New FTB Ultimate Reloaded Server Launch

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Aidoneus, Apr 20, 2019.

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  1. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Local Time:
    7:07 AM
    Server address:
    Twitch Launcher - MyM Launcher

    Launch Times
    Patron tier 3:
    Friday, 26th April at 8am CEST
    Patron tier 2: Saturday, 27th April at 8am CEST
    Others: Sunday, 28th April at 8am CEST
    Time converter
    Pack Description FTB Ultimate Reloaded is one of our lighter 1.12.2 modpacks based around the original Ultimate that was released on Minecraft 1.4.7 over 5 years ago. Ultimate was one of FTB’s largest and popular modpacks of its time and players spent months making large factories, farms, railcraft rail networks and getting their feet wet with magic in Thaumcraft. Fast forward to 2019 and the FTB Team has remastered Ultimate in a 1.12.2 modpack named Ultimate Reloaded.

    Three key components went into the development of this modpack; stay close to the theme and mod set of Ultimate 1.4, performance and player experience.

    Ultimate 1.4 Theme and Modset have been kept as close as possible using the latest version of mods available on the 1.12.2 version of Minecraft. Some mods have been replaced with similar content adding mods. Some things are different with mods; some things have been tweaked to feel more like the original Ultimate but not all. This is not a recipe for recipe, or method for method match. If you want that then go download and play the original FTB Ultimate.

    Performance is even better than it was in the original Ultimate due to the huge optimizations in Minecraft as well as mods. Clients are able to be launched with 3GB instead of the standard 4GB as found across most modern popular modpacks, however for the best experience we still recommend assigning at least 4GB to your client. Servers are able to accommodate more players using less RAM as well. In our extensive testing with a dozen or more players online together we hovered around 2.5 GB of RAM usage. (This will vary greatly depending on play style and server forced chunk loading).

    Player Experience was one of the most important pieces of this pack, as we wanted that nostalgia feel when playing. And most will say we have achieved that. Say goodbye to the one block does it all method of today’s mods, and the large amounts of power you have to generate to reach mid-game. However it is challenging to set up complex automation systems, but very rewarding once you do! With only IC2 teleporters available we found a massive use of trains and rail networks to get around in multiplayer, as well as nether hubs. FTBU TP commands have been disabled by default for players but can be changed by a server OP if wanted.

    Warning Please be aware 1.12 is still highly experimental.
  2. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Local Time:
    7:07 AM
    Just some personal notes on this, this is a very lightweight pack. A lot of older computers could probably run this. If you could run most 1.7.10 minecraft packs, you could run this one. It is a very nice pack. I will be playing it. :)
    Punane and Cynnimon like this.


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    9:07 AM
  4. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    6:07 AM
  5. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    8:07 AM
    ultimate was my first ever pack. Hopefully interactions doesn't take me too long (jk its gonna take months). I will be late to the party on this pack but excited to try it out once I finish interactions.
    SanndyTheManndy and ggkhs like this.
  6. vanPsy

    vanPsy Active Member

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    2:07 PM
    Nice to see this pack getting a presence on MyM! I already played it a lot, but i switched to playing it in single player mode because of the annoying ic2 cable glitch that was very present on the server i used to play it on. Since IC2 is the main mod of this pack, it gets really frustrating when that happens. Hope you guys have a nice solution to this.
  7. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

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    6:07 AM
    Does this pack include 1.12 gregtech? I think I remember the old ftb ultimate including it, but i might be confusing it with TPPI. I played them back to back :)
    U92 likes this.
  8. U92

    U92 Well-Known Member

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    9:07 AM
    I'd be curious too.

    GregTech wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but it sure made a few weeks into a few months (especially getting iridium), which made the staggered growth of game play and retention all the more sweeter. I don't miss the multi-block structures -- hmm, maybe I do!
  9. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    1:07 PM
    i found this pack to use alot of disk, watch out
  10. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    9:07 AM
    Cant tell you how accurate this page is but heres a mod list page I found. Seems to show no GregTech. Would be better to check the modpack files to confirm if it's in the pack or not. Checked via mobile so cannot confirm the validity of this right now.
    FTB Ultimate Reloaded
  11. vanPsy

    vanPsy Active Member

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    2:07 PM
    It has Tech Reborn and some recipes are "Greg'ed", Modular Power Suits is very late game due to this and even the quarry from Builcraft is gated behind a little bit of Tech Reborn progress. Hope that helped...
  12. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    1:07 PM
    a tip for all you making armour: The jetpack with the nano armour DOES NOT give you the damage reduction bonus of the armour, because they are from different mods :D
  13. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    2:07 PM
    so, this is a factory themed kitchensink pack?
    the description only compares it to the original ultimate, which i never heard of, but doesn't really say anything concrete about what makes this pack so special, except for the teleporter thing, which kinda sounds interesting, as it could force players to work together and build public railway systems
  14. MidNightEva

    MidNightEva Well-Known Member

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    8:07 AM
    I don't know if I'm beign dumb or what but when i use the ip it takes me to a hub with no portal for Ultimate
  15. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    2:07 PM
    I am able to connect just fine to the server using both of the ips that are provided in the thread. Are you certain you are using either or
  16. MidNightEva

    MidNightEva Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:07 AM
    the server was down it's fine now
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