see you in-favor of this. Would need some more backing on this.
  7. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    Seems like a good idea to me, you might as well remove the dimension if not, as it is fully destroyed after a few weeks. The dimension might not be the best or only way to obtain blaze, gunpowder etc., but its always nice to have different ways to obtain the same goal
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I'm all for it, but of course this also highlights the difficulty of getting to the dimension itself. The chalk required is limited in the world, and would probably be gobbled up by those players who already have the loot box locations marked.
  9. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    10:36 PM
    I think monthly resets are fine. don't see why they wouldn't be reset.
  10. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    I would say reset the runic dungeons every month along with the other farm worlds. The only question is how does the portal in the overworld behave when the dimension is reset. seeing as chalk is a finite resource you might want to add the Runic dungeons portal to the mym multiportal.
  11. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    I say we drop a nuke in the dimension and blow it to smithereens. How's that for a opinion xD
  12. bobbp

    bobbp Well-Known Member

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    "this highlights the difficulty of getting to the dimension itself. The chalk required is limited in the world, and would probably be gobbled up by those players who already have the loot box locations marked."
    "it is fully destroyed after a few weeks"
    "The runic dungeons do not have a scheduled reset on Infinity because it is not used for any progression"

    in favor of resetting or adding to MyM portal list
    Progression would be new players entering the server. look at the Torment dim as an example, no boss, no loot crates.
    in theory a player would want to keep the dim from being destroyed by preventing chalk from being easily available.
    mini quest to acquire materials to unlock MyM runic portal function.

    work involved to set up runic portal functionality, limited special resource needs to be accounted for.
    work involved with scheduling resets, players not wanting it reset for... reasons?
    server load from personal portals vs MyM portal function being added. (twilight forest / portals come to mind, even if locked for other reasons too)
    tourist attraction of adding to MyM portals increases speed of destruction, days rather then weeks.

    i'm in favor of additional content, but with the work and server load increase, believe this will go the way of RF tools Dims.
    it ain't broke yet.
  13. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    I mean, if the chalk is a real major issue in finding it for the new comers or ppl wanting the chalk...couldnt we just set up a sign at spawn, pay myms for runic chalk??
    also from playing the Infinity expert pack myself.. the dungeon is a great way to find alot of resources which are found in chests, and also books :D
    i agree with having the dimension reset monthly/weekly (dont mind which)
  14. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    10:36 PM
    Chalk can be found in the farm world. (Which resets monthly) it can even be found in the blood magic Demon Village that expands forever (More or less) which makes chalk a renewable resource.
  15. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    4:36 AM
    Am I missing something here... crafting the Magical Staff doesn't consume the 3 chalk, they stay in the crafting grid when you take the staff from the output slot.

    Find out who are all the people on your server hoarding chalk after they have already crafted their own staff, then just ask them to craft you one in exchange for the 2x diamonds 2x emeralds & 2x gold ingots, just like all the people who regularly trade iron blocks for copies of the AE inscriber presses.

    Or if there really is such a shortage, e.g. because the people who had the chalk have since left the server, then an admin could just solve it how we always have: minetweaker!
    , [<minecraft:bone>,<ore:limestone>,<TwilightForest:item.transformPowder>]);
    I must admit, I didn't expect to find myself making new recipes out of transformation powder nearly 3 years after I originally created all the Twilight Forest replacement recipes lol
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2018
    Chetwynd likes this.

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