Dump post for bugs/improvements/issues in Sevtech

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Win_J, Dec 3, 2018.

  1. Win_J

    Win_J Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    3:53 PM
    So I wasn't really sure where this needed to go and I was kind of lazy to split this into 3.

    1. Item dupe with water wheels - very easy to replicate. Literally breaking a water wheel with an axle on it just yields 2 water wheels (will report to modpack creator too)

    2. Saw (Better with mods) randomly duplicating items inside the claim but not in the farmworld. I don't know how this happens but my saw just kept on duplicating items and it was annoying to get rid of the stuff that actually came out vs the stuff that got duped. Basically, it kept on giving me items whilst not breaking the blocks. I think this might be related to the case with turntables not working properly in claims too but working fine in farmworld.

    3. Water not flowing properly inside claims. It randomly updates itself and flows but most of the time it just stays as a source block

    4. Mobs just randomly dispawn because of the entity limit. This mod is very reliant on having a farm (in the least, chickens, buffaloes, and cows) and maybe a mob farm using a spawner (which u can move around with shift rclick) such as zombie spawners for flesh which in turn makes easy glue

    5. Dark forest still blinds you despite killing the naga, lich, and hydra

    1. Giving ability to do anything outside of claims. Makes it a hassle to go to farmworld for trying to get a single tree (mulberry) or for finding portals. Especially with the 5 second cooldown, otherwise remove the cooldown to tp to the farmworld.

    Edit: added bug with dark forest
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
  2. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:53 AM
    The mulberry one is easy find a few get saplings plant at your base
  3. Win_J

    Win_J Patron Tier 1

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    3:53 PM
    Yeah I did that - the issue is that I'm not just talking about mulberries only - its literally just everything because mobs don't spawn properly in the claimworld. E.g. getting shadow gems, mining, getting wild dog boots, etc. (Imagine you only had 1 /sethome and also no map to waypoint)
  4. se7enek

    se7enek Member

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    9:53 AM
    1. yeah, but u cant do anything with water wheels so its like minor bug. Usually when u break one and u get another for free, u toss it to trash.

    2. This bug is related to issue with claims. When i throw celest crystal into starlight pool, it grows in size but starlight pool is not disappearing. Reboot usually fixes that. Same goes with no-ability to veinmein in claim. If you cant veinmein, means ur chunk is bugged and u can dupe stuff on it. (aka no permission for "world" to remove a block from "world", idk how to say it otherwise). Ie. http://se7en.pl/upload/1543921041.mp4

    P.s. dont worry, i threw away my set of blocks for the recipe.

    4. intended, u can bypass it using Nametags (vanilla mechanic), or further with some Jailer modules (that prevent despawn, uses same nametag mechanic).

    Improvement 1: Yep, being a bit annoying butttt, just check advancements and get what u will need at once. Once u get obsidian portal u will be able to create portals to end/twilight/farmworld from ur base.
  5. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:53 AM
    Mobs despawning due to the mob limit being reached is intended its a mechanic of minecraft that after a chunk not being loaded for x amount of time mobs despawn

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