Story Time

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by chaseB2, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    Whew, been over a month since my last post, sorry about that. Works been a nightmare still :(. I do however, bring good news! Tis the season for a brand new doggo story! I'm in the process of making one up as we speak and should have it done sooner or later. My hopes are to get another one out just after Christmas to celebrate the new year as well! Fingers crossed I can get em out in time though:p
  2. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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  3. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    My how time flies! Feels like forever since I posted a story. But, I bring good tidings! I have with me, a new Christmas story! Featuring our doggo hero's and an unexpected guest! :D Although it's not terribly long, a fairly quick read really, I'll be posting another special story, just before Christmas! Enjoy! :p

    Willow pup danced around the tree, placing ornaments here and there all about. He was careful not to knock anything off the tree as he went. Elder Kay stepped into the room reading a paper while sipping his tea. He glanced up to see the young attendant frolicking about. “Hmm, it looks nice pup.” He went back to his papers and sat down at his chair by the fire.

    Willow quickly finished decorating the tree and rushed over and sat by Elder Kay. “Elder Kaymax, I heard from the master doggo’s that we were having special guests this year for Christmas!” Willow nearly bounced out of his seat in excitement.

    Elder Kay set his tea on the table beside him and carefully laid the papers down on his lap. “You remember that story our esteemed friendly gangster told you? The one about the legendary catto’s? Well, I have been doing some digging and unearthed some interesting things. Seems the catto’s were and are real. They have a settlement some ways from here. It did take quite a bit of convincing but I have managed to purrsuade them to visit the doggo manor for a lovely Christmas celebration.” He shifted in his seat, “I must say, these cattos are quite the odd bunch. They’re extremely reserved. They have quite the secret society amongst themselves. They do not like the doggos at all, quite the opposite. They have no desire to be anywhere near doggos and become extremely hostile at the sight of them. It’s a wonder Derechte and his gang made it out alive all those years ago.” He took his tea and sipped it quietly. “Nonetheless, I’ve chosen to invite a delegation of cattos into our humble manor in hopes that we can show them we mean well and perhaps even open negotiations for a peaceful coexistence.”

    The young attendant’s eyes were aglow with curiosity and wonder, “When do we get to meet them?”

    “In a few weeks. They live terribly far from our borders. But they will be here. Word is the delegation is already enroute here! I want you to make sure that preparations are underway for their arrival, the catto culture is far different from that of us doggos. It will be a grand doggo and catto christmas celebration!”

    Days before Christmas….

    “The catto’s should be here any time now! Young willow, if you’d get the door for them when they arrive.” Elder Kay directed everyone as though he were conducting a symphony. A loud echoing knock came at the front doors. Everyone stopped what they were doing. They all froze, staring at the large wooden doors, waiting. The knock came yet again. Willow carefully reached for the door, slowly opening it as a rush of cold air and snow rushed in. The doggos all stared in awe, unable to say or do anything. A large group of cattos stood shivering outside in the cold. Elder Kay quickly rushed over to the catto’s. “Come in, come in, welcome to the doggo manor! We’re grateful to have you here this evening! “

    The catto delegation made their way into the house one by one. They left only one trail of snow behind as they went. They handed off their coats to the attendants and were led into the ballroom where the rest of the doggo family was. Many doggos remained frozen in awe, most had never seen a catto before. Elder Kaymax and the young Attendant Willow followed them into the open room.

    Kay looked about the crowd. “I’d like to welcome our guests from the catto clan to our Christmas party!” The doggo’s applauded and howled at the cattos. Many of the catto’s hair stood on end. They got into defensive stances ready to attack. The howling subsided and the catto’s eased up. “I’d like everyone to feel welcome in the doggo manor and enjoy the food and drinks provided as well as the Christmas tree that was so elegantly decorated by our own attendant willow.” Applause erupted briefly again. “Let the party begin!”

    Catto’s and doggo’s discussed amongst themselves, some were uneasy with many of the large doggo’s that towered over them. The cattos hesitantly mingled with the doggos, slowly, they began to grow accustomed to the very odd nature of the doggo family. Several cattos became mesmerized by the Christmas tree, they had never seen anything like it. Their eyes grew big and they began to tap on the ornaments hanging from the branches, some of the smaller ones even snuck into the tree and hid in among the branches. Some of the doggos watched on curiously, to them, Christmas trees were common place, but the cattos were completely fascinated by this new toy!

    The lead representative from the catto clan walked over to Elder Kay. “Tell me sir, what is that marvelous creation you call a, what was it, Christmas tree?”

    Elder Kay chuckled, “Yes, yes. Every year we celebrate this time of year by harvesting these trees and decorating them with colorful items. Beautiful isn’t it?”

    The representative was in awe of the tree, “They’re so shiny…” His pupils were massive as he gazed at the tree, completely lost in it. “Excuse me a minute, I must see what it’s all about.” He swiftly vanished and reappeared on the other end of the ballroom, tapping at the ornaments.

    “Well young willow, it seems the cattos like your tree. Well done.” Kay praised young willow pup, patting him on the head gently.

    “Thank you Elder Kaymax, sir.” The attendant skipped away gleefully.

    As the night carried on later and later, many catto’s passed out on the floor, in the tree, in scrap boxes strewn about, anywhere of convenience. In time, the party began to wind down. Elder Kaymax spoke with senior representatives from the catto clan, “I do hope you have all enjoyed your stay here, and I encourage you to stay through Christmas! We will have plenty more celebrations through the week. Our home is your home.” The catto’s discussed it between themselves and nodded in agreement. They then hurried off to various areas, and laid down and fell asleep. Elder Kay looked around the ballroom, “Well that about does that it looks like.” Content, he had the attendants put out the lights and headed to bed himself. Only a few more days before Christmas, the first doggo/catto Christmas.
  4. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    I must say, it's great to see the cattos and doggos finally getting along, and what better time to do so than christmas!
    Punane and chaseB2 like this.
  5. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    ooh seems nice
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  6. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    Alrighty fellas, time for a short story from doggo Willow. This story will be about how one day, chase will have supreme power, not only over MYM, but the world.
    One day, in the future but not in the future, nobody seems to know, there was a movement for chase to become the supreme leader of the entire world. A man by the name of Willow started this movement, in hopes for chase to gain power and take over the world. The movement spread like wildfire, first through MYM, then it spread out of the internet into the United States. Slowly from there it grew, into Canada (if it is real, no one really knows) then into Mexico and South America. The movement then made it's way swiftly into Europe and Africa. Asia tried to resist the movement, but in a short time, the citizens overthrew the council. Only a few years after the movement began, it was everywhere in the world. Earth shook with loud and dangerous protests. Chase had little control over the protests, as there were so many. For the first time ever, the world joined together for one movement, know as #ChaseForSupremePower2019. This hashtag continued to be #1 trending on twitter and Facebook for multiple years, however the global superpowers would not give in. For a short while, people began to lose hope in this cause. A group of doggos came out of the shadows, the two leaders being Amped and Kaymax. Many people thought they had died, since they were gone for so long. Young doggo Willow knew that the two doggos would be the key to overthrowing the world. For the first time in a long while, the protesters had hope in their eyes. On the day of December 24th, Kaymax doggo and Amped doggo rallied the protesters together for their final push. The protesters stormed the white house, leaded by doggo Kaymax. Amped doggo leaded another group of protesters to overthrow the European Parliament. Other doggos leaded protesters to raid places all over the world. These raids only lasted one night. Many lives were lost in the battle, but there was no one left except chase to rule the world, or so they thought. News got out that protesters didn't realize that the president of the United States hired Sir Evan of New York to control the country. Sir Evan had already taken throne, with multiple nukes and missiles by his side to protect what was left of the nations. Before Sir Evan could launch any missiles, the protesters had already stormed New York, thirsty for Sir Evan's blood. It was the 25th of December, Evan was held at gunpoint. Doggo Kaymax was hesitant to kill Sir Evan, so he put Sir Evan in jail for three life times. Finally, there was no one left controlling the world. The people of Earth then urged Chase to the throne. Chase then funded everything the world needed, through taxes. The space industry later saw a golden age unlike any other. There was a break through! There was a new substance that could be used for rocket fuel. Chase sent people to Saturn's sattelite Titan to colonize the interesting hunk of rock. The medical industry later found a cure for cancer through the funding made possible by Chase. All the nations were at peace, and for a short while, there was no hate in the world. That is, until Sir Evan escaped prison, but that is for another story.

    The End.
    No hate to Evan just needed a villain for the story <3
    Punane likes this.
  7. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Denied. :p
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  8. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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  9. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    It's the most wonderful time of the year! And with that, it's time for another doggo tail(or is it tale o_O). I wish everyone a very merry Christmas and hope you enjoy, the doggo version of, 'Twas The Night Before Christmas. Credit for the original writing of the poem goes to Clement Clarke Moore.
    'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
    Not a doggo was howling, not even a yip;
    The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
    In hopes that St. Doggolas soon would be there;
    The catto’s and doggo’s were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of trees and tails danced in their heads;
    And Elder Kaymax in his robes, and I in my cap,
    Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
    Away to the window I flew like a flash,
    Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
    The moon shown on the crest of the new-fallen snow,
    Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
    But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
    With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
    I knew in a moment it must be St. Doggo.
    More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
    And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
    "Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN!
    On, COMET! on CUPID! on, DONNER and BLITZEN!
    To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
    Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
    As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
    When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
    So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
    With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Doggolas too.
    And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
    The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
    As I drew in my paw, and was turning around,
    Down the chimney St. Doggolas came with a bound.
    He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
    And his fur was all tarnished with ashes and soot;
    A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
    And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
    His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
    His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
    His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
    And the fur of his chin was as white as the snow;
    The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
    And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
    He had a broad face and a little round belly,
    That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
    He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old pup,
    And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
    A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
    And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
    And laying his finger aside of his nose,
    And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
    He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
    And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
    But I heard him exclaim, ere he rode out of sight,
  10. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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  11. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    New Dr. Seuss up in here.
    chaseB2 likes this.
  12. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    You smell that! Smells like the smell of freshly written paper! That's right, soon we'll have a new story out! First one of the year, should be a good one. I'll give you a sneak peek, the title is "The Doggos Return". Cryptic yet insightful! Is it one doggo? Perhaps two? Perhaps all of them! Who could it be? Stay tuned to find out! :p
  13. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    ruh roh
    ContinuedAsh, Punane and chaseB2 like this.
  14. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    It's not a good story without doggos in it.
    Punane, BanananaBread and chaseB2 like this.
  15. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    Well here it is folks! In my hands are the pages of the next chapter in the doggo tails!(I swear that should be tales but who knowso_O) I'm excited to hopefully be able to provide more stories as the new year goes on! I'm working hard to set more time aside for these. Now now, I'll hush up and let you get to your reading. Enjoy!

    The icy winter air tickled the doggo’s nose as he stood, once more, before the great walls of the once proud doggo mansion. He breathed heavily, his breath visible in the cold air. An old man slowly shuffled up beside him as the two gazed at the sight. The old man shivered softly, “Quite a sight my boy, isn’t it?”

    The doggo looked on at the darkened building, the bitter air slicing through his coat.”It used to be. It used to be. Since the loss of the eldest doggo, it’s not been the same.” He sighed softly to himself, closing his eyes as he titled his head down. “Perhaps one day the eldest doggo’s guidance will show me the way again.”

    “I think he is already with you, young pup. You just don’t realize it yet. Return from whence you came. You’ll find he will follow you.”

    The doggo turned to look at the old man, only to find nothing. He looked about himself, not a soul in sight. He shivered at the cold before reaching out and slowly opening the massive rusted gates before him. “Once more unto…” He mumbled to himself as he stepped through the gate and strode across the lawn to the manor house. Just as he started to reach out to wrasp at the door, it swung open. Before him, stood a older figure. Shrouded in darkness.

    The figure slowly gazed down upon the doggo, a deep voice rose from within, shuddering the doggo’s very bones! “Master Doggo! Once attendant to this great manor! Speak! Why hast thou chosen to return?!” The voice boomed.

    The doggo lowered his hood to reveal his true identity. “My name is Willow. The Elder doggo! I have returned to reclaim my place in the doggo family!” Willow commanded the figure.

    The shroud exploded into dust and vanished. The Elder doggo stepped into the manor as the door shut behind him. Lights burst to life all throughout the home. A fire burned in the study as Elder Willow entered the room. Flashbacks of him as a young pup, sitting around the fire with Elder Kay and the friendly gangster flew through his mind. He ran his hand along the chair he used to fall asleep in, listening to all of DerEchte’s wild tales.

    The fire burned brightly, warming the room. The doggo removed his overcoat, draping it over the chair. He walked over to Elder Kay’s old desk, now covered in many years of dust. He ran his fingers along the edge of it, more memories resurfacing. Elder Kay’s lessons on how to be a doggo, the young pup’s rise to Master, his crowning as Elder doggo…. Willow stopped, he looked at his fingers, rightly covered in dust now. He stared at them for a moment, as if to expect something to happen. He removed the dust from his fingers and rotated around the desk. The giant glass window where Elder Kay used to gaze out and ponder. Elder willow placed his hand on the window, closing his eyes, he allowed more memories to flash by.

    His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice. “So the great Betrayer returns, or perhaps it was Elder Doggo. The name can get mixed up fairly easily when you tell the stories enough.” Willow opened his eyes, turning to see an old and weathered DerEchte.

    “So, they told stories of me, eh? Did I really amount to so much?” Willow looked at the tired and worn doggo.

    “Did Elder Kay?” The two starred at one another for what seemed like an eternity. The once friendly gangster spoke up, breaking the silence. “Why did you come back Willow? Was it for glory? To rekindle that lost doggo spirit? You know what you did, you know why you left. Why would you come back after all this time despite that?”

    “You say there were stories. Tell me, what of these stories?”

    DerEchte sat down in is old chair, once more. “I suppose one more story wouldn’t hurt would it? It’s getting late anyway. Come, sit.” He motioned for the Elder Doggo to sit back in his seat. Willow sat back down in the chair he had abandoned so many years ago. DerEchte looked glumly at the table beside him. “No tea? Ah, no matter. I gave up the stuff years ago. Where was I? Oh yes. Willow, you departure from this family sent ripples throughout the continent. It divided us and caused many to grow weary of the doggo family name. Many forgot you, others pondered your return. Some of those most loyal sent letters asking for reclamation! Bring back the doggo family! They chanted. But, alas, their cries fell on deaf ears. No one listened, no one cared. The doggo’s were gone. After we lost Elder Kay, no one was the same. He binded the doggo family together and made us strong. You were to be his greatest successor. But, well, you know that story. Much has changed my friend, are you prepared to accept the new reality you’re returning to?”

    The Elder Doggo sat quietly for a few minutes, collecting his thoughts. “Elder Kay saw the cracks forming long before I was even a Master. He saw the future before any of us and it scared him. He was deeply troubled in his later years. We all were. When he. When he left us, I saw what he was so afraid of become realized before my own eyes. I tried to accept it, I went on a pilgrimage to try to renew my faith in the family. Even after I returned then, I could see the damage. Even clearly than before. The doggo family was in shambles and I was powerless to stop it. I made deals with enemies of the family in any attempt to restore what we once were. In the end, I had to leave. It was the only way to preserve what remained of this great family we once were.” Willow paused, rose from his seat and began tending the fire despite it being clearly well stoked already. “Why did I come back,” He whispered to himself. “Why did I come back? You want to know why I came back DerEchte?” He swiftly turned around to look at DerEchte, angrily pointing his finger out the window. “That is why I came back. There are people who need me still. People I left decades ago, who I abandoned. They still look up to me for who knows what reason. I came back to restore this family, to bring balance back in chaos. Mark my words, DerEchte. I will restore this family to its former glory! I will forge new alliances with former enemies and new friends. Reclamation at hand!”

    The fire crackled in the silence. DerEchte stood before The Elder Doggo, looking at him, with happy, tired eyes. “I know you will make us proud, little pup. You will make Elder Kay proud, wherever he may be now. Remember, he will always be with you, in here.” He tapped his finger against the doggo’s chest. “Elder Kay is always with us, he always has been. You just haven’t seen it yet. In time, I’m sure you will, just accept it.” He coughed as age consumed him. “You and I had some good adventures, didn’t we young pup?” He laughed softly, gingerly sliding back into his chair. “You are on your own this time, pup. I can’t help you, my time has long past.” He smiled to himself. “I know you’ll do well. You never let us down… Not really.” He slowly shut his eyes, slumping down in his chair.

    Willow watched him silently as the fire crackled and popped. “Good bye, old friend.” DerEchte burst into green dust, slowly fading away. The Elder Doggo slowly walked away, back to Elder Kay’s desk. He sat down and began writing, the fire slowly dying out….

  16. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    A surprise stroke of inspiration stuck me in the wee hours of the night! As I slumbered, I envisioned something. What you ask?:eek: Why another story! That's right, already another story is ready for your very eyes! It may be a bit longer than usual, but still just as exciting! Enjoy! :D

    “Elder Willow, sir, there is a young Master Gamin here to see you.” The attendant said to the Elder Doggo, as he gazed out the window onto the great town below.

    Willow continued looking out over the town, unflinching, “Thank you attendant, send him in.”

    A young pup entered the room, clutching an envelope in his hands, nervousness in his eyes. “Elder Willow, I have returned from the mission, with good news!” He laid the envelope on the Elder Doggo’s desk. His name printed in crimson red on it. “They said it was for your eyes only. What is it, Elder?” The young Master Gamin, visibly amped up to find out what the envelope contained, eagerly sat down.

    Elder Willow looked down at the envelope on the desk. “Do you know what is contained within that, Mr. Gamin?” He sat down across the the pup. “Inside this is the future of the doggo family. Proof to a theory I had, drawn from a rumor, that was construed by a legend…”

    The young pup looked increasingly confused, “What do you mean Elder Willow?” He inquired curiously.

    “I believe that my master, mentor, the Elder before me, is still very much alive.” Willow looked down at the envelope as if he could see right through it. “This is the proof one way or another. This will tell me.” He slowly picked up the parcel, gently cutting it open with his letter knife. He emptied the contents of the envelope onto the desk. A tuft of fur alongside a drawn picture of a familiar doggo. Willow stared at the fur for a long time. At moments, he looked as though tears would fall from his eyes. He smiled softly, looking up to Master Gamin. “We have a long adventure ahead of us. Pack your things, we leave just before dawn. Make sure Mayo is ready to go as well. Get as much rest as you can, we won’t have much time to when we leave.”

    The young Master Gamin hopped out of the chair and quickly hurried out of the room. Willow leaned back in his chair, looking once more at the fur on his desk. Could it be true? Could his master really be alive after all these years? If so, why would he have left? What has kept him away through all of this? Perhaps, perhaps it’s all just a fleeting dream of a doggo longing for closure. He picked up the picture and stared at it. It was him alright, although he looked different somehow, not exactly how the Elder Doggo remembered his master being. Perhaps time had changed him. Time would surely tell….

    Three days later…

    “Elder Willow, how much further before we’re there?” Master Gamin asked, exhausted from the journey.

    “If my scouts were correct, it should be just over this hill. Not much further now.” Willow responded with a little excitement in his voice.

    The two crested the hilltop to find a great city below, surround by lesser villages. The road down to the base of the hill and made their approach to the city walls. Figures dashed around the two doggos, faster than the eye could see. Master Gamin shuddered, “Elder Willow, sir, I can’t help but feel we’re being watched, if not surrounded.”

    Willow held fast to Mayo, “Take care young pup, they mean us no harm, we’re merely strangers to them. Many have not seen a doggo before.”

    “Do you mean to say they aren’t doggos?” The pup asked frightened. His head dashing about, looking for whoever was out there.

    “They are cattos, my young apprentice. My master had made allies with them long ago, and some good friends as well. He brought about an age of prosperity for the two peoples, before…” Willow trailed off, going silent. A dark shroud covered his face.

    “Before what, Elder Willow?” Master Gamin inquired.

    “You’re too young to understand. In time you will. My Master’s last acts as the Elder Doggo saved both our peoples, but cost the alliance and many lives. It left a lasting toll on his conscience. One that remained forever. But for now, you need not concern yourself with such matters. That is long in the past now. Come, we’re almost to the gates.”

    They rode on, coming to a stop at the large rod iron gates. Before them, a sprawling cityscape, positively bustling with cattos. Two guards stopped the doggos. “What business do you have in Yarndale,” He paused, looking up at the two. “Doggos…” He said with almost distaste in his voice.

    Elder Willow dismounted as mayo neighed. “We came to seek council with your king. We believe he has information on the whereabouts of a close member of the doggo family. Please, allow us entry. We have traveled great distances. It is a matter of the upmost importance that we speak with him as soon as possible.”

    The catto thought about the request. He glanced to the other guard, nodding his head slightly. He growled, “You may proceed…” The gates grinded as they opened.

    “Many thanks to you, sir.” Elder Willow remounted Mayo as they slowly rode into the city. Master Gamin looked back to the guard. The catto glared back at the doggo, hissing quietly at him before turning back as the gates closed behind them.

    The two rode through the streets, getting many puzzled looks. Some catto’s growled, others hissed. Some still puzzled by the sight, unsure of what to make of it. Master Gamin leaned over to Elder Willow and whispered, “What are some of them so mad about? I thought we were allies once?”

    Elder Willow looked around at the forming crowd as they continued forward, “When the alliance broke up, many cattos felt it was the fault of the doggos for the events leading up to and following the break up. A lot of bad blood came from it. The two sides haven’t spoken since. At least, that’s the official word.”

    “What do you mean Elder?”

    “I think a doggo has been corresponding with the cattos, perhaps even visiting the city regularly. We’re here to find out.”

    “Your old master?”

    The Elder nodded. The two reached the large steps of the castle where the king of the cattos presided. They demounted their horses and headed inside.

    Paintings hung along the walls of previous kings and other assorted royalty. They made their way down the endless corridor, coming to a set of large doors with more guards on either side. One of the guards stopped the two doggos, “That’s far enough. What business do you two have with the king?”

    Elder Willow stepped forward. “We believe the king may have information for us regarding a long lost family member to the doggos. We were sent an envelope from the king himself as proof of such.” The doggo reached into his satchel, drawing the envelope and handing it over to the guard for inspection.

    The guard looked it over, confirming the seal to be that of the king’s as well as to be authentic, he handed the envelope back to the Elder whom then returned it to his satchel. “You two have come quite a ways for a myth. This, family member, must have been very important to you.”

    “He is”

    “Very well, we will allow you to see the king. Good luck friends, you will need it.” The guards opened the large doors for the doggos, “I hope you find what you are looking for.”

    The two entered, at the far end they saw the king sitting upon his throne. He stood as they approached. The two knelt down before him. “What business do you doggos have here?”

    Elder Willow stood, “My name is Willow, Elder of the great doggo family. I come seeking information on my master, Elder Kaymax.”

    The king laughed, “My dear boy, Elder Kaymax died many years ago. I am not sure as to what you expected to find here.”

    Willow handed over the envelope, nudging the still kneeling Master Gamin to stand. “I believe this should tell you why we are here.”

    The king whispered to himself, “So it’s true... The elder comes for his master…” The king looked to the doggos, “Come, come.” He motioned for them to follow him.

    Somewhere beyond the walls of the city…

    The three approached a small home in a sparsely populated part of town. The king knocked on the door, “Old friend, I’ve brought guests to see you. Some old attendant I believe.”

    The door quickly flung open. Before them stood a middle aged doggo, with much the same appearance as Elder Kay, but somehow different. Young Willow? Is that really you? Come in, come in!”

    The three entered the house. Willow looked about his old master, “I must admit, I’m terribly confused by all this. Pardon my rudeness, but you should be dead master. Not only that, you are far too young. Last I saw you, you were much older than you are now. What has happened?”

    Elder Kay poured several cups of tea for his guests, “I’m sure you have many questions,” He smiled, handing them cups of hot tea. “Allow me to explain. You see, many years ago, during the vegetable outbreak, the king and I realized we were not going to settle the fight without many sacrifices. We shattered the alliance in a final massive assault against the vegetables. We crippled them while taking high losses on our own side. We signed a treaty with them that cost the alliance between the cattos and doggos. You know the rest. I knew my time was coming, but I wasn’t ready to leave yet, I had much left to do and I knew you would not be able to make it on your own, you were still far too young.” Kay set down his tea. “Tell me, have you heard of Nine Lives?”

    Elder Willow looked at him with concerned eyes, “I was told that was a myth, a legend from the old times. I never thought it to be possible, let alone for a doggo.”

    Elder Kay looked to the king, then back to the doggos, “Only very few are entitled to the ritual of Nine Lives. Those who are of royal blood, or those who are very close friends to the king himself. The king came to me one night with an offer I couldn’t refuse. I went through with the process, I gained greatly increased longevity, but it cost me as well. I was to not return to the doggos, ever. I was to disappear completely, become nothing more than a memory. The king set it so I would have passed away in my sleep one night. The doggo family would think me dead and mourn my loss. I knew, however, not all would remain content with my departure. I knew one day you would come for me. When the time was right, I had the envelope sent to you. I knew you would know what to do by then. I had already laid out the trail, you just had to follow it.”

    “Elder Kay, we need you back more now than ever.” Willow pleaded to his master. “The family is divided, the doggos spread thin. The manner is in shambles.”

    “And yet not all is lost, I see you have taken up an apprentice of your own. Nevertheless, I was afraid this day would come. I must speak with the king in private.” The king and Elder Kay rose and went to the back room to deliberate.

    Master Gamin looked to Elder Willow, “What was he talking about? What are these vegetables? What happened all those years ago? What is the Ritual of Nine Lives? What is even happening?”

    Elder willow sipped his tea quietly, “You still have much to learn, my young apprentice. In time I will explain everything to you. For now, you must remain silent of what you have heard here today. You mustn't speak a word of it to anyone. Do you understand?”

    The doggo nodded obediently.

    The two returned and Elder Kay looked to the two doggos, “I will return with you. It seems I have some loose ends to tie up. I must remain a secret, as far as both of you know, I’m still very dead. It has to stay that way. History will remember me as having died in my sleep of age, long long ago. Only the four of us know of this. It shall remain so. Now that my affairs are in order, let’s go.”

  17. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    11:30 PM
    i need to get back to my stories, its been a long while
    PotatoWithHat, chaseB2 and Punane like this.
  18. Punane

    Punane Well-Known Member

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    1:30 AM
    Ah, good old Mayo helping out with doggos. I wonder where their next adventure will lead. Will he neigh even more in the next story @chaseB2 ?
    chaseB2 likes this.
  19. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    6:30 PM
    We'll see what happens. But I doubt this is the last we've seen of our Mayo and their neighs!
    PotatoWithHat, _Pandoro and Punane like this.
  20. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    11:30 PM
    The dawn of 14th story will be here eventually, what has happened to our feathered hero after the fall, find out next time in:
    [14] Feathered family

    (Sorry peeps, just not had the time or mindspace to have been writing for the past few weeks months)
    PotatoWithHat, Punane and chaseB2 like this.

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