World item meta data correction, or possible solutions

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Krole69, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Krole69

    Krole69 Well-Known Member

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    I am sure there are some who have noticed that for lots of your recipe's you need a item with a certain meta data. One of these examples is the MFR recipe for a grinder (which you need a book in the recipe, the recipe is specific to the default meta data of a book, no other book with different meta data will do.)
    That being said its corrected by just making a book from the default minecraft recipe, or using the tinkers recipe for making a book.

    There is another that is not as easy to deal with, The recipe for a magnum torch is virtually impossible to make due to the fact, You can not get watermelon seeds, also the healing potions you find in the nether (Inside treasure chests) is using a different meta data then the one in the recipe for the magnum torch.
    This could be fixed by either changing the recipe so that we can use the different meta data's of healing potion II, or by just making it so there is a way for us to get watermelon seed's. I think that there may be many other recipe's that also have either been corrected or have just been overlooked, and I will post them as I find them, though I have not had much of a reason to sit and make everything in the game yet.

    Never the less, the only people that can solve these problems are the mod author, or the admin's/owner's,etc.. I would love to see these fixed as soon as possible, seeing as how the magnum torch could help in the servers T.P.S. by making it so players can control the spawning of mob's and getting rid of the spawn's that there not going to deal with anyway's.
    Thank You for your time.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    would you mind creating the fixed recipes. The tool that can be used for it is MineTweaker.
  3. Krole69

    Krole69 Well-Known Member

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    I am going to be honest, I have no real exp. in doing script's, and what I gather from the link you submitted is the possible system you use in order to correct server related issues. I have looked all this up in single player mod and it works fine there, so that means that someone in your admin group changed the script (server sided).
    Though I can not be 100% positive about that assumption, nor can I confirm that the script I write would be correct.
    In fact I know its not correct but it should look something like this:
    /recipes.addShaped 3x3: tile."extrautils:magnumTorch" = [[373:8225, 2502, 373:37], [2502,oreDict.logWood,2502], [2502, oreDict.logWood, 2502]]

    The true problem isn't that the recipe on the server is wrong, its the fact that the instant healing potion 2 in the nether you gain from a treasure chest is the wrong meta data then what the normal game say's its suppose to be. Something along the road of this change would make it so you should be able to use either potion meta data's to make the magnum torch. Still I don't know the proper order for this code to be written, considering I only just researched it.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    So in single player it works with the wrong metadata bottle?

    You don't need to create the recipes with the tool and test them if you don't want to. -> A lot of players are happy to try this stuff out and it saves us time ;)
    It would already help us if you could list the ids that don't work e.g.

    w = 1514:51
    g = 4547:877

    w w g
    w g w
    g w w

    No offense or laziness here but if we put it into the todo list it would be at "minor", while with help given we are "forced" to push it in between. Trello
  5. Krole69

    Krole69 Well-Known Member

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    I'm saying in single player there is no such potion with id 373:37 for instant health II, this id is only in the file itself of the nether world treasure chest and can not be gained in single player mode.
    instant healing II by default is suppose to be 373:8229, your server has it as 373:37 (not useable for crafting)
    also the 373:37 is not a potion that is findable in the nei, or with minetweaker. this may be due to the treasure chests from the nether world only.
    Therefor it is almost impossible for me at this time to come up with any normal player fix, other then make it so we can get a melon seed.
    that would fix all the above problems instantly.

    90% of books in the nether from broken bookshelves are stagerd meta datas, Default is 340, and all the others are not useable in the grinder crafting recipe. this however is due to the chisel mod changing the meta data of books as the bookshelf of that mod is broken these include 370:7, 370:9 and may change to other meta data from different types of bookshelves. Fastest solution and no mod required effort is for the player to just make a default book for there crafting.

    P.S. I am old, so I don't mean offense to anyone for my direct thoughts or opinions, nor do I mean to come across as mean or hatefull, I just like to be quick to the point. And I hate typing!
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    No problem, I was kinda direct, too.
  7. Krole69

    Krole69 Well-Known Member

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    straight to the point is always the best way, less BS involved :)
    also paul switched out the irregular meta data potions from the treasure chests I and friends stored
    for the right ones, now to make some magnum torches, hopefully the long term solution can be done in due time but for now, at least everyone who matters know's about it
    Slind likes this.
  8. bloodwi11

    bloodwi11 Well-Known Member

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    I don't believe there will be any objections, but next trip i make to the nether ill pick up all the MetaData Changes and see if i cant submit some updated configs for it.
  9. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Just curious, would you rather change the potion recipe to use something other then melon seeds, make melon seeds craft-able/sieve-able, or change the magnum torch recipe to work with the potions found in the nether?

    Knowing this would save time so I would not have to make unneeded minetweaker scripts.
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    it doesn't make such a big difference. So its up to you :)
  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Two config files need changing in the mineTweaker folder, main.cfg and ExtraUtilities.cfg

    In main.cfg you need to insert the following into lines #61 - #64. This adds the Potions to the minetweaker oreDict, and makes it easier later on if the id's change for some reason.
    #MagnumTorch Fix
    Then you'll need to add the following to lines #131 & #132. This makes the next part human readable.
    MagnumTorch = <2522>;
    Chandelier = <2502>;
    In the ExtraUtilitie.cfg, you will be adding on line #11. This removes the current recipe for the torch.
    And AFTER adding the above, inserting the following into lines #37 - #39 adds it back in, using the oreDict names we added in the main.cfg. (I could not get the spacing right on the forum, just make it look like the recipe above it please....)
    recipes.addShaped(MagnumTorch, [[oreDict.potionRegen2, Chandelier, oreDict.potionHealth2],
    [Chandelier, oreDict.logWood, Chandelier],
    [Chandelier, oreDict.logWood, Chandelier]]);

    That is that... should fix it all up.[DOUBLEPOST=1411057429,1411056067][/DOUBLEPOST]If you can get me the id's for the books, I'll write up an edit for them to be an oreDict item, then they should work.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2014
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Thanks, added with the next restart
  13. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    I'd like to see melon seed seiveable, it would be a nice alternate food source
  14. bloodwi11

    bloodwi11 Well-Known Member

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    The 2 MetaData's i could find on boots were ":5" and ":8" other then that i haven't noticed any others from my multiple trips there.
  15. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I could write that in, if SirWilli or Slind want me to. Or maybe craftable would be better? Personally, I would really like to be able to add the beehive from pam's harvest craft in. It gives honey, and is used in some food recipies.

    Thanks, making the fix now.

    I assume you mean books? Is that 340:5 & 340:8, OR 370:5 & 370:8?

    No problem. I'm making it easier, so next time you just need to download the files, I'll PM you A dropbox/Google Drive where they are. Then cut and paste them onto the server. Is there any recipes you want changed or added on Crash Landing? I can add them in or change them for you.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    It's not really easier if I need to download the file to copy paste it instead of directly copy paste.
  17. Krole69

    Krole69 Well-Known Member

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    I can confirm on Crash landing 2 server that the potion data has been amended so now magnum torches are craftable again.
    I will also test each of the book recipe's later to see if there fixed as well, though that one may take me a bit :)

    Good job on the fixes!
    I know how to test and find things, but as far as scripts go I'm a lost dog.
  18. bloodwi11

    bloodwi11 Well-Known Member

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    The books are 370:5 & 370:8
  19. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Ok.... Book Fix. Only including these two ID's for the books from the Chisel bookshelves as they were confirmed by a mod. Please post screenshots of other books with other id's.

    Add this line to the end of the "main.cfg", on its own line.
    include "mym.cfg";
    Create a new file in that folder called "mym.cfg". Put the following in that file.
    # Items With Added Game Ids' #
    Book = <340>;
    # Items added to Ore-Dictionary #
    # Shapeless Recipes #
    recipes.addShapeless(Book, [oreDict.bookFix]);
    Doing it this way will make it so that we only need to update the "mym.cfg" in the future instead of changing a bunch of different configs.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014
  20. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Added with the next restart.

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