Decided Against A PvP Oriented Server

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by LordFungi, Apr 3, 2017.

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  1. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    From my experience on pluginless servers, MINECRAFT tends to go off the rails quite fast by itself.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2018
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    1.13 Vanilla pvp server :D
  3. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    So like the old 1.10 anarchy server that died within weeks?

    Thanks to fabric, it'd technically be possible to do a 1.14 modded pvp server before it even releases. I have no idea why you would even try, but it's possible.
  4. Scorpin7

    Scorpin7 Active Member

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    What...? (I perhaps was Necromancer rank in the servers, I did'nt remember it.. xD)

    I came here for a modded/plugins server to PvP, not just Vanilla T_T For that you can play any hunger games isn't it...?
  5. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I get the impression that's part of why it died so soon
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    If someone wants to champion the cause, go for it. I'm trying to get MyM Skies out the door and into testing, and pushing another project around so I'm not in a position to do it anytime soon.
    elemage and The_Icy_One like this.
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I'll take "Things that won't take off the group for 500, Alex."
  8. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    I just found this thread. Talk about old. Fungi and Icy talking about Civ. How'd I miss it? :)
  9. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I'm actually a little surprised you did, I'd've thought this would've been exactly your kind of thread ;)

    I might give a 1.12 version a shot at some point, it should be fun.
  10. Benjfb1

    Benjfb1 New Member

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    This is very epic ! please do this
  11. Scorpin7

    Scorpin7 Active Member

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    If you finally did this tell us in this thread please, I'm following it from some time ago... And I don't look all the MyM forums.. :shy:
  12. Scorpin7

    Scorpin7 Active Member

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    Hi guys, I know this thread is a bit old but I just found a modpack who includes Factions and their creator have their own server of this (a bit inactive, but still up in theory), and they have their own Discord too, but as I said, a bit inactive and with a few people... Perhaps you can work together with they or take their work when they leave it? I don't know... I just leave the link to their modpack in curseforge here (I hope that doesn't count as spam.. :rolleyes:, I don't want to move people from this net to that server or anything like that, just trying to make this two groups work together to make a MCMMO modpack.. :)), in case someone of the staff want to contact with them (their Discord link is on the modpack description too):

    Greetings :)
  13. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    Same I’ve always been a fan of OP armor‘s in PVP as long as there is a way to defeat said armor so basically that only rules out draconic stuff. ic2 quantum suit can be bypassed with tinkers construct or rail craft trains and electrified rails, most armor can be bypassed or removed with witchery. Voodoo poppets bypass, and werewolves remove armor. However draconic armor can never be bypassed with any normal means other than maybe the chaos dragon but do we really want people summoning auto spawned super buffed chaos dragons? I think not. Civilization as a mod pack actually really enjoyed it other than the bugs and the fact that flans guns never worked inside claims and the admin‘s ever fixed that issue. I actually had a neighbor on that server who me and him would try to duke it out with rocket launchers and machine guns. but we could never seem to kill each other because we never left our claim to do so, and our bullets did nothing Except waste iron and gun powder.
  14. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    Nah i always encourage posts on this thread since it's very important for me. Post as much as you'd like on this, suggest and please please please bug the staff about it :p
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Now if someone had a pack to suggest and then threw some pvp into it that might be easier.
  16. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Well-Known Member

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    Does it have to be exactly pvp by normal means, could it be something interesting even like perhaps using flans mod where its a shooter type pvp, etho on youtube with several other well known youtuber's, did a video of them all playing on a flans based pack, which seemed pretty cool.
  17. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    Battle Royale server can be fun now and then
  18. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Reminds me of minigames on HUB... who plays that?
    PvP server... imho - meh, i dont want to do many things in many packs and to "force" me to pvp... ofc there is something else to do in that tye of server but i can do the same in any other packs too so... Vanilla game with just FEW utility mods with McMMO and towny or other mod to form a guild/town or nothing.

    IF that type of server will made maybe we make Staff Factions - like Wynd Highwaymans, or Sly SnowFoxes etc. with castle/town hall and players build around it and in X:0 Y:0 will be Spawn/Arena
  19. Scorpin7

    Scorpin7 Active Member

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    Well... I linked a modpack with Factions on it already... I think the point is make it balanced and include all the mods you can of the "all purpose" modpacks which so many people love to play (like me, in this case), with tech and magic mods, and make it a end-game PvP experience so the factions can combat with eachother for the control of chunks (perhaps unlimited resource blocks on some of them like lava sources or oil sources...?), and things like that.

    At least is what I'm looking for here, if you don't like this idea (this is for the ones of you who seems to don't like it), just don't play it :s
  20. Scorpin7

    Scorpin7 Active Member

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    I like the #201 answer intention (to don't quote all your post), that's what I was talking about, to make an interesting guild war experience, with Factions, or Towny or the plugin you think can be better to this (I only know Factions, and I think is a nice plugin for this, but if you think there is others which are better for this purpose, nice if those can do it better). Perhaps I like more the 1-10 points (I think the griefing can't be allowed and you need claims to protect your buildings and lands... just make a good system to lose those claims if you don't do it well, like Factions with time connected, deads in the faction, etc.), and as I said, some unlimited-destroyonmove resource points on those lands so have some sense to fight for them, and for don't waste them in just 2 o 3 people mining in a week... (those mods need a lot of resources to get good things... even if those machines are shared between all the faction, etc., I think), but I like that kind of path :)
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