Done Collecting info of StoneBlock breaking randomly

Discussion in 'StoneBlock' started by SirWill, Nov 22, 2018.

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  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    This thread is to collect information on the issue where the StoneBlock server randomly expierences issues like liquid not flowing, which hopefully helps to track down the issue.

    Clear Information

    Things which stop working:
    • New placed water doesn't flow
    • Spikes no longer do damage
    • Sometimes items disappear when breaking blocks or dropping them

    Unclear Information

    • When does the issue start, directly at the start or after some server uptime?
    • Someone mentioned the issue only happens after a server crash, can others confirm this?
    • How fast is the issue being noticeds by everyone?
    • ActuallyAdditions Auto-Placer stops working?
    • Do all liquids stop flowing?
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2018
    dungeonax and TomboyEnthusiast like this.
  2. dungeonax

    dungeonax Well-Known Member

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    For me personally, I can confirm after a crash is when i've been seeing these wierd bugs happen.

    Also, Using mechanical users on sieves when its bugged makes it so that nothing comes out of the sieves, its just eats the gravel/ore/sand/everything

    I have also heard that veinminer has been broken for some during this.

    I did not notice it at first, but for the past couple days i have been looking for it specifically.

    I do not have an autoplacer in my base.

    And from what ive seen, Witchwater/Water still flow in my mob farm.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2018
  3. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    I have seen it happen without a crash on several occasions. It usually happens when there is very very low tps. Probably why it's seen mostly after low tps crashes.

    Also, this problem did not exist prior to the latest version 1.027 of stoneblock. .026 an .025 never had this issue.

    Any blocks that place blocks or interact with world stop working.
    It's usually noticed within a few minutes because of all the weird problems.
    Don't see it mentioned but the mym portal also stops working.
    As for flowing liquids, liquids that are already placed and flowing seem to keep flowing, but any new liquids will just sit there and not flow outward.
    Any items dropped by player,machine or whatever get deleted!!
    dungeonax likes this.
  4. andreblue

    andreblue Well-Known Member

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    If the server dies but chat still works, it will sometimes start spamming that a player has gone afk.
  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Another issue that happens quite frequently.

    Flux Networks' networks keep getting deleted every so often. Causing power interruptions and the need to completely configure all your Flux Plugs and Flux Points again. Very annoying. somtimes happens after a server crash.
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I'm pretty sure this is unrelated to this. You only have to check the github issues and you will see a lot of similiar issues with flux networks reported: Issues · SonarSonic/Flux-Networks · GitHub

    Did stoneblock break again the past few days?
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I assume the issue is gone as no one mentioned the issue again and I'm not getting any answer here.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    The issue is pretty sporadic and finnicky at best, I know I've reported the issue before on Revelation, and I know it's the exact same issue, because it had one thing the same: the trees didn't replace the saplings, I'm fairly certain that this means that it's a GriefPrevention issue, and since other servers haven't had it happen much if at all it's an extremely rare bug.
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