MyM Giveaway

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirWill, Jan 7, 2019.

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  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    We recently have started to use our social media sites more actively and also added Instagram to the list. Therefore we are giving away a 50€ MineYourMind Shop Coupon to one lucky winner.

    To enter go to this gleam site here: MineYourMind Shop Coupon

    Social Media Links:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2019
  2. Jayrok1985

    Jayrok1985 New Member

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  3. _Pandoro

    _Pandoro Well-Known Member

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    5:21 PM
    Wow, Good luck to everyone participating :D
  4. Rs4Boy

    Rs4Boy Active Member

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    4:21 PM
    Good luck to everyone participating in this giveaway, I may as-well enter this and see if i am going to be lucky :)
  5. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    6:21 PM
    already 137 entries
  6. Rs4Boy

    Rs4Boy Active Member

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    Its a big network so there shall be loads more!
  7. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    11:21 AM
    Anything preventing someone from creating 50 of each social account and getting 150 entries alone?

    Love the giveaway and I entered myself.

    Just for fun it would be nice to see a MyM Snapchat as well. Just need someone who likes to Snapchat ingame things or coding or something goofy.
  8. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    6:21 PM
    not really
  9. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    9:21 AM
    I am kinda wondering if I should keep like a screenshot album of player's bases that I visit when working on tickets. Almost like a ticket/support picture log. Make it public to everyone to see.
    Time and your internet connection? :p
    Snackumzs and Slind like this.
  10. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    11:21 AM
    Giveaways are not going to bring people back.

    New Servers/New Packs, purging off old servers with 1-3 people on them larping around wasting resources and management time if they want to play alone go play single player keeping a server up with 1 person on it is ludicrous.

    Stop taking weeks to put a new server together when it takes only half a day. StoneBlock 2 has been out a week, and where is it MYM? Still dragging your feet to get it out that's if it's even planned. Stop nerfing everything in-game, stop with the nonsense chunkoader for tickets nonsense. You put a death grip around the player's throats, censor anyone that speaks against how things are done around here.

    There was a time when mym was the go-to server for anything FTB, and now? Sure the player base is falling off in general for Minecraft, but so is this servers will to provide players with what they really want. Clearly, some type of reinvention of how things are done around here needs to happen.

    We want NEW PACKS when they come out
    We want less Nerfs to Packs and items
    We want per tic chunk loader in the trash

    The game isn't supposed to be a job, it's not a competition, there is no endgame using server performance as a scapegoat doesn't fix anything. When a player is done they're done with the game, let players decide how they want to play the game, don't run the game like a dictatorship.

    Clearly, it time for a staff shake-up around here because I see a ton of staff larping around the forums or discord but nothing is done of real significance for the players.

    I'm tired of it. As I'm sure many players that left are tired of it.

    Change things for the love of God. Stop ignoring your player base cause you're too stubborn for change or think your way is the only way. If not maybe it's just time to shutdown mym because clearly, the real passion for this community has left the building.
  11. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    Congrats. do you have this haircut[​IMG]
  12. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    I'm sorry you feel like we are not listening to our Player base. I just have a few points I would like to bring up.
    I personally have setup servers for MyM and maintained them, and it does NOT only take half a day to get a server at production levels of quality. Sure a kid in his mom's basement can throw up a server in a few hours that will work, but it will NOT be capable of handling the player counts we see.
    Chunk Loading

    This is done to help the servers perform the way they do. Part of our success with stable servers in the past is directly linked to the way we handle chunk loading. The ticket loading system also prevents people who only play for a day from flopping down a laggy setup with a chunk loader running and then it gets to run for no reason for 2 weeks before getting removed by the reset timer or a P/Oed staff member who discovers it.
    "Nerfing Everything"

    I have no idea what you are referring to here. Things that get banned/disabled are done so due to game breaking issues such as duping or claim bypasses that I am certain that if you had your base removed by a rouge quarry you would be quite upset.
    New packs

    New packs are being put up when we have ironed out issues with the plugins/mods that provide your perks you paid for, and all the other features that you would rip your hair out without. FTB hadn't released a pack for MONTHS. The last pack was Continuum which we put up on the network, and they basically abandoned recently. A week of waiting for a new pack is pretty standard to make sure the pack is stable for server use.
    Closing "Dead" Servers

    We are already seeing what servers we should close to bring in new packs and stuff, and it is not an easy task to close a server as you are always going to step on someones toes. We saw this happen with regrowth (shoutout to @Sandstroem :p) and I'm sure we'll see it with other servers. A lot of the data that goes into these desicions is NOT publicly available, therefore it is hard for the public to say when a server is actually dead.
    My opinion

    This giveaway is NOT intended to attract new players as its main goal, it is done to promote the revamping of our Social Media presence, and from what I can tell you are using this as an excuse for a righteous fight against MyM. If you want something from us, the best way to get it is to post in the suggestions forum, not complain on an announcement post in a rather rude way that frankly gets you nowhere.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, this is the first complaint we have heard recently about ANY of this so the claims of "WE WANT" seem a little far fetched IMO.

    I hope this clears up some of the concerns you have and gives you a little insight into what is actually going on behind the scenes, and some of the reasons that things take time.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
    ContinuedAsh, p5k, saabnoxe and 7 others like this.
  13. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    This response was one that I would have expected from this network, the same song, and dance as always nothing more than excuses, nothing you could do was better and you know it all, as I expected. I would love to respond to all your responses but then we're just going to end up in a revolving door of excuses. Instead, I'm going to call it an end to this network for myself and wish you all the best.
  14. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    Letting players decide how they want to play the game.

    As one of the Regrowth players that just lost their server because apparently we are "wasting resources and management time". Although still adding back through patron for a long while. (In fact the restart of the Regrowth world half a year ago brought in a lot of new patron just to get the head start).

    One way me and a couple of others on that server like to play the game is building a proper base of operations and finish every mod in the pack to the point of having most of it automated. And with proper base i don't mean a flat bit of dirt in the sky with a ton of lag machines in 1 chunk because apparently you are too lazy to vote for tokens. Chunkloading is cheap but requires a little effort. If you are too lazy, go patron and receive daily tokens just for logging in !

    Thank you for being so nice about closing down a half year of work we have put into our base because YOU want new packs that are highly experimental and filled with flaws. If you really want to play them, what's stopping you from playing single player ? Regrowth is much more a multiplayer pack than stoneblock will ever be ...

    And finally about ignoring their player base, go ask the 11 MyM players (and still rising) that are now building a new community hub on a different Regrowth server on a different network (ps : Mym we still love you but you kicked us out :p ).
    If he leaves, does that mean we get our Regrowth server back ? /still bitter about it :p
    Sandstroem likes this.
  15. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    11:21 AM
    We wish you well as well. Hope you find what you're looking for out there, but honestly what you consider "Excuses" are logical reasons for how we make decisions. At the end of the day, our founders choose where the network goes, and who are we to question that? They've spent years of their life with us on their minds, with nights of stress and anxiety about how we can stay afloat. I trust them (and the admin team of course) to decide when something needs to go, or when something needs to come to the network.
    Regrowth has been lost to the decision making process that determines a server is dead. I cannot give you an exact reasoning why it was shutdown but if you'd like to get a more in depth answer, I suggest asking in your post about it but this post already has enough info to validate its closing in our books.
    ContinuedAsh likes this.
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Basically, when we need to shut down servers - in order to make place for new ones - we look at two key metrics: the average amount of online players and the amount of players that join the network (visiting the specific server first). Unfortunately the average amount of players of regrowth dropped beyond 1 and the new players went to 0.

    We definitely see that while the amount of active regrowth players was very small - compared to the other 30 servers - they are true fans of the pack and I personally feel for you in that we had to take it from you because it was at the bottom of the KPI list.

    I actually considered bringing it back after the small roar from the community with the change of promoting it and decided against it when we took the "failed" promotion of Agrarian Skies+ and MyM Galaxy into account.
    ContinuedAsh, p5k, Snowfoxs and 2 others like this.
  17. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    Regrowth has always been an up and down kind of pack. Truth be told it could use something to spice things up. But up untill the last day i was still seeing new players join to be greeted with the disappointing news of server shutdown notice.

    If MyM ever decides to have funded servers (Rented), i'm sure we can muster up the donators for it and volunteers to donate their time for it as well. Then again after a world reset and shutdown, i'm not sure if there will be enough energy to start over a third time :/

    ps: After my last post i had several private messages informing about the "other" Regrowth server, so that still has me convinced there is still a future for this unique and old pack.
    [doublepost=1546894602][/doublepost]getting sidetracked now :) i'll be good now :p
  18. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Time to respond to another one of these posts, considering you have already left a few times it's worth responding, personally I like seeing different perspectives on a topic.

    I didn't see this positioned as a way to bring people back, more of a subtle announcement that we're going to use social media again. This is something that gets tossed around, but never really embraced. With a contest attached, it suddenly seems like something that will be actively pursued.

    So are you saying that the purge doesn't happen often enough? Are there specific packs that you somehow think are dead? We go by the numbers of active/new and reoccurring players to make that decision. You might see it as three players LARPing, but there may be fifteen other players logging in throughout the day on there, we're world wide so time zones are a thing.

    I see this one a lot, and guess what setting up a server for forty players isn't the same as ordering one from sticky piston. Sure you can have them set one up in a few minutes using a script, we could do the same thing, but you wouldn't want to play on it. Remember when 1.10 was the hot new property, and plugins were missing? It takes a lot more to configure these worlds then running a quick script and opening the door. Stoneblock 2 specifically was just released five days ago, and has been updated once to a beta version. It currently has open issues in the double digits, so I don't think it is a bad idea to wait a whole week to get it out the door.

    How are we nerfing everything in game? You do realize that vanilla Minecraft has its own chunk loading issues, does this mean Mojang was nerfing their game too? I've been around a long time, and while you might not like our chunk loading system it is by far the most fair going right now. Most servers allow loading 0 offline chunks and 0 online chunks, yes those are zeros.

    Judging by the traffic around here I'd say we're still the go to for modified Minecraft. You have no idea how many networks that were once proud networks hosting nearly as many packs as us are now shuttered due to the EULA enforcement. I daresay you aren't going to find any other networks, better still servers themselves that are run as well as ours.

    You get them when they are stable, that pretty much hasn't changed. Still I'm not sure where the nerf thing comes from, our banned items list is short, and it contains items that either are too every man for himself performance wise, have no realistic function other than duping, or simply bypass claims and cause destruction, with those items we try and limit them rather than removing them entirely.

    Well the game is both a job and a hobby for me, if you see it as a job, maybe you need to take a break from Minecraft? Where are we using server performance as a scapegoat? If a player is done with the game they move on to another pack or game, how are we running this as a dictatorship? Is this a commentary on simple rules of social interaction? You make a lot of bold statements, but fail in giving simple examples, almost as if you want to shout into an echo chamber and have everyone else agree..

    Do you have something against Live Action Role Playing? I'd say by definition responding to things on the forum isn't that, but if you mean staff like to post stories, their free to do it, you could to if you liked to. No one is forcing it on anyone, read it or don't.
    As for real significance for the players, I have to disagree there. We offer nearly 24/7 support for players thru Discord, our Ticket System, Forums and in game, so I'd say that may benefit the players a bit. We have a few staff working constantly on planning and implementing events for the community. If that wasn't enough there's mod packs in development by the staff here, one specifically with the community at large in mind.

    Your entitled to your opinion, but I don't agree with it as a staff member, and patron.
  19. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    11:21 AM
    Well said wyndman, Kudos lol
  20. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    11:21 AM
    Sooooo Who's the winner??
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