Implemented About darn time this get fixed...

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by masterml5, Sep 20, 2014.

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  1. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    Okay so I was playing Agrarian Skies + and was mining in the Nether, then suddenly server crash, 3 times in a row. When I finally got back in, I fell trough the nether and down into the void... Lost ALL my good items. My best items. Wich are Alumite Pickaxe and Fortune 3 Diamond Hammer...
    I know there's a "No Refund" policy, but that's just bs since it's NOT my fault I lost all my items, but the server itself. If I'm still not going to get a refund, you could roll back my character to before I lost my items, since that wouldn't technically go against the no refund policy.
  2. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    You mean also rollback your island? That would need a rollback of the whole server.
  3. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    You only need to rollback my character, that should be fairly easy considering all the backups, just pick one from before the crashes and replace it with my current player file, doesn't need to rollback the entire server.
  4. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Regardless, it's items you can get back easily.
    - No refunds, no rollbacks.

    I'm pretty sure Slind and Willi will say the same, because this isn't Crashlanding, it's a lot easier than CL.
    I've lost items due to server issues, but I've never asked for a rollback on my island.

    I understand you're frustrated, I've been there before, in the exact same position, but I just carried on, because it's more fun that way,
    gives you something new to do.
    JacaRoe likes this.
  5. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    You know, it's a quest that gives you the Fortune 3 Diamond Hammer? So I can't easilly "get" the item again...
    And what's so damn hard about doing a refund/rollback? It would take maybe just 2-3 minutes for Slind or Willi to do it.
    So I don't see what the problem is...
    Also as I've said before, I'm pretty sure that if people got refunded, the playerbase would almost double, because no refund = more players who ragequit and never return. Doesn't Slind and Willi want players? If not, then why have a server at all?
  6. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Refund policy -

    Regarding the hammer, fortune 3 isn't hard to get with a few enchants, just go farm quarts in the nether.
    Of course Willi and Slind want players, but how does 1 player complaining about losing their stuff, affect the player consistency.

    Like I said, I understand you're upset, but these items you're complaining about really aren't that hard to achieve.
    If we gave them back to you, we would have to return items to everyone, every time they die.
  7. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    For a new player, a diamond fortune 3 hammer is very valuable... And maybe I'm the only one complaining because the others just quit instead or don't have the guts to actually make a complaint about it.
    And it's pretty stupid when it's not our fault, but Slind and Willi's fault for not fixing the broken server.
    I suggest they start working on a fix.
  8. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Masterml5, you're not a new player, you've been playing AG ever since I stopped playing it (for at least a week and a half) and I also know you lived with Pergale.

    + Being rude isn't going to get you any results at all, you're in no position to be throwing orders around, especially since you play on this server for free.
    JacaRoe likes this.
  9. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    First off, I'm not being rude, I'm just telling them to actually fix the server, instead of just ignoring it.
    Secondly, I'm new to AG+ as I've recently started there. I don't play on AG3 anymore.
    I didn't throw any orders around, I said "I suggest they start working on a fix".
  10. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    > Regarding your post, it was quite a rude response, showing that you demand they fix it.
    I'm not arguing, I'm giving you my opinion, and trying to show you that I've also been in your position.
    I apologise, I didn't notice you said AG+ that is completely my fault.
    JacaRoe likes this.
  11. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah but still, it's Slind and Willi's fault that I lost my items. And it doesn't really matter if you've been in that position too, because you most likely don't want the risk of talking to them about it.
  12. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    I don't like how either side is handling this situation, although I feel for you masterml5, the way you have now handled it has led me to link:

    Info - Refunds on lost items | MineYourMind Community

    As previously linked. Pointing fingers doesn't solve anything. That goes for all finger-pointing in this thread. I am going to close this to avoid further pointless personally direct comments.
    hansi132 likes this.
  13. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    We didn't made the mods who crash the server and we also can't fix the most crashes from the mods as they are closed source or needs an experienced dev. We also don't cause them.

    I disabled the void damage in the nether and activated a teleport on void falling to prevent it for the next time.

    And btw, maybe I would have made a rollback but with these comments from you I don't see any reason why I should support you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2014
    masterml5 and Mijikai like this.
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