
Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Dionysus777, May 5, 2019.

  1. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    7:40 PM
    Hi wonderful people,

    I have just been thinking about or Ranks/Titles and wonder what others think.

    It seems that Ranks/Titles serve absolutely no purpose other than being able to brag about being a Demigod or being an Immortal.

    To be honest I choose a much lower title than I am as to avoid the issues.

    Its not frequent but having a high title ends up with people asking you for free stuff.
    I almost feel embarrassed of my title because I have spent so much time playing.


    The thing is I feel that there needs to be some sort of benefits for people who have invested time (and to be honest time is the most precious resource we have) into the mym network.

    Ill give you an example based on the rank spreadsheet .


    I have barely thought about this but the logic behind my thoughts is simply this.

    I am investing my time into the game and that is more valuable than money (for me anyway)... i have seen people come and go on the server I play on most of the time.

    And as far as money goes I will purchase a subscription as often as I can.

    I know there was an issue in regards to Microsoft banning any type of pay to win type of stuff and rightly so.

    I see this is not that... this is directly play to win, with some balanced benefits that fit the amount of time spent on the network.

    anyways thats enough of my rantings.

    Kind Regards
    Uchiha__Obito and p5k like this.
  2. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    While i don't know about the feasibility of this, i do like the idea. However, adding 1 day to the claim reset for each day played would result in players having reset timers of hundreds of days (some even close to a year). What I would suggest is getting an increasing amount of MyMs (or tokens) each time you rank up and then maybe some special perks at certain milestones (for example /god for immortal, which i do find quite fitting).
    Masterkey101 and Dionysus777 like this.
  3. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Honestly I like the idea but we wouldn't be able to use /god as a perk cause its considered a OP perk and that's the whole reason we had to do away with the old tier system for PAtron was cause of OP perks
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We had to remove the tier system was due to a conflict with the EULA that prohibited the selling of access to commands for monetary gain. There is no other conspiracy theory reason: perks being too powerful, players not being interested, etc in Microsoft/Mojang's eyes it did not adhere to the criteria set in the EULA, we change our program to the specifications they setforth.
    HelloKittyPhone and Dionysus777 like this.
  5. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    I personally don't like any form of "cheats" being locked behind playtime.

    And as the current system is set up, this is not purely "play to win" as you said.

    For tier 0-2 patron, it would be Play to win, but Tier 3 patron has "No Afk Kick", meaning that they would be able to get their hours up vastly more quickly than everyone else, which is basically "pay to win".

    I have seen multiple players who have ~20h playtime in a single day, every single day, because of just afking.

    For your system to work, that benefit would have to be removed. And personally, that single perk is one of the only reasons i get T3 patron.
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  6. Aedanis

    Aedanis Patron Tier 2

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    11:40 PM
    The concept is nice, I'll admit. Having a tiered rewards system geared towards players simply by playing would be great. Rewards at lower tiers meant to help with a specific pack, since lower tier ranks would likely be playing a server for the first time, while rewards at higher tiers have a bigger impact towards MyM-wide servers in general. Implementation, however, would be difficult, as would be figuring out the rewards to be granted at each tier of playtime, while also keeping them not OP so that all the players can have access to roughly the same stuff. An Immortal should not have access to something the Demigod could not reasonably grind out on their own, for example.

    Personally, I think kits would be a great reward at lower ranks; reward one-time use items or adding MyM-wide max claim blocks. Higher tiers present an issue; Patrons and old Donor Tiers have access to a lot of good stuff, so distributing it based on playtime might offend some folks. Chunk loader time? Maybe an Immortal would have access to a free 4 hours of chunk loading time, for example.
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  7. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    I guess I need to read the EULA again, I remembered when MYM changed the system to stop the pay to win style stuff, ie the ability to purchase god mode.

    I guess the real thing I think I have seen recently is a friend online lost his base after 2 weeks even though they are immortal and I know its totally fair as the system does not discriminate but couldn't help but think someone who has invested so much time may get the perk of say 3 weeks idle time for example.

    To be honest I think people who like to play will continue to do so but I though benefits on ranks may help people invest time on the network.

    Probably naive of me as I do not know the stats so I have nothing to base that conclusion on.

    Anyways just a thought I had :)

    I do like that idea, MYM are important for chunkloaders and I use those all the time.

    But I also realise that there would need to be a developer to setup this all up and at the end of the day thats money.

    It would be a nice idea but not sure how feasible it would be :)

    nice way to shoot down my own idea but Im also realistic about this stuff :)

    I know what you mean in regards to the AFK Kick stuff, ive seen people removed as well for doing that but there is the chunk loader system in place which seems to function the same way. People using AFK exploits are just trying to cheat the system when the honest way would be just to vote.

    Unless you mean you can walk away for a while and know your still online... i also have that perk so I know the convenience of that perk

  8. Cazbar04

    Cazbar04 Well-Known Member

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    Maybe you can get claim block for each rank up. At least with the lower ranks, that is something a lot of people want.
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  9. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    immortal is playtime only
  10. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Where is my 6 pack :p (jk)
  11. Alinston

    Alinston Well-Known Member

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    Since the previous system was removed due to the issue of money for commands, I honestly believe allowing command through playtime would be truly amazing, and each rank should give you something that matches that rank (Immortal = God, Demigod = Flight, etc.) Keeping all of the OP commands at the end of the spectrum while also giving good rewards for other things would be an amazing solution.
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  12. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    7:40 PM
    @Alinston This is what I was thinking when I originally posted.

    I totally understand what wyndman said here

    We had to remove the tier system was due to a conflict with the EULA that prohibited the selling of access to commands for monetary gain. There is no other conspiracy theory reason: perks being too powerful, players not being interested, etc in Microsoft/Mojang's eyes it did not adhere to the criteria set in the EULA, we change our program to the specifications they setforth.

    Pay to win SUCKS, but its also against the EULA in which case we have no MYM server.

    What I was thinking is more along the lines of PLAY to win...

    If there were small perks along the way such as MYM's or a few extra chunk loaders or something it may encourage people to stick it out to the point they become an Immortal.

    Or a dream perk would be to be able to create a mystcraft dimension once you become an Immortal. I have only talked with 2 Immortals and im sure they would not abuse the privilege either out of respect or fear of being kicked off a network they have invested so much time on...

    Anyway my original post was more in relation to player retention vs charging for perks. The ranks could be used to keep people playing here and also weed out the people who want it all right now!

    anyways just my random thoughts

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2019
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  13. Masterkey101

    Masterkey101 Well-Known Member

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    I like the idea of this. I've wanted a good system behind the rankings to give players even more incentive to play on the servers. Right now the ranks just seem like a good way to show off that you have a lot of free time.
  14. willjust10

    willjust10 Well-Known Member

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    11:40 PM
    I don't like the god/heal/feed/fly commands being a part of this, but it is a good idea. It wouldn't violate the EULA to my knowledge since no one is buying stuff. I think claimblocks, offline reset timer increaes (use sqrt(NUM_DAYS_PLAYED) to avoid completely unreasonable counts), and other nice to have but not an advantage type of things. Could be something like early access like patreon but much smaller amount of time.
    Willshaper likes this.

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