Done Dead after teleporting from end to overworld in wall ..

Discussion in 'StoneBlock 2' started by MakakPL, Mar 25, 2019.

  1. MakakPL

    MakakPL Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    1:26 AM
    I have ben exploring end and when i have ben digging down my character was teleport to overworld in wall ( no permission to break blocks so it suffocated .. ) ;) It is 600 blocks form my base can i get back my gear or do i need to re make it ?
  2. ggkhs

    ggkhs Guest

    Hey MakakPL,

    After investigating with a Senior we were unable to locate your grave location, and after simulating a death to check if the grave spawn in the administrator claim (spawn), it did not. As such I will unfortunately have to remind you of our No Refund policy, there is nothing more we can do, you will have to create the items again. As the issue is resolved I will have to mark the thread as Done.

    ~Assisted by Punane
    Have a nice day and a wonderful time on MyM.
    Punane likes this.
  3. MakakPL

    MakakPL Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    1:26 AM
    ok thx ;)
    ggkhs likes this.

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