train people, it cant be you doing all the work, or atleast teach them the basics so you cant have some spare time, or you wont be living your life at all :/
Train people in what area? I'm sure there are people worth 'Admin' and 'Moderator' but Slind and Willi have to worry about the staff stability first, because hiring new staff. There are overall 6 Admins. Over all over 15+ Moderators. 4 Co-Admins I think the server is at an OK point with staff at the moment
training people for stuff that reoccurs yes, but that is nothing I really work on. I'm not complaining on how it is, I just wanted to explain my self. I even enjoy doing all this more than playing minecraft.
its your choise, im glad you have fun with what you do but you should recruit some people to be your developers, people that can create theyr very own plugins, so you can have a custom server, the way you like, but, make sure you make some quizzes with rewards so players complete them giving theyr opinion, and recieving like (random abount of mym) that way you could get a better server that every 1 likes, you would have more time for youself and to play minecraft xD well i might not answer more in this thread cause i dont wanna waste more of your time HF!
the problem with that is that they are not hanging down on trees and waiting to be picked like apples. The most developers with experience that play on our servers play to have fun and don't want to spend any more time developing after they got home from work or uni (especially debugging). We mainly get applies from people that just started or have very little experience which is more work than help.
then only let people apply to staff if they play on the server for atleast 72h or so, also sometimes request the thrusted and experienced developes simple jobs and when they are soft egnouth ask them for a big plan! it worked for me xD
the staff application evaluation isn't handled by be, I have literally nothing to do with it. I try to get developers with experience todo things over and over again. Well after you asked 10 times and got nothing or only problems should you still keep bagging them?
lol if they ignore you theyre not realy your developers, you have too options live with the ones you have now or making the 1's you have now colaborate wiht you, making them respect you, cause anyways youre the founder, i mean do you pay them?
your only options is hope that someone with experience want to join the staff and only now i saw that my last post made no sence, and in the in your description try to change it and add there a questionary so people can help you in what they think and a staff apply separate from the developer apply, you just need to be patient.
your only options is to hope that someone with experience wants to join the staff , in the in your description try to change it and add there a link to people say what they think the server should add, and create a link to apply for staff (admin/mod/helper) and other for people who want to help you to develop your server (developer/main_developer/dev_helepr) i hope i made it more clear now, cause as i said im not english so ...
Alright, I thought I did understand you wrong because of ftbservers. We have a thread about staff applications and one for dev at announcements and the ingame broadcast does also include messages pointing to it. I think putting an info on an external site isn't the right place. People are there looking for a server not a job and it can be interpreted wrong by players looking for a server.
Hmm that's right. well, then there is almost nothing you can do :/ im out of ideas xD you know how to make plugins'n'stuff right?
why does people complain about lagg/autosave. its a rly big server/networck. they admins rty all they can do and the staff is very frendly. mabye if you dont ask about everything they can use more time to fix the servers.
some staff isnt friendly im sorry to say this but i realy dont like mrwilli, and if you think im wasting theyr time ill stop talking, and btw, autosave is a simple plugin performance is at 100% the only problem is that it laggs when it shouldnt, so anything you might say now i wont talk more cause im wasting someone's time.
just for clarification the autosave lag has nothing todo with a plugin. It is coming all from the hqm mod that takes ages to save its data. When we remove hqm you might not even feel the save anymore.