Done Starlight Infuser -- Does not work. Please add a shop.

Discussion in 'Enigmatica 2 Expert' started by Braun_, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    The starlight infuser does not work properly on node 2 due to sponge. The starlight infuser main job is to make resonating gems which are used in astral sorcery mid- late game items from the mod. They are also used to unlock other parts of the other magic mods in-game.

    So far I've put in a ticket about this issue now [Closed] [a little disappointed I was given an almost no solution to this issue rather I was given a response that sponge is culprit (already looked it up on GitHub),and told to look around the server for the a chunk it might work it in]
    I've spent more than a few hours trying to find a chunk to get it to worked. As I can say I've had no Luck what so ever. We need a trade"o"mat for resonating gems.

    Minecraft Ticket System - by MineYourMind

    My proposal is to add a shop in spawn: 2 aquamarine for 1 resonating gem.
    ViesSPR, ThePhoenix116 and LadyRen13 like this.
  2. madek12

    madek12 Well-Known Member

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    As far as I can tell Attunment Altar also doesnt work. At least it doesnt recognize the structure for me. I have tried building it inside claim, outside and in other places and its still no go.
    edit: Managed to get it to work by moving the structure a few times
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2019
    ViesSPR likes this.
  3. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    while you are trying to attune to a star make sure you hold the constellation paper while placing down spectral relays. it should show you with a blue animation where to place all the relays.

    *mine works fine in a claim*

    But I also live in the sky so I am closer to the moon so I have a stronger connection with starlight/ mod efficiency
    ViesSPR likes this.
  4. madek12

    madek12 Well-Known Member

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    I know that but it kept not forming (white particles were not showing on the surface of the structure). Only on my 5th or 6h attempt at rellocating it finally worked.
    ViesSPR likes this.
  5. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    ViesSPR likes this.
  6. madek12

    madek12 Well-Known Member

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    I have tried rebuilding Starlight Infuser in different chunks a lot of times and it simply doesnt work. So unless we get some proof that it actually works on Enigmatica 2 Node 2 I also would like to request a way to buy resonating gems at spawn.
    ViesSPR likes this.
  7. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Currently Astral is broken.. I can't even craft the alter. Nor craft the light well...
  8. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    All of the structures work, you just need to move them around till you find somewhere. I had to move my starlight infuser a good 30 times on node 1 for it to work. my irridescent altar too. The latest version of astral fixes alot of the sponge incompatibilities. So for now it's just waiting for a pack update from NillderMedDild
  9. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Actually its not a pack update from NillerMedDild that will fix this... its a sponge issue. Sponge messes with the way astral sorcery checks for multi-block structures. This issue doesn't happen in single player because: No sponge plugin.

    Sponge dev's are aware of the issue and need to fix it, but when that will happen... who knows. Mym staff reported this a few weeks ago to them. Most AS structures do work, but you will have to build them several times, in different chunks and hope it registers the multi-block. I got my AS structures all working on E2E Skyblock. Regardless of the sponge issue. The only thing that doesn't work is the Celestial Crystal thingy with the 8 buckets of liquid starlight. Thats the only thing i never managed to get to work.

    @Braun_ Try harder lol. Its definitely possible!
  10. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Will be applying fixes tonight. =)
    Fireforce, Braun_ and madek12 like this.
  11. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    Like I said, it is a pack update. The astral sorcery dev said he fixed alot of the sponge incompatibilities in the latest astral sorcery release. Which the modpack has yet to update to.

    And the starlight infuser works, took me like 30+ moves to get there but it does work.
  12. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    habibi <3
    Fireforce likes this.
  13. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Anyone have a valid setup on a server I can test with?
  14. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    I have a working starlight infuser, iridescent altar and infusion altar. Claim is in my girlfriends name though. _Lenaa I'm not on atm but I should be in our claim in the factory. If you went upstairs and outside you'd find them across the dam. On node 1 btw.

    P.s. I let NillerMedDild know about the astral update so they said they'll be adding it in the next pack release.
  15. madek12

    madek12 Well-Known Member

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  16. _prpl_

    _prpl_ Well-Known Member

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    aidoneus. mine all works im on node 2
  17. Kaymax

    Kaymax Well-Known Member

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    This does not seem to be an issue anymore so I'll go ahead and mark this as done.
    If this happens again, please feel free to reply to this or make a new ticket.

    Have a nice day and a wonderful time on our network!
    ~ Kay

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