Feedback Network Wide Lottery Plugin

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by _Lordicon, Jan 7, 2019.


Would a network wide lottery system interest you?

  1. Yes Please!

  2. Not Interested at all....

  3. Potato

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  1. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:34 PM
    Was thinking about the currency on all of the servers and how some servers the currency is dead. Some servers you can do the /market command and not find a single item listed. Some may have items but they are not worth buying cause the person selling the item has it overpriced.

    Was thinking maybe the currency could be a bit more meaningful and fun by suggesting a lottery plugin that would work network wide across all servers the same way that the global chat functions.

    I have seen some plugins for this already designed for spigot but have not seen anything else. Would be great too do some research on this type of thing and get it going or even create a custom MyM lottery system and use some of the ideas from the other plugins such as SQL database for storing data and displaying winners and who all is in the current lotto on the forums.

    Maybe use some of the ideas from these plugins or use one of them and get them to work on all MyM servers.

    Lottery 1.3.2

    FamousLottery v.6.4.11

    Another thought would be instead of using ingame myms/currency we could use vote for the server tickets which would require players to vote for the server once a day for a week straight to be eligible for the lottery.

    Having a network wide lottery could get more players involved in the currency aspect of the servers or even get them to vote for the server which could bring more players to the network over time.
  2. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    7:34 PM
    chaseB2 likes this.
  3. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    It seems this audience isnt really mostly kid based. Lottery aint that bad like the "unboxing" sites or outright gambling sites and If I understandly correctly this is not in Euros or Dollars, it is in MyMs (MyM currency) but I see what you mean, but he has a point, currency is kinda dead and so is economy in MyM servers, tho nobody actually cares about MyMs anymore as you can just vote, get tokens and then buy usually tickets or claimblocks. So having some point in getting MyMs would be nice, the last economy I remember where people did business in MyMs not in item for item was in old infinity.
  4. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    7:34 PM
    They are not overpriced. you are just not voting enough.
    If you could vote daily and get real life money prices would inflate, Markets would crash.
    You cant have a balanced market where everyone has the opportunity to make the exact same amount. (In our case through voting)

    you must not float around a lot :p
    There are a lot of kids on this network. most don't talk or even stick around or giveup half way through a pack. but there are a lot of them.
    Most of the older people actually talk and are the well known members you will see/play with more often.

    Gambling is gambling. no matter the "Currency" in question.

    The economy is dead because everything worth selling is locked behind the endgame items list. I would happily spend 10K Myms to buy a tome of knowledge sharing, but thats not allowed. the only things that are allowed are for the most part easily obtainable.
    you can sell and buy things like ores, but that only works for the early players that need a lot of ores. late game you get quarrys and other easy methods of obtaining ores.
    There is an example of this with the economy working very well on Awakening, As it was a Pateron server an endgame list was not super super needed right away and was never created. this resulted in a "There is no list so there is no limit on trading/selling" status across the server and the market was booming with a lot of items (We almost had 3 pages at one time!) and I can garuntee you people were voting daily to keep up their Chunkloaders/buy stuff on the market

    Another reason the economy is dead is because people are too nice. you need 20 Iron ingots? there is a 90% chance there is an endgame player that will just give it to you. ( im one of those players that will dish out ingots if I have extras)

    Myms = Chunkloading Tickets
    Though most people give up on packs before they really need those.
    (And some packs don't really ever need them)

    Myms are dead because people dont want to bother with the hassle of using an ingame currency 90% of the time when they could just use some extra Iron they have to trade for that last music disc. the players that know about it and use it as much as possible get a ton of them because no one else cares.

    The only real way to make myms meaningful is NOT making a lottery/gambeling system. its making them harder to obtain.
    McDwarf likes this.

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