Aidoneus graciously increased the reset frequency of the Twilight Forest on Revelation (thanks again!) and suggested I make a new thread with this suggestion. Even with weekly resets, there are a few Twilight quests that are hard to complete due to the current layout of this dimension on Revelation. The only Questing Ram visible is just outside the world border and unobtainable, and there are a low concentration of Aurora Palaces, Dark Towers, and Fire Swamps (3 or less of each). Some of the aforementioned objectives are again just out of reach over the border. Could we please either set a new Twilight seed that has all of the objectives within the border, or maybe increase the border by 1K on each side? Thank you.
Well the twilight seed revolves around the seed used to generate the minecraft world. So in order to generate a new Twilight Forest they would have to create a new map