Stoneblock node 2 spawn building

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Punane, Dec 27, 2018.


Do you like how this spawn turned out?

  1. Its ratio of stone to blocks is just right

  2. It has too many stones and or too many blocks

  3. Where is the potato?

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Punane

    Punane Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:19 AM
    Stoneblock node 2 spawn and how it was made

    I was unable to access my computer until now after Stoneblock node 2 was released. My apologies for delaying this post because of that.

    This spawn was special, we knew that it had to bring out the essence of this pack and show off the stone. Node one was kept more basic so we did not want to fully copy that one either, no matter how good of an idea it would have been. After running through a few ideas and discarding them, we picked making a mineshaft as the goal which then transformed into an amazing railroad.

    The build process

    Special thanks to @Punane, @Snackumzs and @chaseB2 for making it. Let us know in the comments how you liked this spawn. What would you have built if you had the chance to help us? I will also leave this sneaky link to those who would like to join the brave builders.

    Server Address
    ggkhs, Snackumzs and chaseB2 like this.
  2. Somnioblivio

    Somnioblivio Mad-Titan Thanos

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    Local Time:
    9:19 AM

    Love the shape! My only critique i think (and its a minor one at that) is that the uniform colors, tend to wash out most of the detail of the shape of the build. A possible solution is to introduce a few new textures or block types to break up the huge hemispheres of barren (well shaped) stone.

    Furthermore, it seems that the aesthetic was to stay as "stone-blockey" as possible, which is great, but as spawn is an established place if not the oldest place in the world, it makes sense that there would be more than just drab stone and some (well done) chisels and bits in the same texture.

    The overall shape it great and reminds me of the build that SystemCollapse did for his LetsPlay StoneBlock series which is awesome! He is one of my fav channels due to all of his builds start with form and let function adapt and follow. (He makes pretty layouts/bases and then populates them with functional systems... which has got to be one of the most challenging aspects to playing modded minecraft: making it look good and function correctly.)

    (SystemCollapse's base near the middle of his progression through the pack - hyperlink)

    Anyways, i digress, spawn looks awesome if not a just little bland, I would be happy to go in a spice stuff up with a mod if anyone is interested in this. If not, that's ok too!


    [doublepost=1546002224,1546001676][/doublepost]PS... i love the railroads and lava... it really ties the room together :D
    Punane likes this.
  3. Punane

    Punane Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:19 AM
    Due to an accident at the spawn all Chisel and Bits job was lost but it is all redone now. I added a few more different textures for variety as you suggested, Som. Thank you for the feedback. What do you think of these minor improvements?

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Somnioblivio likes this.
  4. Somnioblivio

    Somnioblivio Mad-Titan Thanos

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    Local Time:
    9:19 AM
    The mini-water/obsidian is a great detail but I am mad that I have never thought to do that up until this point. *hrmph*

    Overall its a great improvement! now we just need to get lots more wood/mining industry textures up near the rails to make this spawn look more lived in!

    I really should play around with chisels n bits more often...
    Punane likes this.
  5. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    Local Time:
    1:19 AM
    I highly dislike how potato is not in the poll. Besides that, everything seems good.
    chaseB2, Punane and GreyWolf11 like this.
  6. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    9:19 AM
    I wish I was just half as good to build as you spawn looks great
    BanananaBread, chaseB2 and Punane like this.

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