[Updated] Infinity Evolved Reset and Downscale

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by SirWill, Mar 22, 2019.

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  1. Vateg

    Vateg Well-Known Member

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    I confirm that the mod is a very useful mod
  2. ElectricPoof

    ElectricPoof Well-Known Member

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    I don't think it's just that easy.

    OREGENERATOR Patron Tier 2

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    Real shame yeah, been a good 3 months I put into N1.. Logging in every day, building, dying, making some horrible-tier jokes, meeting some great people and most importantly the people online were having fun, and so was I. Gonna miss the people and the game, but don't think I'll be coming back for a restart any time soon..
    Wish you could simply transfer your claim over, make it a reset of the broken overworld, not the magnificent bases that have an upholding claim.. but well. I definitely understand why, the overworld does look real holey every couple meters. :^)....
    Vateg, OskarnikPL and ContinuedAsh like this.
  4. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    Join me on po3 :)
    OREGENERATOR likes this.

    OREGENERATOR Patron Tier 2

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    I'll think about it and see what SX thinks about it. But honestly we had a lot of time and fun in Infinity the last 3 months. I'm not sure if we'll just restart on some other modpack or whatever anytime soon :(.
  6. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    Protip: Don't delete a world where people are actively building/playing in and that isn't as destroyed as this post claims it is. This world is everything but destroyed and there are seriously TONS of good places to build. Often takes me ages to even come across another base when i go out wandering to check out other bases.

    THIS POST DOES NOT RESEMBLE THE ACTUAL STATE OF THE EXPERT SERVER, yet we are treated just the same like all the trashed servers that basically have no difficulty ...

    and to top it of we get no feedback at all, people that have been around for a while now, do we even get listened to ? Do we even have a say in this. We bought several kits a month ago (because noob necro wanted his enderio cables :p ). Do we even get a refund for those ? No the post says 2 weeks ...

    After the whole Regrowth thing and now this, i am starting to lose faith in management. It feels to easy for them to flip the switch no matter whats happening on the server. Everything for all the new packs hype ! It doesn't feel like there is still room for a long term commitment and that's the real shame.
  7. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    This is on normal not expert, I've seen the state of expert and it's fine.
    Necro6300 likes this.
  8. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    And yet Expert is getting reset alongside the normal server, but thank you for making my point ;)
  9. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    I don't understand why expert is being reset, It's in good shape. I'm all for keeping expert even though I don't play there
    Necro6300 likes this.
  10. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    Nobody does, it's pure madness !
  11. MrSnuggies

    MrSnuggies Well-Known Member

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    I really hope SirWill reconsiders expert server. There isn't one person in this thread that agrees with its reset. We all understand why the normal mode servers need it but please leave the expert alone :stop::stop::stop:
    Necro6300 and Vateg like this.
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I edited the main post to make it more clear which servers are affected.
    Unfortunately does infinity expert not have enough players to keep the server running and there are alternatives like infinity normal and infinity skyblock. Even after the modpack got updated with a quest book which was only in the expert mode, most players didn't care about it.

  13. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    At least let the people finish the pack before shutting it down
    OskarnikPL likes this.
  14. harano81

    harano81 Well-Known Member

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    I dislike this but like this. From the ashes we will be reborn.
    p5k, ContinuedAsh and OskarnikPL like this.
  15. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    So basically it doesn't matter that weekends , when people have time to play, are busy. Taking in account it's an old modpack (and expert at that) so it's not really going to attract new players. and yet we can have 15 people online at times.

    It doesn't even matter that several mods are playing on it either apparently.

    I wonder how many of those new players are actually sticking around or just creating holes in the world and leaving ...

    After playing expert you think i'll be playing normal mode ? are you kidding me ? i invested a good amount of time to get anywhere in expert, something that takes at most a week in normal and i'll be even way past the progress i made in expert. It has no challenge (no offense to people playing normal mode :p but it seriously doesn't :p )

    Well good luck with the new server then, wish you all the best.
    [doublepost=1553364643][/doublepost]ps : can i get cash refunds from the kits i wasted on this server the past month ... yeah i figured ...
    [doublepost=1553364775][/doublepost]in fact, maybe i'll go play PO3 , i'm not very fond of it so you can close that one and make space for other servers /annoyed and childish :p
  16. ElectricPoof

    ElectricPoof Well-Known Member

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    Only taking into consideration the last 7 days of play? I've seen many players come & go over the last month. It's usually about 8-10 plus on the weekends. About 15 people on this thread have responded that they don't want expert reset, seems like that would be enough. I get it, its not up for vote (wish it was), and I can do sp, or start my own server (guess I have to) if I wanna keep playing. I'm not interested in the next big thing all the time, so I'll miss the people I've played with over the years, and wish you all well o/
  17. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    We will reconsider infinity expert and let you know in the next 24 hours.
  18. ElectricPoof

    ElectricPoof Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for thinking about it! Fingers crossed!
    Necro6300 and ElectricLemonade like this.
  19. Necro6300

    Necro6300 Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for listening to your player base, especially since all of us here have been with you guys for so long/ spent time and money on MYM because we think its a great place to be. we have all let our thoughts on this matter fly and im sure we are all very grateful that you have listened to our pleas. Fingers crossed! that we expertians are left to wander the node we have come to love n spent A LOT of time in. xD

    Once again thanks
    From Noob Necro =P
    ElectricPoof and OskarnikPL like this.
  20. MrSnuggies

    MrSnuggies Well-Known Member

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    Thank you SirWill for taking more time to reconsider the expert server. You have a passsionate group of dedicated players on that server that who hope to continue playing on it as is.
    Necro6300 and OskarnikPL like this.
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