Chunkloader Ticket Patron Discount

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by harano81, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. harano81

    harano81 Well-Known Member

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    8:57 PM
    Hi Team,

    Since the increase of chunkloading ticket costs across the board, chunkloading (especially gold chunkloaders) are cost prohibitive. Often times with a large base your ability to bring in tickets (Which can only be purchased from tokens) is actually less than the ticket cost to load your base. Meaning that unless you have a stockload of tokens - you can't chunkload what you want.

    I understand the need for this to prevent lag and reduce load but I have a suggestion.

    Right now the patron status only allows you to make more chunkloaders. This does not solve or alleviate the problem stated above.

    Is it possible to reduce chunkloader ticket prices (tickets per minute) for patrons? I don't know if this would attract more patrons or not but I would be a patron just for that option.

    dragon87tamer likes this.
  2. beard695

    beard695 Well-Known Member

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    8:57 PM
    I agree ;-;
  3. ggkhs

    ggkhs Guest

    From personal experience and having completed one of the hardest 1.12 packs to date (Enigmatica 2 Expert), my endgame base costed around 1010 tickets in a 3x3 chunkloading limit with an Iron chunk loader. So if we do some quick math, and if I am correct in doing so :

    My base would cost around 60.000 tickets per hour. You get 50 vote tokens per day, that translates to 500.000 chunk loader tickets, which is 8.3 hours of keeping an endgame base in an expert pack alive.

    That is without calculating the 15/30/60 tokens patrons get daily. (which in a sense is already a workaround to your suggestion, instead of a discount, get more tokens)

    As for gold chunk loading, you are not supposed to load an entire base (especially a huge/endgame one) for hours on end while you are offline, especially such a high cost one. You are supposed to run the offline loader for specific parts of the mod pack, like something really grindy, or early game quarries. Which will not cost that many tickets or will provide any issues to the server you are playing on due to lag.

    My humble opinion

  4. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    12:57 AM
    see thats one of my problems, I use to play on here more then 9 hours aday, ive know to clock over 12 hours a day on many occasions, and chunkloading even a iron one was a problem, Now dont forget that alot of these "Hardcore" packs, with stupid recipes require 100's of hours if ur online to complete, So that being said, if say everyones base cost 1000 tickets per 3x3, (mine was always higher) like u said thats 60,000 per hour, Now if u offline chunkload, thats 10 times that amount, which equates to 600,000 which means, if u get 50 vote tokens aday = 500,000 chunk loading tickets, thats 1 hour offline chunkloading.... Thats not going to help anyone specially with extreme crafting recipes (like Project Ozone 3 and packs like it) If chunkloading costs were reduced by half... Thats still not enough.... which means if cost was reduced by 1/2 thats still only means 2 hours of offline chunkloading. Which by anyones standard, isnt going to do hardly anything with most of the packs we have nowadays.

    dont get me wrong, i understand why this system was implemented, and why the costs as they are, But make a big reactor/ extreme reactor at 16x16x32. Thats more then 1k tickets in one chunk. I found that out on revelation. Some bases cost Alot more then 1k tickets in a 3x3 area, and dont forget Patrons have access to more chunk loading areas... which means more cost...

    That being said, I also think that giving Only patrons access to reduced amount of chunkloading cost, would cause many other issues, Me.. i cant always afford to buy patron ranks...hence why im not playing PO3 anymore XD
    harano81 likes this.
  5. harano81

    harano81 Well-Known Member

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    8:57 PM
    Yeah its like what Dragon says. 1000 tickets for a 3x3 is really cheap.

    Gold chunkloaders are essentially too expensive unless you are doing something early early game and you had a good chunk of tickets to fall back upon. At end game you basically can't use them. Which I think is the intention?

    And is there a reason we can't buy tickets with myms?
  6. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    8:57 PM
    I'm at a loss here. I've never managed to get a ticket cost to 1000+ even with 3x3. My base on Divine Journey was massive, 10x10 chunks, me systems and auto smelting, big reactor max size turbines, draconic energy storage, and I loaded most of it. It never broke over 500 tickets. Same thing with awakening.
    Mind if I ask what exactly you all are loading to drive it up so high?
  7. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    12:57 AM
    I couldnt tell u excatly anymore, its been a while since i played a pack that required everything up and running (basically a pack without EMC)
    But i do recally having a couple of top tier void miners from Environmental tech, and a Extreme reactor, 16x16x32. On top of that i dont recall what i had, but i do recall complaining about it to a few people ( verbally) But nothing i felt needed to actually put down "officially" because like i said, i know it was a needed change. I just thought id add imput here... :D
  8. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    1:57 AM
    Sooo.. I might have been a bit bored, and decided to answer this question quite thoroughly for you..

    Here's what my base has for a 1280 ticket cost on E2E, note that this is after approx 5-10 hours playtime of having no ME controllers placed to activate all my automation.

    2x 4x4x4 Molecular Assembler autocraft setup
    Ore Processing
    Calcium Sulfate Automation

    Tier 8 Draconic Orb
    2x T4/T6 Env Tech Solars (T4 Controller t6 Panels/blocks)
    1x T5/T6 Env Tech Solar (T5 Controller t6 Panels/blocks)

    Botania setup with various automations

    AE2 P2P System (Usually has 16 Controllers, was removed because i crashed with them there)
    29 Compacting drawers connected to a controller
    Various non-automated machines
    Tinkers Smeltery/Furnace + Blast Furnace/Coke Oven

    10x Crafting CPU's
    Extended Crafting semi automation

    Various automated machines (Left)
    Old Ore Processing setup, not in use anymore (Right)

    Various ugly machines in my basement, some semi automated.

    Garden Cloches for Mystical Agriculture (Drawers full so they are Inactive)
    Old inactive Extended Crafting automation
    Arc Furnace (Inactive)
    Empowerer (Inactive)
    NC Reactor (Inactive)
    Ender Crafter (Inactive)
    Small "Big Reactor" (Inactive)

    A few automated Advanced Rocketry Machines

    Ultimate Ingot Automation (Very rarely active)
    Awakened Draconium automation

    NC Fusion Reactor (Black Hole tanks, so there's no heavy automation for this)

    Tier 6 Void Ore Miner (For Drac)
    Tier 5 Void Ore Miner (For everything except Drac)
    Tier 4 Void Resource Miner (Inactive)

    That's most of the stuff i got going on for my base.. So it's quite a lot.. There's a few things i haven't bothered adding to the list, but nothing major.

    There's also Blood Magic/Astral Sorcery/Thaumcraft, but those are located outside of my 3x3 chunk base, and does not add to the 1280 ticket cost.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
  9. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    12:57 AM
    well, ive just checked my ticket count on stoneblock2, and well its not pretty XD .....
  10. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    5:57 PM
    1660 per minute = 99,600 per hour. At 10,000 Tickets per Token, and 10 Tokens per Vote, that's 100,000 tickets per Vote. Lets assume 5-7 vote sites which work each day, that is enough to load your base for 5-7 hours of playtime, daily.
  11. Marbliss

    Marbliss Well-Known Member

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    1:57 AM
    Afaik chisel and bits blocks demand a lot of tickets aswell, atleast thats how it was on SF3 where my bits mansion took 500 tickets by itself and it was in 1 chunk :p

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