Decided Against Enigmatica 2 Expert Skyblock: Please stop deleting player bases after only two weeks of inactivity

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by xX_deadbush_Xx, Apr 9, 2019.

  1. xX_deadbush_Xx

    xX_deadbush_Xx New Member

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    1:52 AM
    I've played on MyM for about 12h now and I was shocked when I found out that you delete islands after 2 weeks of inactivity. You're trying to reduce lag by removing the islands of players who have lost interest in playing but two week are way to short to determine whether the player is going to come back or not. There are various reasons for being inactive for more than two weeks: What if you're just on vacation or your parents take away your computer for a while? Often you just need to take a break from some modpack so you play a different one and after a month you get back to playing the first pack.
    I've come up with a simple solution that hopefully makes everyone happy:
    Each player gets more and more time the longer they played. Players that just started have one week and players who've played 50 hours have 3 months before their island get deleted. Some players play for just an hour and then never come back because they decided that they don't like the modpack. The base of such a player would be deleted soon and even if they came back not much would be lost. A player who has already spent many hours on the server probably won't just give up his island, even after being inactive for a while. If I had noticed the "your base gets deleted" message earlier, I would have stopped to play on MyM immediately.
    Please consider implementing my suggestions, MyM is the only e2es server with actual players on it that I know of. :)
  2. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    The claim deletion system has been brought up before a few times. Our reasoning for regenerating inactive bases and islands is to make space for new players, keep the world fresh, and as you mentioned, it somewhat helps with the lag on the server. However, we also understand that players might have to leave for a prolonged period of time every now and then. Which is the reason why it is possible to get an extended time limit before a claim is regenerated.

    Running the command "/absence" in game (or having a staff member do it), will give you four weeks before your island is reset. Buying patron tier 2 or 3 will also extend the time limit by a couple of weeks.

    What I want to say is that, players are generally happy with the system as it is, and it works. So while I understand why you are making this suggestion, in my own personal opinion, I don't see much reason to make major changes to it after it's been working for so many years.
  3. xX_deadbush_Xx

    xX_deadbush_Xx New Member

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    How can you be sure that players are happy with the system when it gets "brought up" again and again? I mean... How can anyone be happy about his base getting deleted? I've asked other players on the server and they completely agreed with me. I've never programmed a minecraft plugin but I'm pretty sure doing the changes to the system I proposed is not such a big deal. If you still don't see much reason to make changes, at least make players more aware of the deletion system and /absence.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Tonalom covered most of the ways to protect your island, but I wanted to throw my two cents in here as well. First as a Patron I enjoy extended absence from the server, but even I have lost claims and it can be disheartening. As to why we do it, performance issues are one reason, secondary to that is on a land based world if we left relics of player bases up for extended periods of time it has actually been shown to drive new and existing players away. With an absence you have twenty-eight days to log on to the server again, it only takes a few minutes to save your work. If you aren't playing for two weeks and don't run an absence or ask us to do it on your behalf the assumption is that you have moved on to a different pack.

    Having longer periods of time before deletion has been intentionally, and in some cases unintentionally been tried before (see 1.10 before the plugin was ported) resulting in performance issues on the more popular servers, including skyblocks. On landbased servers it results in complaints from players citing eye sores that aren't being removed, or claims blocking their work. Worse it results in players leaving after not finding a suitable area to live in.

    Messages display regularly in regards to absence, and you are warned starting seven days before deletion about your claim.
  5. xX_deadbush_Xx

    xX_deadbush_Xx New Member

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    1:52 AM
    I agree with you about resetting claimed chunks on landbased servers but this thread is about e2es, a skymodpack. Also I didn't suggest giving everyone more time but the players who've spent much time on the server.
  6. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    I have gotten used to the reset system by now, so i don't mind it too much.

    It does however have one problem:

    There is no reason for players to band together and build a city, or make server wide city connections.

    It would be amazing to have an interconnected server, with a minecart/teleport hub from which you could travel all over the world, but that's just not possible on MyM.

    MyM is basically 20x Single Player bases spread out over the world, instead of 4-5 small cities of players that can band together.

    It was "tried" on FTB Revelation, but because a few players stopped, the "city" was halfway gone after a few weeks.
  7. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    All it takes is for one player on the Trustlist to pay attention to the warnings sent in the chat and submit a Ticket asking for a Claim Transfer.

    That, combined with the methods Tonalom mentioned above, gives players many methods to protect their claims as well as to work together.

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