Accepted Modpack Suggestion: FTB Interactions

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Willshaper, Mar 28, 2019.


Would you like to see an FTB Interactions Server?

  1. Yes Please!

  2. No Thanks!

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  1. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:42 AM
    FTB Interactions is a new modpack from the FTB team.

    You start off on a void island, with a Project E table and a tree, and have to work your way to craft a Overworld Portal, to move on to a place with solid ground.

    This isn't an EMC based pack though, as there are only a few dozen carefully selected items with an EMC value, and you instead have to actually work for your stuff, instead of building a huge EMC farm.

    It's a pack all about interactions between different mods, with tons of cross mod recipes.

    The pack also has Gregtech, which is very rarely seen in Modpacks.

    And one of the biggest things in it's favour; No lootbags!

    Here is the description from the Modpage:

    FTB Interactions is the largest and most ambitious progression pack FTB has developed to date. The pack was designed to encourage cross-mod interactions to solve logistical challenges, defeat buffed mobs, outright cheese traditional obstacles, and even automate the killing of bosses. It's a progression and quest driven pack that is targeted towards people looking for a long term challenge for themselves or in a server setting with teams in mind.

    Many large well-known mods are featured in the pack, foremost among them is Gregtech: Community Edition which serves as the backbone of the pack's progression, while mods like Thermal Expansion, Astral Sorcery, EnderIO, and Blood Magic play supporting roles. Over 20,000 lines of unique scripting was used to eliminate redundant materials or blocks (who needs 10 furnaces from 10 mods?) and integrate mod recipes and mechanics to make sure there was a polished, sensible experience when exploring how mods interact with each other. On top of that, traditional progression of mods have been flipped on their heads to encourage new playstyles or to better balance their functionality in a large pack.

    Modpack link:
    Overview - FTB Interactions - Modpacks - Projects - Feed The Beast
    ggkhs likes this.
  2. ggkhs

    ggkhs Guest

    Not entirely a skyblock
    Reliquary Mod
    Heavily Tweaked Recipes that needs you to experiment with every mod
    Xtone Mod
    Advanced Rocketry
    A ton of non popular mods which sound really interesting
    Xnet :(

    I can see myself sinking into this pack for a lot of time, finally another 1.12 pack that seems like enigmatica 2, although not sure on the expert level, it seems it is not an easy pack. That said, I am already hyped about it!!! Hopefully we can implement it on our network.
    Willshaper likes this.
  3. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    1:42 AM
    We’re keeping an eye on this pack ;)
    Willshaper and ggkhs like this.
  4. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    11:42 PM
    I smell a new MyM server
    Zxirl, tonalom, Willshaper and 2 others like this.
  5. biomanmu

    biomanmu Active Member

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    1:42 AM
    Looks like a good pack.
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    12:42 AM
    Just saying from playing this single player, this pack is a beast. A few issues for MYM, but nothing game breaking. Mostly thaumcraft and advanced rocketry.

    Looking forwaed to this pack.
    Zxirl and ggkhs like this.
  7. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    12:42 AM
    Yush. I'm nearly finished with E2:E and have been waiting for this pack. I've been messing around in Single Player. This pack is amazing. New level of fun.

    Lets make this happen... soooon :p?
    ggkhs likes this.
  8. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    10:42 PM
    It does look like it will be an interesting Hard Core Pack... It only starts off folks with the Project-E table just to get you started, as it will only ever offer the most basic of materials... It apparently was only added because folks kept dying during play testing of the pack... So they wanted to give folks a safe beginning, to learn the basics, before being thrown to the wolves... If you've played Sevtech, you may see a few similar items and crafting recipes in the beginning... There are a ton of recipe tweaks and so forth...

    If MyM does decide to try out this pack, I would not doubt that it would be for paying Patrons only for a good several months, at least... Similar to what they tend to do with these more newer modpacks gaining a fast rising popularity foothold in the Minecraft world (like they did with Sevtech and others)…

    I can only hope that it isn't too extreme in it's difficulty or that it stays fun for it's entire play through... Sevtech kept things interesting for a bit, but then felt like the authors got bored and just threw everything else into the pack without any further sense of progression about 2/3rds into it...

  9. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    I am back with an update.... What a challenging pack. I have played a wide variety of packs, but this introduces an entire new play style. I finally reached the overworld in my Single Player world. So far, I do not think it is "too hard" by any means, but it is by no means a beginner friendly pack.

    The Interactions server would definitely need to have some sort of overworld protection like the sevtech server.

    Really hoping this server happens now >:D such a good pack
    ggkhs likes this.
  10. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    I honestly don't know why you guys want to rush it we all know it'll only have 18 slots and that it'll be full till either a new server is released, a new node or people get bored and move on. They said the same for ultimate reloaded about 2 months ago and it still hasn't become a thing. Not saying I don't want this to be a thing just saying there's no need to rush into it.
  11. biomanmu

    biomanmu Active Member

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    1:42 AM
    Good point, I still want to play AoE and probably will be for awhile.
  12. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    12:42 AM
    Grey/ Aidoneus, do y’all think this server will be happening? Vote ratio seems pretty supportive :D not sure if a new server is not being considered at this time or not.

    One more thing that I noted; the overworld difficulty increases once you enter the steam age (skeletons begin spawning). Not sure there is any solution to fix that for new players, but just something worth noting.
  13. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    11:42 PM
    Been trying to figure this out in my head how to make it MyM compatible. Due note though that the overworld is a skyblock and then you progress to a actual overworld type world.
  14. Cubelex_YT

    Cubelex_YT The steampunker Lord

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    6:42 AM
    It Contains ThaumcrafT? Now it seems to be a good pack
    PotatoWithHat likes this.
  15. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    12:42 AM
    Yes, I've progressed in a single player world up to the steam age.

    As for MyM compatibility, the current MyM portal system should work in this case. The unlock requirement for the 'actual' overworld (for building after progressing through the skyblock quests) as well as a farmworld should be the 10 overworld portal blocks from the quest. The nether requirement needs to be the nether portal blocks from the quest. I cannot recall if the end portal requirements are different, but change those portal costs as well if so.

    Advanced rocketry settings can be the same as any of the other packs w/ that mod as that seems to work just fine in packs like E2:E
  16. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    6:42 AM
    Advanced rocketry seams to break each time IT have ben on Mym like space stations not spawning and such but it sounds fun
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    12:42 AM
    Feel free to get a hold of me if you need any help.
    Fireforce, Zippity_Doodah and Zxirl like this.

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