Done digi upgrade and jet pack upgrade are uncraftable atm.

Discussion in 'Continuum' started by Simplesarcast, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. Simplesarcast

    Simplesarcast Well-Known Member

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    12:06 AM
    I ran into the jetpack one earlier, and just ignored it and got the space suit jetpack. Not being able to progress to AE2 ME system because the efab digi upgrade is uncraftable is a game breaker for me.
    There are more glitches such as the refined storage system requieres you to craft a placeholder... which as you can guess you can't because it's a placeholder. (however that's just for the questline completion, so no biggy.) I also found that flat fluid transfer nodes (extra util) do not work. We're already missing laser relays due to server performace issues, but I didn't see an update on fluid transfer nodes being disabled as well.

    the great gods of google led me to this post on the matter in continuum.
    Item ID mismatch for SimplyJetpacks2 · Issue #531 · FTBTeam/FTB-Continuum · GitHub

    let me know if this issue is resolvable.

    thanks for taking the time to read this.
  2. ggkhs

    ggkhs Guest

    Hey Simplesarcast,

    Thank you for making a thread regarding this issue. This exact problem appeared a while ago when Continuum got updated and we already applied the fix server side, although in order to work for you, you will either need to add the fix to your client, or what I will suggest is using our MyM Launcher which would automatically do it for you. Please tell us if that fixes it!

    Have a nice day and a wonderful time on MyM.
  3. Simplesarcast

    Simplesarcast Well-Known Member

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    Hey ggkhs!

    thanks for the quick reply, I went ahead and fixed it on the client side, this does not adres the flat fluid transfer nodes not working though.

    I ran into another issue right after (same process of getting the digi upgrade) so I switched to the mym launcher to see if that would make a difference, but it doesn't. I now run into the issue that my fluid transposer won't fill the cryo cells required for the digi upgrade. (the previouus cells I made, before the changes, disapeared, so I made new ones)

    might be a hint of the game telling me to play another pack :p
  4. ggkhs

    ggkhs Guest

    Hey again,

    Sorry it seems I missed the part about the flat transfer nodes, this is an Sponge issue that is happening all across 1.12, nothing we can do about it on our side unfortunately. I am not sure about the fluid transposer issue though, and I can't find anything similar about it :d, maybe the client side fix is conflicting with something, I will go ahead and tag our @Senior Moderator team so they can test that particular issue also could you tell us the item that has the same issue with the digital upgrade? Also I would like to ask you to be patient as they can be busy at times.

    Have a nice day and a wonderful time on MyM.

  5. Simplesarcast

    Simplesarcast Well-Known Member

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    EY np.

    The flat fluid transfer node works perfectly fine in single play, so i'm not sure if that is the case.

    and I've been a moron on the cryotheum unit. I assumed it was 1 bucket, but it's 4. my apologies
    ggkhs likes this.
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  7. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Hey there,
    As this matter is out of our hands and we have fixed all we can, I'm gonna mark this as done. Thanks for your questions/concerns!

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