Decided Against Cheaper catalyst

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by WishMage, Oct 31, 2018.

  1. WishMage

    WishMage Patron Tier 1

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    3:49 AM
    Since the upgrade on Stoneblock, the emc value of the infnity catalyst raised significantly (by modpack author).
    With no access to making dimensions or using timewatch the best choice is for making emc is either large farms with growth crystals and accelerators or making huge chicken farms. Besides of the influence to the server those solutions arent easy to keep up working with chunkloader tickets.

    As an example: i have a basemate so we need twice as much of the catalyst. I made an emerald chicken farm, if im right it has 1002 roosts full with emerald chickens. Its in a compact machine with a gold block as chunkloader. If everything goes right i make an octuple cobblestone in 20ish seconds. With that rate if i have enough tickets it would take around 48 days just to get the necessary infinity stuff for one person. Of course i could make multiple of that system but i dont think the others sould like my idea, not to mention i could only keep up those systems alive if im only all time. (With my calculations if im able to be online 12 hours ans 12 hours offline it would cost 900K tickets just that one chunk, with all the voting sites i found i got 700K tickets/day).

    All in all what i want to ask is to reduce the emc value of the infinity catalyst. My idea would be to make it from 7731170989 to 773117098, so its still more expensive then it was before the update but we could make all the stuff we need without waiting months or having crazy setups for getting emc.
  2. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    3:49 AM
    Mym normaly don't chance what the author of the pack decides but let's see and nether stars are better then emeralds get a woot wither farm
  3. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    2:49 AM
    Yeah MyM wont change that, So your going to need to find another way to make EMC or something like that
  4. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    3:49 AM
    Thoes stars you can make hold 75m charge them in a flower of power theres plenty of ways to do it
  5. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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  6. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    3:49 AM
    Sinces its a klin star you charge you have to remake it each time to recharge it or swap it out and the loop rules are very vague some desings have an alc chest sorround by 4 relays u place a input item and the flower of power then creates the ecm to create the item in the chest
  7. vikingghost11

    vikingghost11 Well-Known Member

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    11:49 PM
    Just a heads up, it takes about 45million nether starts to get the EMC required for the armor. I had over 20k 10/10/10 emerald chickens and was making about 1.5k nether stars/sec and it still would have taken me a month of waiting with my base chunk loaded.
    WishMage likes this.
  8. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    2:49 AM
    i second this...having 7.7billion emc required for 1 infinity catalyst, to just do the quest, you need 986 catalysts.....thats 7trillion EMC... I currently have myself an emc farm that makes 43million emc every 30 seconds... at the speed im going its going to take 30 days of me being online 24 hours...without the server restarting, or me timing out. Also if i make the EMC farm any bigger... its going to start taking a hit on the server farm consists of a (18x25)x2 sets of roosts each containing 16 chickens per roost.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    as you can see its chunk loaded online only... the upkeep its currently 480... if i was to do that offline as well thats 5x more making that 2400 tokens per minute...while offline...thats hella expensive!!

    and as u can see...thats alot of roosts... now i have other various EMC generation going at the same time in other areas of my base.... and since the pack has started ive made a total of 8 infinity ingots (3 were made when the EMC values were lower)

    Now if someone can come up with a fast and effective way to make a few hundred emc every few be happy for that (without causing FPS or TPS issues that is)

    Other then that...i highly recommend the change of the EMC values or adding something to speed up the process of EMC generation :D
    WishMage likes this.
  9. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    This is my personal opinion (Probably biased as I helped Caith make Galactic Science xD)

    But sometimes things are meant to take a LONG time, Like Infinity Expert takes forever, Galactic Science has some stupid energy/time gates on items. Its bloody grindfest overthere.

    Maybe use the time to make your base fancier? Find new ways to generate EMC and create crazy machines and contraptions that are not just based around chickens?

    I understand the point you are all making, Trust me I get bored when it comes to some gated things. I just dont think things should be changed if the pack creator set them into place.
    Cantiel likes this.
  10. WishMage

    WishMage Patron Tier 1

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    3:49 AM
    I dont think modpack maker counted that you cant make dimensions nor can use time watch to speed up stuff. With en emerald block dimension and a quarry speeded by time watch sure it would be an easy job....
    Timmypwn likes this.
  11. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    3:49 AM
    Then you shud suggest the pack maker to change it or do it whit out ecm
  12. WishMage

    WishMage Patron Tier 1

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    3:49 AM
    Yeah cause the mod author would change it just because one server? Wouldnt it be easier for mym to just delete a number in a config file?
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    10:49 PM
    It would be, but that's simply not going to happen. If you read the quest it tells you this was meant to be a long arduous process even if you were to take on the quest without the restrictions of multiplayer.
    Chetwynd likes this.
  14. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    8:49 PM
    Newer version of the pack solves this
    Chetwynd likes this.
  15. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    1000% this.

    I totally get why MyM doesn't like to go against the modpack makers intentions by changing things (to make the pack easier etc), but the fact is that MyM already goes directly against the intentions of the modpack dev by disabling parts of mods that were very clearly put in the modpack for a reason.

    Yes the modpack has intentional timegates designed to make the pack take longer to beat, but by MyM choosing to disable things like ore dims and time manipulation etc you completely throw off the intended balance if you are taking away mechanics that were already taken into account when designing those timegates.

    The irony is that those things are disabled to reduce lag, yet by disabling them you force everyone to resort to ridiculous sized farms to have the slightest chance of making back the difference, adding potentially 10,000s of extra tileentities per base, and thus dramatically increasing the lag.

    If MyM is going to nerf aspects of a modpack that throw off the timegate grinding balance, then I don't think it is unreasonable that they should also be willing to nerf the grind itself accordingly.
  16. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    10:49 PM
    Well you have to consider all the different items and mechanics are disabled for a reason. RFTools dimensions are disabled as they are known to cause server lag do to world gen. They could allow the creation of dimensions but then the server would be unplayable as it'd be constantly crashing from lag. Would you rather have to spend more time grinding on multiplayer or have a server that lags to the point its unplayable
  17. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    2:49 AM
    Don't reply to my posts if you aren't even going to bother reading them properly..

    I never said they should allow creation of dims, what I said is if they have to disable something like dims that significantly affects the balance of the modpack then they should also make an effort to rebalance things accordingly otherwise the server is inherently unplayable anyway.. read the math that people already posted in this thread, without being able to use everything in the pack to its fullest potential, as would be possible in singleplayer, the time it would take to complete the modpack jumps exponentially with each key mechanic you remove.

    Not to mention like I already pointed out, in order to try and beat the pack in a somewhat reasonable time, people are necessarily FORCED to break the servers anti-lag rules ("Don't overstate") by building huge arrays of machines to grind out and process as much stuff as possible as fast as possible, and when you have an entire server of people all trying to do that all at once that causes huge amounts of PERSISTENT lag, like all the time... just come back from a restart, everyone logs back in, few minutes pass and everything stabilises, average tps is 5.. this is normal life now.. and with tps at ~5 all the time, that makes everyones progression take literally 4 times as long cause everything is processing at 1/4 speed...
    WishMage and mrminesheeps like this.

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