Direwolf20 Server Update

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by DPRK911, Mar 7, 2019.

  1. DPRK911

    DPRK911 New Member

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    7:58 AM
    Im a very new player who started playing just 2 days ago. I have not played minecraft in a long time, but when I logged onto the server I noticed that while the few players on there very nice, the entire overworld was ravaged and in ruins. There is not one place where someone has been, not one village untouched, and one also notices the lack of any new players.

    I have played alot in just a couple of days and noticed a couple of things. Even when I play completely alone, there is still a very noticeable amount of lag. The server is also many versions behind the official modpack/minecraft version, (I am not sure if this can be fixed easily, or If I am mistaken and this is just the current version). It also seems like there has not been a major update/reset of the server in a couple of years, which might also have helped contribute to the fact that its growth is stagnant and its player base small. I have yet to see any staff on the server, and while I do understand that they might prefer playin other modpacks, it would be nice if they checked in sometime( maybe they do and I have just missed them, then I'm sorry)

    I really wish that the server could at the least be reset, and if it was possible be updated, it would make it much more fun and would also clean up alot of the problems with it. 7

    Thanks, I hope it was not out place for a new player and member like me to make these suggestions.
  2. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    It's the most recent version for 1.7, they tried having a 1.10 version server and it died out within a month of launch, no one has suggested adding a direwolf20 1.12 server as people are afraid it'll just turn out like 1.10. The DireWolf20 pack was one of the most popular packs when 1.7 was the newest version you could play packs on, hence why the overworld is heavily in ruins
  3. DPRK911

    DPRK911 New Member

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    7:58 AM
    Maybe we could get a reset then maybe? There is literally no untouched place, which is not the most pleasant experience for someone new coming on.
  4. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    If you can get everyone that plays on the server on board with a reset then yeah they'll do it but since it's a dying server they might just let it die
  5. DPRK911

    DPRK911 New Member

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    7:58 AM
    Hm, not a bad idea to move on, but I have talked to some players, and while they do like their setup, I have asked and not been met with some negative feedback yet. Have to do more asking maybe .
  6. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Yeah cause resets are also a easy way to scare off current players cause they don't want to lose there progress, The direwolf20 pack has become stale since there's no real challenge if you wanted to you could be at end game within 20 hours of first joining the server
  7. DPRK911

    DPRK911 New Member

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    7:58 AM
    I understand. Last time I played minecraft was in 2015. Is there any other popular modpacks that have somewhat same setup and are stable, but also up to date?
  8. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    2:58 AM
    Feed the Beast Revelations is a kitchen sink pack on 1.12.2 which is the latest version for modded

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