Server Resets on Mym a.k.a "Have a Plan"

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Sandstroem, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    The current Regrowth announcement got me thinking and I realized that I have always disliked how Mym treats its players with shortly announced resets.

    The current procedure is, that at some point, someone, and with someone I mean SirWill, decides that it is time to look over the numbers again. There will be a discussion among admins and then some servers get closed, some get reset, and maybe a new one comes out. This usually happens on a day's notice.

    The usual argument is "We can not announce this ahead, since people would stop playing" and I start to believe this reasoning is the wrong way to look at things.

    I would suggest something else. The only requirement: Proper planning
    And yes, I know, that is hard.

    a) When you reset a server, plan ahead. Announce how long this server will be living. Let's say, Infinity gets reset, it starts again on first of January. Announce a guaranteed lifetime of let's say end of June.
    b) Every 3 month or so (maybe 2) put a proper list of all servers into the forum and tell us which servers lifetime get prolonged by 3 month, which servers get closed in 3 months and which servers are in risk of being closed. Consider keeping servers alive forever.
    c) Experimental servers like Lagblock, ehm I mean Stoneblock that are new might get reset any day because of unforeseen things. Nobody cares.

    This is just a rough suggestion. I can only speak for myself. After a break, I have been trying to decide for the last 3 weeks what pack to restart. Only when the newest announcement came out, I finally decided on IE, because it was not on the list, so I assume it is safe for a couple weeks. Or maybe not. I have no clue and that truely pisses me off.

    Instead of thinking "Who will stop playing" you should think "Who will not even restart because they dont know how long a server will live".

    Obviously this is just a rough suggestion. What Mineyourmind needs is a plan, a roadmap, someone who has a clue what will be done in the next half year or one year. And not decide things on a monthly basis.

    I could argue the same about events, but that is a discussion for another thread.

    BanananaBread and ElectricPoof like this.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    There was a time where we announced a reset/shut down a long time ahead. This resulted in the server being empty. The fun of playing fates.

    Servers went from +10 avg. online players (which is hundreds of active players) down to 0.x in a matter of days after the announcements. New players that joined the network for the particular modpack, didn't stay either although +80% would not have been playing this pack for longer than the dated reset.

    Furthermore this resulted in a lot of players complaining and being unsatisfied that they couldn't play on the "new server" because it would take 2 more months for it to come up.

    I can see where you are coming from and can totally understand your frustration. Unfortunately the data and experience teaches us otherwise.
    BookerTheGeek and Timmypwn like this.
  3. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Well the idea is more of telling us how much time we have minimum left. That allows us to plan ahead and decide that we want to restart on a particular server.

    For takedowns I do not understand your arguments. A server that gets taken down has been dead for 2 months anyway, so why not do something else and say "This server is at risk, you better start playing or we have to take it down in 2 months"
    I would have instantly logged on RG again and started playing. But this thread is not about RG.

    I feel like this could be handled differently. But maybe the problem is my personal playstyle, which is not to rush through a pack in 2 weeks. Of course with the rush-playstyle you can almost anytime restart a pack and finish it in time.

    I did not want to start this discussion here, but I see the same with events. Instead of planning ahead "There will a a Halloween event and 3 build contests in a year", there are suddenly 3 or 4 build contests in a time frame of a few months and now you already start to notice that this starts to slow down, because the event coordinators are losing interest and people do not want contests every 2 weeks.
  4. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Since we’ve moved on to the Events now I’ll make a few points:
    • See this? That’s a feedback thread, we’ve asked for feedback multiple times (that just being one instance) and recieved very limited responses
    • The Events are not scheduled like you suggested mainly due to the fact that, that type of schedule would not allow us to react to differing factors within the event, such as turnout, interactivity, time spent, etc.
    • We also have to work within our own ever-changing schedules, including fitting this in with our staff duties (which take precedence)
    • From a quick look-through of our data, it doesn’t appear you’ve participated in any event or given any feedback prior to this
    • Please do not assume that I (or the team) have lost interest simply because everything is not publicly viewable or up to your standard.
    • The contests are scheduled monthly, (as I addressed earlier, within our changing schedules) we also take into account the days on which we are most likely to see higher participation
    • Also remember that this is the holiday season, which means traveling, family gatherings, and generally a crowded schedule.
    I believe I’ve addressed everything you hit on, if I didn’t feel free to PM me or reply here.
    On a better note, there is more Event Info coming down the pipeline!
  5. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I didn't want to talk about events, but I guess you baited me into it.
    Yes, I actually couldn't care less about events. I am just posting what I see and what I hear from others.
    And obviously I am the last person you have to give the reallife speech. :D

    Now, this is not a "Sandstroem rants about everything"-thread, this is a "How can we improve server reset announcement"-thread, so I am not going to comment more on events.
  6. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    What are you talking about Sandstroem the removal of regrowth and kappa was announced a week in advance and both dropped to 0 cause of the announcement
  7. McDwarf

    McDwarf Well-Known Member

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    Well for some people it is nice to know before hand when the server is getting restarted mostly for those who dose massive builds. so you just don't come on one day an the last 3 weeks has been a waste and your build is gone..
    ElectricPoof likes this.
  8. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    It would be nice to have a weeks notice, If you announce a reset and the next day its reset, If I missed the announcement due to being out of town or just didn't get it right away I might not have time to world download my claim!
    BanananaBread likes this.
  9. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Since people cant take a joke, i removed this message. Moderated... yea right. Censored.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  10. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    Reffering to this in OP, Server reset didn't do anything to me as I never played on the reset/removed packs.
    Someone once told me you usually see what you are, in other people.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2018
    chaseB2 and BanananaBread like this.
  11. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Obviously some people here didn't read my post. I don't care whether a reset is announced one or two weeks in advance. I want to know which servers are safe to play.
  12. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    I know I am baiting for an argument here, so I say this with more than a bit of humor and not a trace of malice:

    If it went from +10 avg. online players to zero, then why did you shut them down in the first place? :D
    What do you mean? I played it the entire week and I had company on several ocations. We even had a few new people popping in who were a bit surprised to get the closedown notice while playing.
    I'd be happy for a monthly basis, that is a month warning. Or anything more than a week, just before christmas, in the middle of exams when lots of people might be unable to read the closedown announcement and loose the last opportunity for a world download.

    But the thing is that like it or not, you (the players) are all customers here. And this is, like it or not, a business. This place needs to make enough money for the servers to run. SirWill isn't 'pooping money' as we say in my country, so he can't pay for a ton of servers for us to play on unless there is funding. I know I have a Tier5 badge, but that badge does not even pay for a server to run for an entire year. There has to be at least one unique T2 Patron on a server for it to be in the black. And having been on these servers for so long as I have, I have pretty much used up the old T5 influx. I am once again a freeloader.

    This is not a democracy where you have one vote, nor a grocery store where you vote with your feet by leaving when you disagree. Leave the servers and you leave no footprint. You vote with your wallet.

    (And yes, you Sandstrom, are a T3 Patron, so you should have that ballot. I am mostly trying to moralize the other guys.)

    But I'd still would have liked more than a week.
    ElectricPoof likes this.
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    B Team, that's safe if you can handle the environment since it gets reset once in a blue moon.

    Forverstranded, we just reset it so it isn't going anywhere soon

    Beyond see above

    Enigmatica Brandy new

    Awakening Patron only so it will go public before we get rid of it

    Those seem pretty safe without me looking at the numbers again
  14. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    reset not shutdown ;)
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Regarding resets, if you look at the performance of the server and the likelyhood of a breaking update and age you can rule out a reset pretty easily.
    Regarding shut downs, you can check the same numbers we do. The servers we shut down usually have less than one concurrent player online on average. If there are a lot of new packs which we are likely to add to the network this number can be slightly higher.

    I don't see how long ahead planning or keeping a dead server for several more months could be practical in any way :/
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
    Fireforce and GreyWolf11 like this.
  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    This is one of the concepts behind rational emotive behavior therapy. The way you interpret stimulus is how you end up reacting to things, it colors your world. Or as I like to say perception is reality. What I perceive is my reality I saw regrowth as this warm welcoming blanket that would always be there for me, it may be a bit threadbare in places, but I hold a deep affection for it. Like a blanket there are times when it is put aside, but when it is colder and you need reassurance it is there to comfort you. Evidently I'm not the only one who feels that way.

    With the release of so many new packs it is easy to contemplate why regrowth has ebbs and flows of population, it also seems to be unique to this one pack, there hasn't been any feedback on the removal of the other packs which does raise a red flag on removing it.
    Sandstroem and ElectricPoof like this.
  17. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    How about renting a Regrowth server ! Mym without Regrowth is not Mym ! ;)
    Sandstroem and ElectricPoof like this.
  18. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    I know there was talk about it. what happened to the idea floating around about renting servers through Mym? (Like Mym runs it, but "Renter" pays for it, choses whitelist/blacklist/banned items)
    I would love that.
  19. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I could not have worded it any better.
    ElectricPoof likes this.
  20. ElectricPoof

    ElectricPoof Well-Known Member

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    Having played 2700 hours on Regrowth, I can say I agree with wyndman about the ebbs and flows of population. The day the announcement was posted, at least 5 new players joined the server, but the week or so leading up to it was very quiet. I would have liked a warning, as mentioned by Sandstroem, that the server is at risk, and would like the opportunity to do something about it- be it get others playing again, or donate for more time, or as peanut mentioned to rent a server. On another note, I guess if this is the end of Regrowth, prob need to change the home page advertising it.

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