Info The Awakening of Awakening

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by GreyWolf11, Jan 9, 2019.


What should happen to Awakening?

Poll closed Jan 22, 2019.
  1. Open Awakening up to the public!

    13 vote(s)
  2. I'd rather see the server spot used elsewhere...

    28 vote(s)
  1. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    12:22 AM

    Howdy MyMers,

    As I am sure the community is aware, back in October we launched Awakening as a patron-only server.
    As the time of Patron-Only has runs its course on Awakening, I'm here to gauge the community's interest in the pack.
    Please vote in the poll found above to let us know if you would play a public Awakening server, or if you would rather see a different server take its place (shutdown).

    This Poll will close in 7 (seven) days.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2019
    Peace7904 likes this.
  2. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Let's get to voting!
  3. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    10:22 PM
    I played through awakening and reached the absolute end game. every single quest completed except one. 1000 Infinity blocks.
    Now I know what you are thinking "Just automate and farm it over time"
    Except here is the problem. I made a calculator for this, and unless you plan on lagging the server and causing issues for everyone making a decently fast farm to finish it in a decent amount of time, calculations are around 50 or more days just to 100% complete the pack once you actually get endgame and start farms going.
    Keep in mind that's 50 or more days of playtime not 50 days of the server running.
    lots of convenient things are disabled by the pack so unless you really know your mods it will take longer then usual to get there.
    And chunk loading that many farming entities is stupid expensive.
    Most of the required parts have an EMC so no problem. just make an emc generator, those are allowed now right?
    Well... There isnt a lot that will make millions upon millions of EMC so the fastest way to make EMC is to mine bedrock with an infinity pickaxe but guess how much bedrock you need? 2 MILLION bedrock just for enough EMC to make the EMCable parts of the infinity blocks, Thats 4,305,977,614,584,000.0 EMC so good luck generating or mining that much.
    "But you can set up laser drills to mine bedrock" Yes, and you can even make lenses to make them more common, but EACH lens takes 4 infinity ingots which you could really use to work on the infinity blocks, you COULD argue that it will mine more and more faster and faster as you make ingots but the base rate of bedrock is actually really really slow and lasering 2 million of it would take a looooong time even with a ton of laser drills. (Not to mention powering them all as there is no creative power)
    so lets say you have infinite bedrock ready to go.
    The slowest part is now farming Neutron from seeds as it has no EMC. if you had a 7X7 that instantly farmed and grew every tick.
    With 4 Neutron essence per plot at 7x7 you have about 360 ingots per minute, or about 4 days of 24/7 farming, which isn't too bad. but there isnt anything that can make it instantly grow in a tick as everything that could get close is disabled by the server or by MYM (Due to lag, understandably) or is just too laggy to mass produce. so lets say you are able to get all plots to grow and harvest once a second and now you are down to 16 ingots a minute which has that gross 78 days of playtime.
    Not to mention the other non EMCable items such as Gaia Ingots and the Terasteel for them.

    So all in all I hope some people take this into account when they vote. Awakening is a fun pack I really enjoyed it. but It's rather unreasonable to finish through MYM without getting complained about by SOMEONE at SOMEPOINT because your setup to finish the blocks is really laggy (Even though it still takes a months worth of playtime to finish)
    Vote new server :p
    [doublepost=1547528413][/doublepost]Calculator for reference Awakening Infinity Ingot Calculator - Google Tabellen
    c0mical likes this.
  4. Minnow91

    Minnow91 Retired Staff

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    4:22 AM
    Been out of Minecraft for a while and over the last month or so been passing the time on other MYM Servers "waiting" on this day coming. Please dont close the box on my hopes and dreams! , would like to see some up votes for this.
  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Turn E2E Skyblock patron only please. Server is overloaded constantly. Was a bad idea to open that to the public. Less is better (in terms of players)
  6. CollinsToys

    CollinsToys Well-Known Member

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    I was away from mine craft for a while and just started this pack. I am the only one using the server recently.
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    12:22 AM

    I'm right with you Spore, it was the quest I looked at over and over and was like.. nope 99% for this one.
  8. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    Regrowth quest book starts with "You have awoken" ... coincidence , i think not !
  9. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    hecka good post Spore, I bailed from the pack once the infinite of infinity dawned on me

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2019
  10. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    12:22 AM
    Can I awaken you to the point of the post? It ain’t regrowth :p
    (Not intended to be taken seriously)
  11. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Just because the last quest needs forever, doesn't mean that the first 99.9% sucked. Skip the last quest and move on. If your brain can't handle that maybe consult a shrink.
  12. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    nothing was implied on the 99.9% and your comment was unfairly harsh for no reason
    Sandstroem likes this.
  13. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    10:22 PM
    Yeah how dare you, I want to speak to my lawyer.
  14. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Keep it on topic please.
  15. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    This pack is not suited for an open release.. We had problems after a few weeks that no mobs spawn no hostile or passive. And the pack is one massive grind
  16. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    The mobs stopped spawning because of changes Mym made to the config due to the massive ammounts of mobs spawning for each player that was on.
    Once the server died down a little (In player traffic) I asked and the changes were reverted back to normal(Ish)
    Most packs are a massive grind :)
    Just this one more so then most others.
  17. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    It's an unholy grind, but you did also bring up an important part of why this thing never started publicly. The mobs issue! The mobs run rampant, so imagine the TPS sink from them with more than the dozen or so we had at our peak. Combine this with leaking farms etc.. things we saw as a patron server are only going to be magnified several times over.
  18. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    are you saying the only good servers are ones that are patron only and that they should get everything? because thats lame because not all of us have money to spend on a reoccurring subscription. dam mojang and their terms
    WishMage likes this.
  19. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    I think it's more fair to say that big packs from 1.12 (maybe even 1.10) that focus on a ton of automation (read grind) are not very server friendly material in regards to resources.
  20. Minnow91

    Minnow91 Retired Staff

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    Looking at the comments it sounds as if this will be a killer for anybody wanting to play it all this talk of Mobs and Farms automating just sounds like it will kill the server. Does not sound like a pack I will commit to in the long run if it is unplayable kind of a shame was looking forward to EMC and Magical Crops on a hardpack. So if this is the case then I suppose supporting the idea of the server slot going to something more stable makes sense.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019

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