New recipe in Ozone 3- Creative ME Storage Cell

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by AceOfBases, Mar 11, 2019.


Add ME Creative Storage Cell to PO3?

Poll closed Mar 25, 2019.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Local Time:
    6:12 PM
    Since we're able to get the ExUtil creative chest, I propose a custom recipe added to the pack. Creative chest + ME Advanced Storage Housing to create ME Creative Storage Cell.

    We already have the functionality, this would just reduce the ME system overhead and lag for late game players who want to keep playing on the server after getting the chest. Instead of constantly putting one-off stuff into the chest, and then putting those items into the ME, or using the Transmutation chamber all the time we could just set items into the storage cell and the ME handles it all transparently and without lag.

  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:12 PM
    We don't change modpacks.. ask Cazador to add it if you like.
    Fireforce likes this.
  3. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    6:12 PM
    You do change modpacks. Type /banneditems for an example. MyM makes changes to packs to ensure network stability, performance, and a grief-resistant environment for their users. Unless I am mistaken, there is currently no pack running on MyM that is in its original form as released by the modpack author, except for packs developed for, and released by MyM only. Name a pack that has ever been released that contained the SirWill tank or the multiplex portal in it by default, except a pack that we developed in-house. There is an example of a recipe being added to facilitate making a pack more server-friendly. We do it all the time. On this very pack Translocaters was removed by MyM, not by Cazador. Go read changelogs for endless examples of changing packs. I could link to 100s of examples of changes we've made to packs, and custom recipes that have gotten added to fix performance issues or make the network smoother.

    The change I proposed meets those criteria. It offers the same functionality as is currently contained in the pack while reducing the potential for late game players to have ME lag, which impacts server performance. Currently there are at least 3 players still on the pack, daily, who have reached the creative chest.

    I made an ME that appears on the lag report strictly because of the storage bus and the transmutation chamber. The entire ME system consists of 1 controller, 1 smart cable, 1 crafting terminal, and a storage bus on a transmutation chamber. So, either the threshold for being on the lag report is ludicrously low, or the trans chamber/storage bus (it's the second item, pretty sure) is a lag machine.

    I did reach out to Cazador, and the conversation is ongoing, but the immediate response (very abbreviated version) was "We're busy working on the new modes". He wasn't opposed to the idea, just didn't feel like modifying the old version with so much work on the new modes to be done. I suspect that the recipe may be added to the new modes, but we'll see.

    Meanwhile, here at MyM, we can make a choice to make late-game ME systems on our network less prone to generating lag while keeping the pack progression and intention identical, improving the server.
    dragon87tamer likes this.
  4. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    2:12 AM
    It's adding a item that is not craft able in the first place... There's ways to optimize your AE system like not dumping nbt items into it
  5. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    7:12 PM
    We also do not have away to send recipes from server to client
  6. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    1:12 AM
    couldnt u just stick a recipe at spawn in item frames? it has been done on other packs when the recipes wasnt viewable in clients or if its a extreme crafting have it on the forums with a screenshot and a list of items needed
  7. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    6:12 PM
    Don't even really have to put it at spawn. Just make it craftable, shapeless recipe, and reply here that it's made. Word of mouth will handle the rest. Sure, the spawn recipe is useful, and the next time someone is modifying spawn I'd suggest adding the billboard, but step one is just making it craftable.

    Fireforce, not dumping NBT items into the ME is good advice, but the ME system I'm referring to has no drives, so it has nothing stored in it.

    Anyhow, I appreciate the positive votes and support from the players. If my conversation with Cazador has the result I think it will, we may see this craftable in the new modes. Keep your fingers crossed. :)
  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I think ur fighting for a lost cause m8. When wyndman said "we don't change packs" it basically was a polite way of saying:
    "Nope, we ain't doing this. Stop trying. Wasted effort"

    Then Aido tried to be nice and polite about it with
    Basically meaning, they really don't wanna and ain't gonna.
  9. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    LOL deepcage....they could do it, its not that hard, as they have done with many packs, even 1.10+ packs they have added stuff in / removed stuff. I also understand them not wanting too as well. Adding recipes that the pack creator hasnt added in, is normally a BIG no anyways. The only reasons to add recipes is A) makes things server friendly (sirwill tank). Or B) the recipe doesnt seem to work on our servers (thats when they make their own for that specific item)

    Like take the Infinity solar panel, its there, u can see the recipe, but it can only be made in the Avaritia crafting table. Which the pack creator has disabled... no idea why.. that would probably have better chance of being made a recipe by Mym, then adding something like the ME creative drive.
  10. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    6:12 PM
    I certainly appreciate your input, and what seems like an attempt to teach me something that you feel I'm not understanding.

    Happy gaming!
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:12 PM
    In other words we don't change a pack for the sake of changing a pack. Yes we ban items, or add a sirwill tank to ensure a more stable server. 1.12 changed even these tweaks with the changes to minetweaker and an inability to send changes to the client. For some reason people don't use the mymlauncher so adding a recipe would just leave an empty hole in the crafting output at best. Couple that with adding things that the author didn't could change the pack in ways the author never intended. I wouldn't want people fiddling with my pack after I worked hard at balancing it.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  12. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    Adding in a random creative item just because one person/ a few people wants it is veeeerrrryyyyyyy different from "we need to disable this item because it literally breaks the server".

    And as someone with a lot of experience with these things I can tell you that adding in creative cells is not going to do anything to fix ME lag, because the problem is not the lack of recipe for the drive, it's that players very very very rarely know how to use the mod properly and cause the issue themselves.

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