Done A whole new adventure !

Discussion in 'Regrowth' started by dailypeanut, Dec 13, 2018.

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  1. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    Regrowth is still one of the best packs out there, we can not allow them to close it down ! Sharpen your pitchforks, ready your torches and get the tar and feathers ready ... time to hunt down the MyM mods for this blasphemy !
    Punane, chaseB2 and Sandstroem like this.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Indeed! Sharpen the pitchforks, boil that oil. Where else can we save the world one block at a time!
  3. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    This is a act of herasy I will stand in your way and MOW you all down whit my mighty bolt gun

    Also it's about time regrowth dies
  4. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    I've never played, but I do have a wagon full of pitch forks if you need it.
    chaseB2 likes this.
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I'm not sure why so many talk about regrowth shutdown while there are not more then 1 player playing on it at the same time.
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    A lot of servers are dead, because nobody has a clue whether it makes sense to start on them again at this point. Look at rg, look at infinity skyblock or infinity expert.
    I restarted on ie this week, despite the fact that it might get reset at any point in time.

    I think you should rethink your reset strategy, in a way that people know how long a server lives until it gets reset.
    This current strategy makes a pack interesting after a reset, but soon after it becomes a gamble.

    And regarding regrowth in particular. A simple map reset would have brought all the boys and girls from the rg fan club back.
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    That's true enough, we base our reset schedule on sheer numbers of incoming and active traffic. The issue with us saying Regrowth will reset in n Days is that players will gladly ignore the server rather than getting somewhere in the pack and then losing their work. This is especially true of Regrowth. Expert, or difficult packs have an audience that starts hot and falls off, it is then up to the fiercely loyal to keep it running. In this case Regrowth couldn't sustain the hardcore players attention. Resetting it may end up in the same trend, perhaps faster with new expert, and difficult packs being added. Awakening for Patrons, Divine Journey, Enigmatica, Stoneblock to an extent, Continuum all pull attention away.
    TomboyEnthusiast and Fireforce like this.
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    You can argue this both ways. I have been hesitant to pick up an old pack again, because I don't know when it is going to reset.

    I think a clear reset date in the announcement thread might actually improve things. People who team up to finish divine journey in 3 weeks anyway, can almost start at any time. Slower casual players like me could plan more ahead.

    I feel like the current process of reseting servers At a moments notice hurts more than a clear schedule would do.

    The only issue with a schedule is that you have to think a bit ahead of course.

    The reason why rg has a constant fan base here is because it has been the only modpack here in a long time that truly feels unique. Most other packs are just another Grindy expert pack.
  9. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    If there would be another Regrowth server ever again, i would have a couple of suggestions :

    - No decay option, forget the 2 weeks reset sheduale. Keep as many bases alive as you can. The world is a Wasteland filled with hard work and a big grind. Nobody ever wants to restart that and tbh it's fun to go out and explore to either find player bases or dungeons.. Once the server has a certain age i'll agree, some of the weeds require cutting but then i would be talking about bases that never really got to far.

    - Perhaps a player market, MyM has always been strict about the spirit of the game but times have changed, people have less time to spend / have the attention span of a 2 year old. A lot of people never really understood that part.

    - a little more extra in general, add a scavenger hunt here or there, something in theme. Have some contest like we had for october / november. Have a progression race perhaps. Tbh Regrowth is a pack that has a lot to offer, the mix of mods and the natural way that they gate eachother is one of the best out there. Thinking outside of the box instead of the 1 miracle cable that is ender io .... An automation contest in Regrowth would have been a lot more of a challenge than in infinity for example.

    The last couple of days we were still seeing new players pop in, but the server was having a lot of trouble getting some activity, i will not deny that. It's just a sad day for us long timers of the server but at the end of the day i understand the why :).

    ps: A simple map reset is never an answer for Regrowth btw, an individual request for a base/book reset made easier maybe but some people have a huge build that took countless days / months will never agree to "a simple map reset". The world needs to be severely bugged before even thinking about that !

    /stops rambling
  10. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Well it has already been removed so I am going to mark this as done.
  11. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    it will be done when you bring back our home on a new Regrowth server :p
    wyndman likes this.
  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like it is time for a poll..
  13. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    /votes yes, wait it's not a vote to make me stop whining about Regrowth right ? :p
  14. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    I vote that there should be a published reset date, but to add a bit of spice the date could be totally ignored and a reset happen at any time.

    Does that help?
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