Emc generation

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by dragon87tamer, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    Howdie folks, its come to my attention that on certain packs that require a high demand of emc to finish the packs, people tend to go bat crazy and find the most effective setups and duplicate this method by a stupid factor amount. Take stoneblock, I myself had a chunk 30 high by 15 wide 11 times full of emerald chicken in roosts. this amount u say may be Crazy, but when u need 1 infinity catalyst that now costs just over 3.4 billion emc (was just over 7 billion before latest update) and u need a total of 986 catalysts to complete the infinity quests.. having that many roosts isn't a bad idea... But yes it is...i ended up dropping tps from around 18 to around 5 tps... My roosts were never full, they were being drained off all resources and put into EMC, i was generating around 43 million emc every 30 seconds, now at these calculations (ish) it would take me a total of 26 and a half days of pure loading the area, that's 24 hours a day without the server ever going down for restarts/maintenance or random crashes. Unfortunatly this isnt possible and offline chunkloading isnt possible either, the online chunk loading cost is around 400 tickets per minute, 5x that for offline, so around 2000 tickets per minute, thats with remember to vote on all the voting sites which i probably would forget so chunks wouldnt be loaded at some point, so this method isnt going to work.

    Now my suggestion here (after some reading XD ) would be to implement a creative fluid tank of some kind Or even add a dimension that is only Emeralds (emeralds are best for farming EMC on stoneblock) also other forms of infinite high emc value resource would be also acceptable. This would help drop tps issues and solve alot of peoples "im just gunna afk here to load the chunks" issues, and solve boredom.

    The main reason i suggest this is because i want to move onto other packs and complete them (quest base completion) as i am not a builder, and i dont have that creativity in me to do buildings. And if i move onto other packs it opens up a spare space on a server that may be full and others cant get into.

    Please implement something to Help battle the ever EMC waiting battle.

    Much regards
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:21 PM
    Share and like, i mean when staff wants EMC grinds to become less server taxing, something has to happen... right? Its the same on Sky Adventures. People making crazy Roost and Emerald chicken setups and loading 24/7 just to keep producing ridiculous amounts of EMC.

    Or allow certain crafting loops even. Yea i know theres been a whole topic about it and i know you dont like, but do you like people crashing servers better? i would choose to let people use certain loops over breaking overall performance because your rules on emc just outright suck. Other networks allow EMC looping. Its the point of most packs. its there by design.
  3. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    Ive not got much experience on stoneblock, but Ive seen the effect that obtaining the massive ammounts of EMC needed on awakening has on the server.

    +1 to a suggestion of resolving it, another option eould be greatly increasing the EMC value of emeralds (or compressed stuff) so that you still need to plan a setup, just that can be a more manageable scale
  4. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    Yet again we have another good solution to the problem of having big non-server friendly emc setups. To give a little backstory on why these emc setups are becoming a bit of an issue; To complete Stoneblock you need 3345600000000 emc, which is an insane number. The performance on stoneblock is bearable as of now, and a lot of time is laid down to make sure it stays that way, but as more and more people (including myself) progress into the endgame of stoneblock, I fear the issue can become even greater. A solution such as this one with a SW tank with molten emerald in it, in my opinion could work very well. We already have endertanks with various different fluids in them on Divine Journey, so hopefully it could be implemented on Stoneblock as well!
  5. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    or even better yet, make something to give octuple compressed sugarcane periodically(Highest EMC valued item on stoneblock) like 1 per 20ticks or something :D and only limit 1 per island...not sure how it would be done, but hey anythings possible :D
  6. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    Deepcage has a good point about emc loops (despite how he said it). The current rules on the network appears to throw some of these packs out of balance regarding EMC generation. Generally, I don't think MYM should be messing with mechanics, but in this case it sounds like it definitely needs to re-balance those packs somehow to compensate for the looping rules. I think some of the suggestions are reasonable; either should reduce the EMC costs, or figure out some way to allow higher production setups without killing TPS (ender tank/upping EMC values/etc).
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:21 PM
    Well i dont mind making a huge tower of Roosts with Emerald chickens in it, the problem however is that everyone does it and that eventually breaks the server. But i do mind that the current rules on EMC loops prevent us from making small efficient setups that dont break servers.

    You are causing players to overstate, which is in the rules... saying dont do that... because your rules on EMC give players no other choice... or be online for weeks to chunkload slow setups that just dont get you there.

    If we wanna grind, we can go play WoW or Path of Exile. Dont make us grind! And dont make us kill the servers please.
  8. WishMage

    WishMage Patron Tier 1

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    SW tank with molten infinity? :D Of course the recipe for it should invole infinity ingot or blocks...
    dragon87tamer likes this.
  9. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    there are many ways to get lots of EMC, unfortunately if you google or youtube them, all of the great EMC productions either use rftools dimensions or EMC loops that MYM regard as "illegal" which means that the only "current" way of producing enough emc is to either A.) break the server with crazy laggy setups that generate billions of emc a minute. Or B.) give up on the pack because spending all you waking time just afking wont cut it.

    Neither of these ways are IMO worth it. i mean i wouldnt mind paying Myms to get infinity ingots. or even paying a price per minute to have a block pour Molten infinity into a casting table/basin :D

    All these ideas are great but will anything happen? I hope so. For the sake of sanity and for the sake of not breaking servers
    WishMage and KeiranHalcyon89 like this.
  10. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

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    Believe silky jewel blocks are better emc iirc. May be a better option if they end up making a dimension for them.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  11. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    silky jewel needs to be crafted, where as emeralds are produced by chickens around 5 per 7-10 seconds Per roost with max chickens (16) at 10/10/10, but there may be other methods which may produce more EMC in that time frame. I have yet to find a better EMC farm then the emeralds on stoneblock. I have tried various methods of EMC legal farming....and so far they all suck (including the chickens) they dont produce enough EMC to be a viable source of generation...unless u wanna spend a month afking 24hours a day for 30 days :D
    WishMage likes this.
  12. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    So what I don't get is that for divine journey it was acknowledged that by disabling access to the RFTools dimensions we were unfairly imbalincing some of the endgame quests / grindwork, and so the custom endertanks with things like moltein terrasteel and bedrockium were added to offset this. Now we've gone back to the good old days of "we aren't going to change the pack away from what the creator intended" excuse, while ignoring that removing RFTools dimensions is a huge change to how these kind of packs function and totally changes the balancing of how the pack.

    The simple fact of the matter is that by disabling access to RFTools dimensions without providing something to re-balance the (usually) badly hampered endgame, you are not actually fixing any lag problem that would arise from the extra dimensions, you are instead shifting that lag (and usually more) over to players who have to compensate somehow for the inability of certain staff members (who shall remain nameless) to follow through with proper fixes for these packs so that they can be enjoyed (not just technically played) in a server environment.

    Tl;Dr: Some higher staff (who will remain nameless) refuse to acknowledge that removing RFTools dimensions in certain packs has left them with huge problems in terms of progression/grindyness, leaving players either forced to chunk load things constantly for weeks/months or make huge lag-causing setups.
  13. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    All good points, but you forgot one. The one thats bannable on this network: Exploiting EMC Loops because thats generally the only way to generate alot of EMC without breaking the server...

    I would suggest you add an Emerald Block Dimension, which is completely solid and can only be mined from via some form of quarry. Like the Quantum Quarry for example, that thing can only mine from an inaccessible special dimension. So it would be fair-er on others to use.
    dragon87tamer likes this.
  14. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    so once again one of the problems is loading these stupid setups with golden chunk loaders :/
  15. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    yes...and no. Loading chunks offline is Bad with these setups or EMC packs...but having these massive setups is also bad.
  16. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Well thats what we got admins for... right? To find the perps and Wooden Pickaxe their bases :D
  17. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I only wooden pickaxe when I really want to get my hands dirty..
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  18. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    i meant the other admins :D
  19. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    There is already an ongoing discussion amongst staff, I promise we'll update the community when any update is needed.
    elemage likes this.
  20. Psanyi

    Psanyi Well-Known Member

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    I don't think you can even use EMC loops here, they are all patched.
    WishMage likes this.

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